We are destined.Let me pamper you

quote your price

quote your price

0Imperial City     

The private plane landed smoothly and everyone moved towards the vehicle prepared for them in advance to take them to Zeng Shihong's mansion.     

"I don't need this."                                         

"Yes, you do."     


"CHIPMUNK… Be good." Feng Jianyu forcefully wrapped his scarf around Xiu Mei's neck; he took the extra coat, and a knitted beanie from Rong Xiang and makes her wear it, then he glanced at her from top to bottom. He frowned when her hands were not covered….     

"Yes boss, got it…." Rong Xiang panicked seeing Feng Jianyu's sharp gaze, he looked for the pair of gloves in the bag he had prepared beforehand. But silly him, will the gloves will come through magic? He forgot to keep it.     

"Use this." Rong Xiang heard a voice from behind when Bai Xin passed a hand warmer. He frowned, isn't this what he bought especially for her when once he held her hands and felt how cold they were. And why is it still packed? She didn't use it for once? Why is she giving it to someone else so casually? Even after months of trying, does he still failed to win her heart?     

"Rong Xiang it's okay. I don't want it" Xiu Mei shoved one of her hand in Jianyu's pocket while the other in her own. She smiled. "Nothing can match this warmth."     

Jianyu didn't reply but walked her to the car. Xiu Mei frowned when she noticed Jianyu's convoy standing not too far. "You are not coming with me?"     

"I've some urgent work to finish. As soon as it's finished, I'll be there." He noticed Xiu Mei alternating her gaze between him and Lu Xion who was moving towards a different convoy.     

"You both are not coming." She concluded, her eyes looking into Jianyu's. "It's about Yang Sheng."     

"I'm not a saint Mei… There is a side of mine which you've not seen and I want to keep it that way only. Let me be the monster of your dreams, not a nightmare." He said bringing her hands up and blowing some hot air. He doesn't want her to witness the cruelty that he is going to shower on Yang Sheng. Let her innocent mind be not tainted with gore anymore.     

She tiptoed and pecked his lips. "I'm not a saint either. And no matter what, you will always be my adorable monster." She sat down in the car. "I'll be waiting for you."     


Zeng Shihong's residence     

"You take it!"     

"It's your duty today!"     

Two maids were arguing, passing the bowl of medicine to each other.     

"I did it a moment ago, and he smashed the bowl on the floor, now you do it! Elder master is very upset these days, he is grumpy and irritated more than usual. I'm afraid this time he will toss the bowl at me."     

"I'm not doing it… Yesterday he yelled at me and threw the bowl out of the window; I almost pissed in my pants. I'm afraid even young master can't do anything; we need young Miss's help. After all, it's her, for whom master is so worried."     

"When is she coming?"     

"How would I know, I'm just a servant? Assistant Wu Shen too just gave a little information that everyone is doing fine in Country Z. No wonder Elder master is so restless."     

"Then…. What should we do with the medicine? It's crucial for master's health."     

"Let's go to assistant Wu Shen. It's only he who can help us."     


Wu Shen: "Oh! They have left the airport? Yes, everything is prepared. Do inform when Young Miss's car enters the premises." He hung up the phone. A pungent smell of the medicine permeated in the air, making him feel nauseous. He looked up as the two maids stood holding the medicine, waiting for him. "What brings you here? Isn't this masters' medicine?" He checked the time on the watch. "It was supposed to be given an hour before."     

One of the maids gathered courage and told him the entire story.     

"Yes assistant Wu, it's the second time I brewed the medicine."     

"She is right, yesterday I brewed it four times yet master didn't take his medicine. The same goes for the day before yesterday and so on. We didn't tell you because elder master threatened us, but looking at his health we decided to talk to you."     

Wu Shen pinched the space between his brows. "You should have told me before, why prolonged it? I know how he will take the medicine with no tantrums." He took the medicine bowl and went to Xiu Mei's room because it's where the old man is spending most of his time.     

Though she had hardly stayed here for a night or two, it was more than enough for the old man to pacify his heart in her absence.     

Wu Shen knocked and stepped in. He saw Zeng Shihong sitting on the couch, looking at R-Tech's financial statements with a frown line in the center of his forehead.     

Hearing the door knock he looked up, there is only one person who is allowed to step in, rest all the servants are supposed to talk to him standing outside.     

"Wu Shen, R-Tech's third-quarter performance is 30% down if compared to the previous year. Those nasty rumors have affected the company's profits. What say, should I invest in the company secretly? Or ask Xion to help her?"     

"Neither of them. These financial results are temporary; just believe in Mei's talent, she will turn the profits once she is back in the field." Zeng Shihong saw Wu Shen placing the bowl on the table. The small made him scrunch his nose in disgust.     

"Why did you bring this horrifying medicine? I'm not taking it. That punk, rascal, evil Feng Jianyu deliberately prescribed this horrible medicine to me. He is coming after me for what I did to him in the hospital. Let my munchkin come, I'll complain about him." He grumbled.     

Last time when Xiu Mei was fainted after seeing the dead body in Feng Corporation and was comatose for three days…. When Zeng Shihong came to know about it, he thought she was traumatized because of all the ongoing rumor of her stealing the legendary diamond of the Feng family, selling their secrets and murdering someone.     

In a rage, he barged into the hospital to take her back to the Island but was stopped by Lu Xion who finally revealed the entire truth of the night seven years back. But still, out of care and feeling wronged for his granddaughter, he adamantly went to her room.     

There he saw Feng Jianyu sitting beside her in a heartbroken, dejected and disheveled condition. The doctors already confirmed it that her condition is the remnants of the past trauma and she will be fine yet Jianyu's reaction was as if it's the end of the world for him.     

Neither Feng Jianyu paid any attention to Zeng Shihong's arrival nor did Zeng Shihong speak anything to pacify the man who was now his grandson in law.     

In his research on Feng Jianyu, there were lots of things he hated about him already and now another secret of seven years back upset him further.     

He took out a blank check prepared beforehand and placed it in front of Jianyu with the words. "Quote your price and leave my granddaughter. Made sure to add the price of the so-called diamond."     

Considering Jianyu has already put down his inheritance from Feng Corporation, Zeng Shihong was sure it was a lucrative offer that Jianyu would not dare to reject. But….     

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