We are destined.Let me pamper you

Chaos in Yang family

Chaos in Yang family


Six hours after the device stopped working….     

"Where is Shao?" Yang Mi paced around the room frantically, her pointed heels tapped against the marble floor non-stop for the last six hours. Her hands balled together below the chest as she glanced at the blank computer screen, biting her lips till they turned blood red.     

It's been more than a day that the device in Liu Ning's brain was switched off. No matter how much she tried to re-establish the connection but nothing worked. Her knowledge about the machine is limited to basic use, whereas everything else is managed by Yang Shao.     

A man called Yang Shao's number for the umpteenth number of time but it's unreachable. "He's not picking the call."     

"Then go look for him. Bring him back. This connection has to be re-established at any cost." She remembered it, two days back the same problem occurred and her genius son Yang Shao solved it in thirty seconds. Before Yang Sheng comes to know about she has to get it fixed, otherwise….. she raised her right hand and waved fingers, the robotic hand reminded her of Yang Sheng's punishment when she had killed Alice.     

Just then the phone in the man's pocket vibrated, he fished it out and barked, "Did you find him?" without listening to the caller. "What do you mean he is nowhere to be found? Did you check the club where he usually goes for a drink? What about the lake house? Any of his woman partner's place?" His expression turned dark when the answer to every question came back as a big NO.     

It's nothing new for Yang Shao to get drunk and be involved in pleasure activities for days without returning home or bother to inform his mother. He is famous for his wild and careless nature.     

Yang Mi checked something on the laptop kept on the table. "Why the f*ck is this not working?" The tracking device planted on Yang Shao's wrist failed to give any information. It was Yang Shao's old habit to disable the tracking device whenever he wanted to go underground for a long break.     

Yang Mi did not have time to wait for his son's return; she has to bring him back to get the device fixed. "Keep looking! Track his phone, car, laptop, or whatever you want, but bring him back." She snarled.     

An hour later one of the men came running, he was dripping in sweat, his face contained worry and nervousness. "M-madam…. Y-young master…."     

Yang Mi looked up, "Say what it is? Where is Shao?"                                                                     

"Y-young m-master..."     


Yang Mi threw a slap across the face of the messenger, "Dammit say it before I got your tongue pulled out."     

The man didn't dare to clutch his red stinging face and gulped the bitter drink of insult. He showed his phone to Yang Mi that she grabbed instantly.     


"FUCK FUCK FUCK" Yang Mi snarled.     

The next second the phone was tossed on to the floor with force. "WHERE IS THIS PLACE? TAKE ME THERE."     

She left the room in a hurry, taking fast strides and her underlings followed…..     


After getting the tip off, international authorities and law enforcements get into quick action and deployed more than twenty ships and hundred men to nab the ship smuggling Radium.     

They understand the seriousness of the situation and the consequences if the dangerous material is smuggled into terrorist nations.     

Yang Sheng's ship was seized when they crossed Country Z's border and authorities found an unbelievable quantity of the Radium hidden under the secret caskets specifically designed to carry them. It was hidden away from the human eyes and impossible for anyone to find them, not even sniffer dogs could spot them.     

However, Feng Jin was working undercover as part of the law enforcement team. Unknown to anyone, instead of any weapon or safety kit, he was carrying the most dangerous and most advanced droid in his combat back.     

Orange scanned the entire ship inconspicuously, informing Feng Jin where the Radium was hidden.     

Out of concern for her youngest brother in law, Xiu Mei had sent Orange to help Feng Jin to destroy Yang Sheng's illegal empire. Since then Feng Jin's workload was halved and efficiency doubled.     

Overnight, Yang Sheng's crime was exposed to the world. Feng Jianyu used his 'basic hacking skills' as taught by Xiu Mei and released the video of the Radium stocked in the secret warehouse in the Northern Mountains that belonged to Yang Sheng.     

There was sudden panic among the people when they saw their country being seated over the heap of unbelievable stock of Radium.     

Very quickly the news spread like wildfire in the entire country. Police, media and even the International Atomic Energy agency mobilized outside Yang Sheng's company demanding thorough search and investigation. Yang Sheng was shocked by seeing the news being linked to him, including the videos of the warehouse.     

He had always made sure to keep his illegal and legal business separate, how come they find out about the secret warehouse in the mountains? How did they film the entire thing? Why nobody noticed them?     

He immediately called the President of the country to handle this matter and clear his name out. He's the supreme power in Country Z, nobody can dare to go against him.     

However with the involvement of international organizations, world-wide media coverage, and public pressure, it was impossible for the President to save them. Thus he chose to hold back his silence and let the situation unfolds itself.     

The so-called hidden Yang Sheng and his business are thrown into the eyes of the public. Not only he suffered the billions of losses but his hidden identity and fake reputation came down like a block of cards. The mysterious and unbelievably rich Yang family was known to the entire world.     

In the hopes of getting spicy news the media houses started keeping a close watch on their activities.     

All thanks to this scandal!     

"Sir, I got a message...….." A blonde man came inside Yang Sheng's study to give him a piece of important information but stopped midway..     

His legs shook when he saw a man under the death grip of Yang Zian who has his left arm under the chin of the victim while his right palm over his head. 'CRACK'... With a bone-cracking sound, it took only a second for Yang Zian to break the victim's neck, twisting it backward.     


Yang Zian let go of the victim and stood with his hands clasped in front like nothing happened. His face was devoid of any emotion.     

Upon seeing Yang Sheng's dark eyes he gulped, "I got the message from the underworld asking for the full refund along with the interest."     

*No reply*     

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