We are destined.Let me pamper you

Mum.... dad....

Mum.... dad....

0"I told you she is a fighter. Nothing will happen to her." Lu Xion heard Meiying whisper near him.     

Lu Xion pursed his lips into a thin line and nodded looking at the other way.     

"You can't hide anything from me." She moved to the front to face him. "Last time when I saw you crying it was….."     

"Don't say it." Lu Xion snapped.     

"Fine, I won't." Meiying glanced at sleeping Xiu Mei and the man who was holding her hand. "When I started counseling her, it took me three months to make her talk to me. She never talked about that night, but her eyes screamed of heartbreak and betrayal. She was the broken soul that lost her motivation to live her life. She lost everything in one night… That's why twice she tried to end her life."     

"Why are you telling me this?" Lu Xion shoved his hand in his pocket. He could already understand where Meiying was trying to take the topic.     

"Just imagine what if she had really succeeded in ending her life….. Will there be this happiness? Will there be this family reunion? Will she ever get the chance to reconcile with the love of her life? There are so many things that happened all because Mei decided to give herself another chance. By doing so, she brought happiness not only for herself but give new meaning to the lives of so many people...Why don't you…." She looked into Xion's eyes unwaveringly. "It's the time you let go of the thing you've hidden inside your pocket."     

Lu Xion's fingers clutched tightly around the thing in his pocket. "You won't realize how hard the road to letting go is until you are the one traveling it.     

Meiying looked around as people looked at Lu Xion with weird eyes as if he was a maniac. "Nothing is impossible in this world, just try it once. It's time to keep me in your memories, not in your heart. Let me be free. Let yourself be free. Give yourself another chance, a happy family awaits for you in the future."     

Lu Xion saw her vanish into the air. "My dream of a happy family ended with you, all that is left behind is your soul and me. Your existence is a beautiful lie and my existence is a painful truth."     


During the last few days, Xiu Mei was in and out of sleep. She'd barely open her eyes for a few seconds before going back into a deep slumber. No matter how hard she tried to keep herself awake, talk to everyone, but her weak body refused to listen to her demands.     

She opened her eyes once again only to be welcomed by the glaring sunlight that engulfed her entire being, kissing her skin with its warmth. The bright light saturated her eyes, she grunted in protest covering it with her hands.     

Where is her human heater?     

The room was quieter than usual. Why no one is here with her? Where is Feng Jianyu? It's so lonely!     

She jutted her lips outwards feeling wronged.     

Using her arms she pushed her body up but was instantly stopped by the contraptions attached to her body.     

Dammit! Again these scary machines! I hate hospitals!     

She whined internally like a kid.     

"Whoa there, child. I left to get a cup of water and here you started being naughty?" Xiu Mei heard a soft voice and stopped yanking the wires attached to her body. She saw an elderly lady standing at the door holding a glass of water who scolded her with a gentle voice.     

She blinked at her, her eyes scanned her from top to bottom. She raised her guards when the lady walked to her and took her wrist. "Relax, my child. I'm just checking your pulse."     

"Who are you? Where are others?" Xiu Mei asked in a low voice holding her throat which was still achy. The lady seemed friendly, but why is she allowed to step into her room? Why no one stopped her?     

"Jianyu has gone to discuss something important with Rong Xiang while your parents are resting in the adjacent room. They had a difficult time these days." The lady placed her hand against Xiu Mei's aching throat and rubbed it. It feels soothing to her.     

"What is this smell?" Xiu Mei scrunched her nose. "And please tell me who are you?"     

"These are the smell coming from herbs and oil I used on you. It will help in faster recovery by taking out toxins from your body." Xiu Mei lifted up the blanket from her feet and saw some cotton pads wrapped to her sole. "As far as my identity is concerned, my name is Qin Ren. Is that enough or do you want me to tell..."     

"Matriarch Feng?" Xiu Mei bowed respectfully. "Sorry for my rudeness earlier. I was not aware." Xiu Mei wanted to punch herself. Feng Jianyu's grandmother is standing in front of her and here she is looking like a beggar on the street. Woww…. What a first impression? Her good image is so ruined! With this ghost look, Matriarch Feng will never accept Xiu Mei as the wife of her favorite grandson.     

But the very next sentence from the mouth of Matriarch Feng was enough to take away all her worries.     

"Oh child, Jianyu was so right when he said you're an innocent soul. Stop worrying." She helped Xiu Mei tuck her from all sides. "I'm matriarch Feng for outsiders, not for my daughter-in-law. Call me grandma."     

Matriarch Feng saw her looking outside; she understood Xiu Mei was looking for her parents and Jianyu.     

"Can you please allow me to go outside? I want to see my parents?" Xiu Mei asked scratching the back of her head. She felt disgusted by her sticky, oily hair. What a mess she is!     

"Not allowed." Feng Jianyu's gruff voice echoed, he got angry seeing Xiu Mei sitting on the bed. His eyes shifted to his grandmother. "Don't be fooled by her sweetness, she always does something mischievous to sneak out from the ward. Ask me, I'm the old victim of her."     

Feng Jianyu forcefully made Xiu Mei lay down on the bed, which she tried to resist with all her might. "Jianyu…. Mom…. Dad….please….. Once…."     

Matriarch Feng laughed, seeing his elder grandson grunt when Xiu Mei blinked her dove eyes. What an old and cute trick to persuade your husband! Her eyes teared up. The last time when she saw them together was the day they both met a tragic separation, the night of 101st celebration. But looks like fate has its own plans.     


Feng Jianyu rotated the doorknob of the adjacent room.     

The people resting in the room turned their attention at the doorway when they heard the sound of the click.     

Zeng Ruo and Mo Zhichan were having morning tea together after spending the entire night beside Xiu Mei's bed. For the last few days, it has become their habit to sleep guarding her. The fear of losing her is deeply rooted in their hearts.     


They couldn't believe Xiu Mei was walking towards them as Feng Jianyu supported her. She looks so weak, fragile….     

Taking slow steps she stood in front of them, looking at them with misty eyes….     

"Mum…. Dad….."     

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