We are destined.Let me pamper you

personal grudge

personal grudge

0"Let me answer you in the order of the questions. I'm Zian. I want to be with you in the mission of destroying Yang Sheng. I know that bastard because I've some personal grudge against him. I know your mother's name because I've researched about you a lot…. A LOT! last, I planted the bug to get your attention."     

"My attention?" Xiu Mei asked with furrowed burrows.     

"Yes, because of your trust issues you maintain distance from strangers." He answered matter-of-factly.     

Xiu Mei looked into his eyes as he stared back into her's unwaveringly. Though he didn't answer broadly, he wanted her to believe him. Whatever he said was true, and he wanted her to show there's no deception in his eyes.     

"Neither do I care about your personal grudge nor do I trust you, so forget about joining me. For your betterment take my advice and stay away from me." Her reply was exactly what he expected. She moved her hips outwards to get out of the table when his voice sounded.     

"Yang Sheng has three secret bases in the country Z. One is obviously in the northern mountains that got discovered, while the second one is deep under the forests of Jaguar wilds, fifty feet under the ground and the third one is....." He stopped and Xiu Mei looked back at him with a frown. Why did he stop?     

Her expression amused him and he continued, "Now that Yang Sheng's dirty secret is out in the public, he has two option- either to put all the blame on Yang Mi and hand her over to the authorities or he can hide in one of his secret bases, planning something more dangerous against the humankind. Technically, the first option is good but too dangerous as Yang Mi knows many of his secrets. Above that, he likes to torture his victims endlessly. As far as I've understood Yang Sheng, he'll keep Yang Mi in his captivity but declare her and her son as a fugitive. Killing two birds with one stone."     

Xiu Mei sat down back under the table, "How are you sure about the two other base's address? Who told you about them? Why should I believe you?"     

Xiu Mei was confident about this. She had scanned the entire information she got from Country B's secret base and the one found in Northen Mountains, there's no clue of two more secret hideouts. But if he is right, then maybe her father is in one of these two places.     

He smiled and moved closer to Xiu Mei and she raised her fists defensively, "What are you doing? Stay put."     

"Genius woman, I mean no harm to you. Can I please see your hand that's bleeding?" Zian's sudden question surprised Xiu Mei, and she noticed fresh blood on her palm. Her mind wandered to a certain monster who will definitely tie her to his side if he noticed this on her hand excluding the bedroom punishment.     

She still nodded her head and extended her palm towards him. He took a brief look, "Hold on! I'll be back."     

Ten minutes later he came back with a first box and a laptop. "I've seen your mechanical skills how about you show me your computer skills too?" He told her the accurate coordinates of the second base, placing his laptop on her lap. "Manage with one hand."     

She understood his meaning. Next moment her fingers fly over the keyboard. Although working with one hand lowered her speed, that didn't stop her from breaking the powerful defences of the server to get into their internal surveillance system.     

She was shocked, indeed there was another illegal base that could a hideout. She fished her phone out and dialled Feng Jin's number, "I got to know about Yang Sheng's another base. It's hidden under the forests of Jaguar wilds, fifty feet below the surface. Within an hour the supercomputers would be done downloading all the footages for further information. Details and accurate layout you can get it from Orange as soon as it's finished. I checked there's no trace of Radium but expect lots of explosives and ammunition."     

Feng Jin: "Okay sister, I'll inform my team and look into it."     

Xiu Mei: "Jin…."         

Feng Jin: "I know…. If the computers found Mr Mo, I'll go as per your instructions. Let's hope we find him there." He heard her soft hm and hung up.     

"And it's done." Zian let go of her hand. "See, no pain. That's the magic of Zian's hand. Don't say you aren't impressed by me even a tiny bit, you know I'm good. Right?"     

She ignored him..     

Xiu Mei silently hoped that the computer finds her father in this base using the face detection software. At least she'll be sure of his whereabouts before taking next action. Inwardly she was excited thinking to see a glimpse of her father.     

The photos she got from Feng Dingxiong are over two decades old. However, her excitement was short-lived thinking about her mother. The corners of her lips drooped downwards.     

"Hey hey hey... Beware! Your lips are moving downward, hold it properly." He lifted the curves of her lips upwards. "Do you know it takes more muscles to frown than to smile? So keep smiling."     

She slapped his hand away…..     

"What are the coordinates of the third base?" She asked.                             

"Zian…??" Just then a man's cold voice cut through from the back. "What are you doing here?"     

Xiu Mei jumped in fear and shoved the injured hand inside the pocket of her dress.     

Unfortunately, Feng Jianyu's sharp eagle eyes caught her tiny action, and he walked right up to her and helped her out of the table. "What happened? I've been searching for you for so long."     

His eyes narrowed down on Zian the liar. When he went out to get first aid box he saw everyone searching for Xiu Mei outside and when Wang Shi asked him if he has seen her he edared to lie at his face.     

Xiu Mei pretended to be calm. "I lost my earring, so came here looking for it."     

"Lost an earring in the storeroom? But you are wearing both." Feng Jianyu's eyes scanned her body like an X-Ray machine and he saw the laptop on the floor including some blood and the way she was hiding her hand inside the pocket.     

How can he miss the tear-stained cheeks!     

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