We are destined.Let me pamper you

I found him

I found him

0At Qiao Mansion     

"I know you would be here." Zian jolted out from his thoughts when Qiao Ting's placed his hand on his shoulder.     

After returning from the forest, Zian accompanied everyone at the dinner table but hardly spoke a word or two and went to the terrace to spend some alone time watching over the dazzling lights of the city.     

Qiao Ting passed a bottle of bear and sat down beside him, accompanying him in the silence. "Pfft…" The silence broke when Qiao Ting chuckled suppressing Zian who rolled his eyes in response. "It's still difficult for me to digest that the super genius President XM is your sister. I mean look at you…. so dumb and she is so AMAZING….."     

"Dumb huh?" Zian hooked his hand around Qiao Ting's neck and pulled him down, throwing fake punches on his stomach. "Say it again…. Say it again…."     

"Ahh ahh…. Ok ok….. You are so cheerful, easygoing, and friendly but your sister is such an ICEBERG. Ahh….. ahh…. No,  no…. ok sorry… sorry…."     

Zian's fake punches turned into hard ones, "Dare say anything against my sis I'll drill a hole in your skull." He said, his smile turned into a bitter one as he let go of Qiao Ting, retrieving his gaze back to the city lights.     

"Jokes apart, when will you tell her the truth?" Qiao Ting straightened his clothes and took a mouth full of beer.     

"I never intended to keep the truth away from her. But I can see the fire of revenge in her eyes, until unless she evens out her score, she will not sit peacefully." Zian reasoned, "If the grandfather and mother come to know that she's alive, ready to go against Yang Sheng and Yang Mi, they'll tie her down with them. They'll clip her wings with emotional reasoning, trapping her within the four walls of the mansion."     

"You know it very well, Mo family didn't go on the path of revenge because of mother and me, otherwise, Yangs will come to know that mother survived that night and later gave birth to me. So instead of revenge they pretended to believe on the fake words of Feng Dingxiong- 'He is not aware who did all that and his wife and son lost their memory.'" Zian mimicked the exact words he read in Zeng Ruo's diary.     

Zian took a sip from the bottle, "Nevertheless, she has some special relationship with Feng family, especially Feng Jianyu. I've seen a ring on her hand. Knowing how much Mo family hates Feng family, it will only add on to her problems. Let her get over with Yang Sheng first, and then I'll talk to her." He took a deep breath, a smile came on her lips, "Till then I'll enjoy my little Squirrel's company, protect her in secret, and help her avenge our father's death and the atrocities committed against her and our mother."     

(Note- Zian and Mo family doesn't know the fact that Mo Zhichan is alive. The only person aware of it was Feng Dingxiong but Yang Mi and Yang Sheng silenced him.)     

Qiao Ting nodded, and extended his beer bottle, "For your sister."     

With a clink sound they gulped the entire content down the throat.                                            

"What do you think her reaction would be? Surprised?" Zian asked. "You know…. about my existence."     

Qiao Ting laughed, "I'm afraid she might faint because of the shock. Or maybe worse, she'll kick you for sprouting nonsense." He saw Zian nod his head, agreeing to him. "You better keep the DNA reports handy."     


"THAT'S DAD…. THAT'S DAD…. THAT'S DAD…." Xiu Mei jumped from her seat and grabbed Feng Jianyu's arm who was standing next to her. "Jianyu…. I found him. That's dad… That's my father… I finally found him."     

Feeling excited, happy, overwhelmed, she jumped on her toes nonstop, clutching onto Feng Jianyu's arm.     

He saw corners of her eyes lifted into two crescents. Her infectious smile lifted his mood too. He patted her head, "yes, love. He's your dad."     

"Jianyu….. Jianyu… Jianyu… He's my father. He's alive. I found him… Yayyyyyyy…" She circled around him, tears of happiness flowed; she tip-toed and kissed, before hugging him like a Koala bear. "Just hold me tight… My feet are not on the ground, I'm flying….."     

He gently lifted her in his arms and circled, hearing her giggle in happiness. Last night she cried her eyes out telling him about Feng Junjie's conversation with his father, and how according to them her mother is dead.     

He coaxed her for a long time, massaged her pressure points to relax her body when she started sobbing and felt breathless. She only relaxed when her body gave up and sleep took over her senses, making him sleep in his arms like a baby.     

Feeling disheartened and dejected she woke up early in the morning and started looking for the third base as per the coordinates provided by Zian. Feng Jianyu wanted her to sleep more, take a rest for the day but knowing her condition he let her go for this.     

Silently he prayed for Mo Zhichan's presence in this third base, as it was the only thing that could divert her mind and cheer her up.     

She had already checked the location that Feng Jianyu's men got from Yang Shao, but when she checked the surveillance she only saw the empty place. Yang Sheng must have transferred him somewhere else after Yang Mi and Yang Shao's betrayal.     

"Jianyu…. Let's go to Country Z." He heard her say as she pulls herself from his hug and looked at the screen where a man was sitting inside the glass cage, looking blankly at his hands. "I'll get you back…. It's a promise from a daughter to her father…. Just a little longer dad, your Mei is coming to get you. I'll end this misery and reunite you with the entire Mo family."     

Xiu Mei closed her eyes, holds for a few seconds and concentrated on her breathing. She has to calm herself down and deal everything with a clear mind.     


Two days before…     

Country Z….     


Eyes wide and mouth wide agape, greedily taking in oxygen; Yang Mi looked at the glass wall in the room's corner where Yang Sheng had caged her men inside the chamber of death, shouting and struggling for life. They were hanging from the ceiling with metal chains and down below was the pool of bubbling acid.     

The pulley rolled, chains lowered down in the pool of acid, stopping at the knees. The men struggled as acid burned their skin layer by layer, seeping into their flesh, then it reaches the bones, melting everything that comes in its contact. After thirty seconds they pulled them above, letting them feel the sting until the process repeats….     

Yang Mi struggled to free herself from the metal chains that held her immobile. "How dare you?" She yelled, "I'll kill you Yang Sheng. How dare you touch my son?"     

Hatred visible in her eyes, as she saw Yang Sheng calmly sitting in front of her, enjoying a glass of whisky, a visible smirk plastered on his face. Yang Zian stood beside his elder brother like an obedient servant, pouring the alcohol now and then.     

Yang Sheng's networks are too wide, the moment he came to know of Yang Mi's betrayal it didn't take him more than an hour to locate her. Stupid Yang Mi, they caught her on the way towards the airport along with her most trusted men. Was she trying to run away?     

"Touched? I wish I could have touched that bastard son of yours." Yang Sheng sneered, "But he left the country soon after betraying me. Did you really think I'll let you leave the country too? Never! You'll rot in this hell forever."     

"Bloody mother*&#@r....."     

"Shh…. So noisy you are." He interrupted, seeing one of his men as he placed a remote control on the table. "Why are you so frustrated dear aunt? Is it because you never got the chance to f*ck Mo Zhichan? Is it because your plan failed when he rejected you and your bastard son?" He picked the remote control, playing with it while enjoying the whisky with the other hand.     

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