We are destined.Let me pamper you

I wonder why he is standing at the door

I wonder why he is standing at the door

0"Did I hear it right? President XM claimed Yang Sheng to be Yang Rucheng's son?"     

"No wonder, Feng corporation never invested in this country! It's the land where the son of their biggest enemy lives."     

"I've never heard of Yang Sheng mentioning his father before. Now I understood why"     

"Yang Rucheng? Who was he?" Someone asked.     

"Oh, you don't know! It's the scandal happened between the second generation that brought the Feng Corporation on the verge of bankruptcy."     

"In that case looks like all the Yangs are the same! Didn't the recent Radium incident lead to Yang Rucheng's sister Yang Mi?"     

The words were not loud but Yang Sheng and the people present at his table heard it.     

Yang Sheng's face turned dark. He eyed them sternly to shut their mouths.     

"You bloody bi*-" Yang Sheng was about to berate her when his eyes caught sight of the Philips Petrov's assistant keeping his eyes on his table. He must be ordered to watch over him!     

In the entire political circle if he was cautious of someone was the vice president.     

Being the former military head, Philips Petrov was neither afraid nor he was scared of Yang Sheng's power in the country. In fact, he was the one who openly criticized Yang Sheng's company when the Radium was found, if it was not for Yang Sheng's cunning tactic of transferring all the blame on his aunt Yang Mi and declare her as a fugitive, he might still be struggling with the Radium scandal.     

 "You brought this to yourself. Who told you to pretend when we both know what happened in the People's hospital and what your brother did there and the man named Dang Fu. Haven't you interrogated your brother yet? I'm sure you know we had interrogated him." Feng Jianyu side-eyed Yang Zian. "I don't believe a greedy dog like you who planted a device inside my mother's brain to take advantage of my father and keep him under control will attend this even just for an introduction with XM. You think we don't understand what your motives are?"     

Feng Jianyu's bluntness does not shock Yang Sheng; he has expected this from him. Now that Feng Dingxiong's wife was free from his grip it was obvious for the former to reveal everything to his son. It won't be a surprise if Feng Jianyu knows beyond that.     

The truth of the night of 101st celebration and the night seven years back! Dang, he survived both the times! Lucky man ah!     

Yang Sheng's eyes flickered at their intertwined hands.     

Earlier when he saw Feng Jianyu in the photograph sent by Dang Fu; he got a bad feeling seeing him in the hospital. Feng Jianyu was known to be a calculative man, if he was with XM it has to be a motive.                                                                                                                                                                       

And when Yang Zian confirmed Feng Jianyu presence at Lu Xion's base along with XM and that they are coming to the country together, he understood everything.     

His problems started months back in Country B when his secret base was destructed. During that time, in the business summit, both XM and Feng Jianyu were present and had announced their collaboration. Later in the same event, XM not only crushed the Kongs but claimed herself to be Alice, the real creator of Infinity Software.     

Earlier, Yang Sheng assumed it to be a deal of convenience between them as she forced Feng Corporation to pay huge compensation to R-Tech in lieu of the software.     

Yang Sheng got it confirmed; the documents Feng Corporation submitted in the court against Kong Da stated that R-Tech not only demanded the money but interest, too, leading to huge a loss. In return, Feng Jianyu made a lucrative offer to collectively set up a manufacturing unit in country B and let R-Tech share a bigger chunk of profits.     

 BUT NO…..                                                                                                      

It was all planned; they were in this together from day one. The more he thought about it the more he cursed himself for letting them come this far.     

Seeing them together, he realized how much value they are giving to each other. They've not only joined hands against him together but their relationship seems beyond business collaboration. He looked at the beautiful ring on XM's finger that not so surprisingly matches the ring on Feng Jianyu's.     

He recalled a few things….     

Seven years back Alice and Feng Jianyu were together!     

Feng Dingxiong knew what happened to Alice that night but held his silence for his wife! But that reason doesn't exist anymore!     

XM collaborated with Feng Jianyu and Wang Shi on business!     

XM claimed herself to be Alice!     

XM destroyed the Kong family and captured their business!     

Soon after, his factories were targeted!     

Radium was seized!     

Yang Mi and Yang Shao betrayed him!     

Yang Mi's suspicion on XM!     

XM turned out to Feng Jianyu's ally!     

Everything pointed at this woman. Everyone is supporting her, be it Feng family, Lu Xion, or the Wang family.     

But if she is Alice and knows everything about her past and identity, why no one from the Mo family came up?      

Does that mean no one from the Mo family knows about her? Or are they supporting her in dark? No matter what, now that she has gained my attention, she'll end up in my base.      

Yang Sheng glanced at his watch and discreetly gestured something to his assistant who left the table. Xiu Mei noticed this and smirked.     

Yang Sheng: "So you are standing against me together? Do you think you can win? And you…." He pointed his chin at Xiu Mei and moved forward. "Before the night ends…. I'll show you what Yang Sheng is."     

"I already know what you are." A tinge of mirth flashed in her eyes. She lifted her face up and walked a step ahead. Although she was a head shorter than Yang Sheng, she makes him feel as if looking down on him. She looked into his eyes and lowered her voice and said. "Hu Chi was supposed to return by now and confirm the good news that everything is done perfectly. I wonder why he is standing at the door, fidgeting with his phone."     

Yang Sheng's frowned, his head instantly snapped at the entrance and his expression changed.     

Xiu Mei: "He looks pale! Now he's wiping sweat from his forehead! He took a step forward…. Oh, no…. He backed off…..." Xiu Mei teasingly described Hu Chi's antics to Yang Sheng before showing a row of pearl white teeth to the man when he glared at her. "Go check… I think the matter is serious. I'll enjoy the tasty food and wine." She wrapped her arm around Feng Jianyu, "Country Z is known for its quality seafood. I want to eat some crabs."     

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