We are destined.Let me pamper you

Yang Shao's retribution

Yang Shao's retribution

0Warning- The chapter contains violence. If the reader is not comfortable please skip reading it.     





The silence was deafening…     

Yang Sheng propped his head up, his fingers rolled an expensive diamond on the table carelessly. His eyes looked at the watch as it ticked three in the night. "Time over!" the rolling of diamond suddenly stopped and Zian cracked his knuckles giving an evil look to a pale looking little man, seated facing a computer.     

Yaa…. Calling him a little man would be appropriate as he was only 4ft and 3 inches in height. A dwarf born with heterochromia i.e. different eye colors, golden and blue. His red bangs were messy falling all over his forehead, and his short fingers were working at the speed of light on the laptop. He is Daiyu….     

"It's done! It's almost done! Just one minute." Daiyu gulped looking at Yang Zian and jumped out of the seat to get a printout. Placing the laptop and printout in front of Yang Sheng he moved a step back and secretly rubbed his aching hands.     

Since the news of Radium smuggling had leaked he had been working non-stop to get all the information. Damn! Getting the crucial information in limited time with a naked sword hovering over head is so difficult. He cursed Yang Zian and Yang Sheng inwardly.     

Yang Sheng gritted his teeth in anger, the air turned stiff and little Daiyu cowered in the corner afraid he would be crushed.     

Daiyu was Yang Sheng's best hacker working with him for the last ten years. Hacking the server of Interpol and International organizations would have taken more than two days, so he hacked the server of cross border authorities as this was something he has done multiple times before.     

From there he found a voice recording of someone passing the information to the authorities. He was not aware of the identity of the person but the call came from the Imperial city of China. Yang Sheng heard the voice and ordered him to get all the bank details of Yang Mi, Yang Shao and the people working for her.     

Yang Sheng matched the time of the money transfered in Yang Mi's account with the time of the caller who informed the cross border organization. He realized it perfectly aligned.     

Next, he saw a huge amount of money transferred to Yang Shao's account. However, surprisingly the information of the sender in Yang Mi's account could not be traced but for Yang Shao's account, it was none other than Feng Dingxiong.     

Further investigation confirmed that Yang Shao had received a major portion of Feng Corporation's shares, two jets and few other properties from Feng Dingxiong.     

Everything was crystal clear; Yang Mi and Yang Shao double-crossed him.     

Yang Sheng banged his fist on the table in rage, he understood Yang Mi's motive to leak the information, she tried to kill two birds.... First, to eliminate him out of her way and the other is to keep Mo Zhichan for herself.     

However, his brows furrowed upon noticing Feng Dingxiong's name. There could be only one reason why Feng Dingxiong would give this much money to Yang Shao.     

The beast inside him leashed out thinking about a certain possibility, he took out his dagger from the drawer and stormed out of the room….     

Chaos spread inside the Yang family….     


KSH…KSHHH…KSHHHH…KSH….KSHHHH…..KSH…KSH…KKKKKK…. An unrhythmic sound of something heavy and metallic being towed echoed as a bulletproof SUV drags an iron cage behind it with a tow bar.     

Whether the cage was originally meant for animals or humans was questionable. But right now, a man struggled hard within the cage, crashing with the iron walls, rubbing against the bumpy road, muddy land, gravels hitting him like pellet bullets. His head felt dizzy, his organs churned wildly, his senses stopped working, he doesn't even know if the liquid drenched on his body are blood, saliva or puke.     

It seems eternity as being caged and towed by a vehicle on the road. However, it's only been fifteen minutes since Yang Shao was stuffed inside a dog cage and dragged.     

The car stopped at a deserted place on the outskirts of the country, two men dragged the cage with a rope inside the mansion.     

Yang Shao groaned in pain, his whole body felt like being hammered. The last time he felt something painful was seven years back when his elder cousin Yang Sheng punished him for killing Alice by slicing the corners of his lips till the middle of his cheeks.     

Since then he made sure to inflict the same pain on his every victim before killing them. He has vowed to give the same punishment to his cousin Yang Sheng once the power landed in his hands. But this pain….. it's worse than anything he had ever endured. Even the bone marrow transplant was not as painful as this.     

The men dragged the cage till the basement of the mansion and opened the locks to pull the man outside, dropping him on the floor with a thud.     

"W-who are you? You've no idea whom you're messing with. I'm the most powerful…."     

The doors opened and in came a majestic man like a thunder, ready to destroy everything that comes on his way. Only the sound of his polished shoes against the floor could be heard, as he approached closer the intimidating sound raced everyone's heartbeats.     

Yang Sho looked up from his heavy eyes; the man's face was half-covered with a large hat but his muscular physique, the intimidating aura he carried, he has never seen it before.     

Rong Xiang pulled a chair for his boss and stood beside him, nodding in a certain direction.     

Feng Jianyu sat down on the chair facing Yang Shao, chin up, his legs crossed and arm rested at the armrest.     

Suddenly lots of men sauntered inside the room, closed the door and switched on the bright lights above Yang Shao. His eyes saturated for a moment before being adjusted to the brightness.     

"As per your order, his left wrist was parcelled at the address. Before cutting it off we gave him the exact amount of sedative as mentioned and bandaged it temporarily to stop the bleeding." A man said looking at the floor. He didn't have the courage to look into the eyes of the man sitting in front.     

Feng Jianyu made a finger moment and another man yanked the bandage off of Yang Shao's hand in a single move, forcing a shrill scream out of his throat that echoed in the air for a minute.     

Feng Jianyu's lips curved slightly. He remembered Alice's shriek when she was forcefully thrown on the chair soon after the surgery.     

Rong Xiang looked at the bleeding hand and mused, "Opps…. It's bleeding again. Don't worry we won't let you bleed out."     

Yang Shao felt uneasy, he felt some needles being poked inside him. Don't know what it was but one thing was sure it was nothing good. He panicked, gasped for air. "L-let me go! I'll give you lots of money." Lying on the ground he looked at the man who was seated there as if watching a free show.     

Suddenly he heard a sizzling sound, his ears perked up, he painstakingly turned his limp body a little and saw a red hot branding iron rod submerged inside the water bucket. It made a gurgling sound, water sizzled, steam evaporated…..     

Yang Shao jumped, his soul left his body, his heartbeat hastened thinking about what they were about to do.     

A man took out another electric iron rod and plugged it on the circuit, setting the temperature to the maximum. Within a few minutes, the head turned red hot.     

"N-n-n-n-no…. please... d-don't…." He tried to move away from it, dragging his body on the cold floor, looking for an escape desperately. "D-don't do this! I-I'll give you whatever you want. Please..."     

He felt something forcefully grabbing his limbs, pinning them to the ground while one of the men pulled the amputated limb in the air.     

"AHHHHHHH....." A continuous ear-piercing scream shrouded the basement. Yang Shao shook his body to elevate the pain but nothing worked, he tried to hit his head on floor but nobody allowed him to move even an inch.     

Feng Jianyu looked at him apathetically, his thoughts wondered when Yang Shao mercilessly pressed Alice's surgery wound and did not let go of his hands even after her endless begging and crying.     

He is not inhuman, but before killing Yang Shao he'll make him feel every pain that Alice had gone through that night. Thanks to these animals, he'll never forget her painful screams!     

Feng Jianyu got up, "Do not let him die. During the next torture ask him about Mr. Mo's whereabouts. I'm sure he must be aware of it."     

Rong Xiang: "Yes, boss"     


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