We are destined.Let me pamper you

KILL ME...(Gore content)

KILL ME...(Gore content)

0WARNING-GORE CONTENT CONTINUED. CAN SKIP IF NOT INTERESTED, OR IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. I don't want to see any reader complaining that I wrote something like this.      

Yang Mi struggled violently, she shouted at the peak of her voice throwing a vicious glare at the two men. "Bloody bastards! I know you're doing everything for that whore Alice. Isn't she is President XM? She is taking revenge for what I did to her and her family years back! But let me tell you, I, Yang Mi is not guilty of that. NEVER! She's a devil who along with her slut mother separated me from my lover. THAT BITCH! She is the reason Mo Zhichan never accepted me and his son."     

"She snatched my son's rights! She ruined our life…. She is a scheming witch. I'll forever regret why my son give her such a lenient punishment seven years ago that she easily survived. I should have stripped her naked, let my men toy with her before chopping her into pieces, and feed her to dogs….."     


A loud slap came landed on Yang Mi's face, and she fell on the floor. The intensity of the slap was so strong that everything around her eyes started spinning; her ears buzzed…. Just below her left eye was a small cut where Jianyu's ring hit her face.     

"Say one more word against my wife and it will be you who'll be chopped into pieces and feed to dogs." Yang Mi crouched back in fear. She has seen Yang Sheng and Yang Shao's eyes when they played cruel with their victims, but they both can't be compared to Feng Jianyu. Right now he is the deadly beast from hell, ready to rip everything that comes on his way. "Alice was just a small baby, how can a baby be responsible for anything that happened between you and Mr. Mo?  What did you said, seven years back you and your son gave her an easy punishment? My baby endured that painful torture for hours, and it further continued during her treatment. Let me see how much you and your son can endure the torture."     

"Rong Xiang… Start with it!" Without taking his eyes away from Yang Mi he ordered. "But before that use those special drugs on them and let them be the test subjects."     

Yang Mi's eyes widened when she saw a man coming towards her holding a syringe. "F-Forgive me, I don't want to die." She eyed her son once who was still struggling, "I-It was Shao who tortured her. He did everything on the orders of Sheng. Now that you've both, please let me go." she tried to hold Feng Jianyu's trousers, but the latter dodged and walked away and sat on the chair and took the tissue from Rong Xiang to wipe his hands.     

He understood why Yang Mi gave up on her son…. He was already in this condition, it would only be best if he dies instead of suffering.     

The doctor used a special drug on Yang Mi before dragging her and her son to a different room. Let them struggle somewhere else, it was Yang Sheng's turn now.     

"NOO…. DON'T COME NEAR ME YOU FILTHY BASTARD…." When Yang Sheng saw the white coat men approaching him with a drug that looks different judging by the color of the liquid, he struggled violently, trying to use his legs to kick but everything failed when the chain was pulled, lifting him in the air. "I'M YANG SHENG…. NO ONE CAN DARE TOUCH ME… AHHHHHH….." His sentence died with the shrill shriek when the drug was pushed into his vein.     

"You'll beg for death… But I'll make sure it does not come to you easily."  Lu Xion's eyes remained calm as if he was watching a movie instead of torturing someone.     

The drug kicked in instantly, Yang Sheng's body convulsed, he felt as if acid made its way into his body, burning him from inside. Hanging on the chain, his body shook violently like an animal being skinned alive.     

It caused him excruciating pain, a pain so intense, so scary, that one would prefer death over it.     

Lu Xion walked to the table full of tools and picked a plier. He tossed it towards a man dressed in a leather apron. "Make sure he doesn't bite off his tongue."     

The man gave an evil smirk as he walked towards Yang Sheng who was now released back to the floor.     

"N-No! Don't come near me! No! I gave up! I gave up…. P-Please…..AHHHHH….. Cough… cough…."     

Slowly…. Slowly… the man pulled out his teeth, many times Yang Sheng almost choked with his own blood but nothing stopped…..     

Feng Jianyu's eyes darkened, he remembers the cut Xiu Mei got on her cheeks, her body, and those scary procedures that Wang Shi did on her.     

"Bring the chain whip."     

Yang Sheng panted heavily, blood flowed from his mouth, "I beg you… please kill me…. Just kill me…. I gave her easy death; please do the same to me… kill me…."     

Feng Jianyu lifted Yang Sheng's chin upward with his shoe. "Who said she is dead? My wife is a fighter, a scum like you can only hurt her but cannot kill. And I, Feng Jianyu, will take care of those who dared to hurt her." He saw the surprised reaction on Yang Sheng's face. "Thinking how she survived despite taking your bullet in the head?" He sneered, "KEEP THINKING…."     

"AHHHHHH... AHHHHH…."     

With every hit the sharp blades of a chain whip dug into his skin, ripping his flesh mercilessly. After a few whips, it drenched his body in the blood.     

Yang Sheng started crying…. He started regretting going after XM.     

Is there a medicine of regret? Sadly, No!     

Lu Xion waved his hand. "Bring the ants."     

A man brought a small box, containing barely a few hundred ants, but….     

It seems funny, but they were not any ordinary ants but the world's most dangerous 'bulldog ants'. It got its name because of its ferocity and determination during an attack. It's aggressive and uses both its sting and jaws simultaneously.     

Yang Sheng was already half-conscious, he didn't realize when the chain was pulled upward as they slid a container beneath and then his body was lowered into it.     

Immediately the ferocious ants started biting him, his already open wounds stung…. "AHH!! AHH!!" He started squeezing them under his feet, but failed in front of their population.     

"K-Kill me…..I beg you….Show some mercy to me….. AHH! AHH!.... Kill me…." Yang Sheng pissed in his pants, he had tortured many people in his life, but now he realized the pain that his victims must have had felt. He used to torture them for days, but thinking of enduring it for another more minute made him dread.     

He would any day prefer a shot in head or heart over this!     

"This is just a beginning Sheng. Keep screaming, keep begging, no one is going to help you. What you're feeling right now is what you made my mother, father, wife and Mo family feel for over two decades.     

It was slow torture for them too. Now bear with it.     

I won't let you die easily…"     

Feng Jianyu picked a bone crusher from the tool rack and tossed it to a man. "Next you use this." He walked back to the chair, picked his coat and walked out followed by Rong Xiang.     

Lu Xion looked at Feng Jianyu's departing back, "Zixin, pour me a glass of whiskey." He waved his finger at the man holding the bone crusher. "Do as he said."     


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