We are destined.Let me pamper you

Devil angel

Devil angel

0"Who told you to wear so less? Sometimes women are really unreasonable!" Feng Jianyu berates Xiu Mei as he does the buttons of his coat on her shivering body. "Can't believe…. Fashion is more important to you than protecting your body from cold." He murmured.     

Xiu "…"                 

"It's your fault. Who told you to get me such a beautiful dress? Obviously I'll flaunt it. And don't say you didn't enjoy watching me in that dress?... owwww…."     

Feng Jianyu flicked her forehead. "Chipmunk, silly."     

He helped her get off the chopper and entered the magnificent mansion built on an island. In the eyes of everyone, they were living in the same hotel where Qingzhou Pang and his team were staying. But other than Qingzhou no one was aware that the couple and their team were staying on a private island rented by Feng Jianyu.     

Among the cluster of hundreds of islands, this one was owned by an old client of Feng Corporation. To keep their whereabouts a secret he has rented it from him. Above that, Yang Sheng's third base was also hidden on one of the islands here, it would be easier to target him when the situation arises.     

Inside the mansion the temperature was warm, and she gave the coat back to Feng Jianyu. She saw Lu Xion coming down from the stairs. "X…. Are you okay?" Clutching his arms she checked him closely. He tried to move but her stern eyes made him stand still. Her finger reached up and softly brushed a mark on the left side of his neck. Her finger moved further, parting the collar away, revealing the long cut completely. Definitely a cut received from a stiletto dagger that's kept hidden on the body. "The attackers got really close this time." Her voice laced with coldness yet lots of pain and worry for him.     

Her hands moved instantly to yank his shirt up to see where else he is hurt but Lu Xion firmly grabbed her hands, his shirt fell down. He shook his head, warning her with eyes that contained softness for her.     

Xiu Mei pouted, "I'll call Wang S…. Dang, he is in Imperial City. No problem! I'll ask Zian to see your wounds."     

Lu Xion stopped her, "Tomato I'm fine. These small cuts are nothing in my profession. And by the way don't disturb Zian, he is treating Yang Zian." He pointed at the closed room.     

Feng Jianyu was silently looking at them. This was the first time when he didn't get jealous or feel insecure seeing them together. He was surprised at his own behavior but somewhere his heart has already accepted this unnamed yet a pure relationship.     

"Devil angel..."     

Their attention was diverted when a four-year-old boy came running down the stairs, shouting at the top of his lungs.     

Xiu Mei: "Careful!" She moved towards the little boy before he might hurt himself.     

The little boy pulled his breaks right in front of Xiu Mei and looked at her with his curious eyes. His clothes were dirty, his pink cheeks slightly swollen with a faint handprint on the right side, elbow and knees bruised but his eyes were sparkling as if he has finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel.     

"You are the Devil angel with whom I spoke on the phone. Right?" The little boy asked without removing his gaze from her face. "Safe word?"     

"Iron man!" Xiu Mei picked him up then walked to the couch and placed him on his lap paying no heed to his dirty clothes. She pulled out her fragrant handkerchief from her clutch and started wiping his face softly without a word.     

The little boy pointed his chubby finger at her, "Yes…. now I'm a hundred percent sure you are the devil angel. This safe word is only known to daddy, me and devil angel."     

When Yang Zian left Yang Sheng's cabin with his son, he instructed the little boy to follow XM's men obediently when they come to rescue them and not add on to her problems. He came up with a secret word and got it conveyed to XM through Daiyu, so that his family would be at rest around XM's men and not force the latter to literally kidnap them if they reject to go with her men.     

The password would remain a secret between three parties, his family, he and XM.     

Later at the party it was a phone call from Lu Xion asking her to talk to the family and give the password. He got worried when Yang Zian's pregnant wife refused to follow them and started fighting to keep her kids safe.     

Xiu Mei: "Why are you calling me devil angel? Did I hurt you?"     

Little Boy: "No! Daddy said you were once an angel but evil Uncle Sheng burned your wings and made you fall from the sky. After that day, you turned into a devil to punish Uncle Sheng and would save all the people in his prison."     

He saw her nodding her head and continued explaining, "When I said you've turned into a devil, aren't you bad then? He said an angel remains an angel forever, she cannot shed her good qualities no matter what and I should trust her. You are a devil for the bad Uncle Sheng and an angel for everyone! See… Daddy was right! You rescued my family from evil uncle Sheng. He also said you will take us to a safe place away from all the dangers to a new world that is better than this. When are we leaving? Can we leave before Evil uncle returns? Are we going to leave when this good uncle will bring my daddy too?" He pointed at Lu Xion.     

Xiu Mei was speechless by the innocent boy's question. She looked at the closed room where Zian was treating Yang Zian.     

In the banquet, Xiu Mei and Feng Jianyu had sensed something was wrong with Yang Zian. The way he could barely stand, his awkward silence, lifeless eyes, trembling body, haggard breathing…. He was obviously enduring everything for the sake of his family.     

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