We are destined.Let me pamper you

I’m here to stay in your life forever and ever.

I’m here to stay in your life forever and ever.

0Xiu Mei was pacing around the room non-stop, looking through the articles about Yang Sheng and his company.     

Now it was Yang Sheng's turn to land in hot waters, while media, public and international organizations chased him from every direction. She smirked thinking how good Jianyu is to even out the scores.     

Yang Sheng slandered her name and in return, Feng Jianyu made him an international criminal. Every news channel was talking about Radium found in Country Z.     

"Sister Mei Mei, can you please sit down for a moment. You're making me feel uncomfortable like this." In reality, Feng Junjie was not uncomfortable but worried about her.     

"I second that. If it's only reading that you want to do then it can be done while sitting also." Zian interjected. 'Sister Mei Mei? So her name is Mei?.... Nice… Interesting.' He thought inwardly.     

She looked up from the tab for a second and pointed at Zian, "You…. Zip it up!" Then she looked at Junjie, "Get yourself checked if you are feeling uncomfortable. I'm sure Dr. Wang is still here."     

"Wow…. I've heard that President XM is a woman of principals who never keeps anyone's favor and does everything in her power to pay them back." His words made Xiu Mei raised her brows and looked up from the tab once more as he continued. "I wonder how you'll pay me back."     

"You are Qiao Ting's family friend. Right? Why don't you get your brain checked by Dr. Qiao Li?" She inspected him from head to toe. "Being delusional is dangerous to mental health. I don't owe you anything. As far as Mr. Qiao Li is concerned I've my own plans to pay him back. Thank you. You may leave us alone, Mr. Whatever."     

He chuckled, "How can I leave my patient alone without giving her a preliminary examination? You have got a very strong backing, I won't take any risk." He gave a meaningful look to Feng Junjie as if asking 'Are you going to tell her or should I call your father?'     

She looked at Feng Junjie who feels pressurized being stared by two people. "Cough…. Actually… When you fainted he was the one who examined you as Senior cousin was busy with mother to stabilize her heart rate."     

Xiu Mei "…"     

Her face showed only one emotion, 'impossible'.     

Staring at someone is rude, yet she cannot help but look at him with widened eyes.     

How can this man be a doctor?     

For the first time, Zian felt uncomfortable being stared by a woman. He had a decent share of girls admiring his good looks, batting eyelashes seductively and throwing flirty smiles by looking at him from top to bottom. He was immune to all these stares but this woman's stare...… it was entirely different as if he has grown horns or maybe a tail.     

She was definitely not admiring his good looks.     

 "How can he be a doctor?" She asked Junjie.     

Zian wanted to puke blood at her response.     

"Oh, why? Do doctors have a specific type of face?" His hands unconsciously reached for his cheeks to feel if there's something wrong.     

"Yes! They are sincere, calm, mature, dedicated, understanding and honest….. just like Dr. Wang Shi. He is the best! And you..." Her lips pressed into a thin line, "Forget it!" She ignored him and concentrated back on the tablet.     

Don't know why, but this man seems mysterious. He eludes the vibe that makes her feel uncomfortable, especially the way he looks at her. His gaze was something she could not explain.     

But one thing was sure….. It's not a coincidence that he keeps bumping into her. He is definitely hiding some secrets.     

"Ouchh! That hurts!" Zian clutched his chest dramatically and Feng Junjie gave him the equally weird look. 'Seriously? Can the world-renowned surgeon Dr. Zian be any more childish? Why the hell is he after my Sister Mei Mei? She only belongs to my brother, I'll kick this bastard's ass if has any second thought about her.'     

She rolled her eyes, "I don't have time for this nonsense. I don't know about you but my time is definitely precious. Just tell me your price and leave." She looked at Junjie, "Whatever he quote pay twenty times of that. And give his picture to Yeti, asking him to never allow this man near me."     

Zian: "You're rude! I helped you twice."     

"So what? Just take the damn money for your help and leave." She countered.     

Zian: "I refuse!"     

"That's none of my concern. I've stopped owing favors! You've only three options….. Firstly to accept money through cash, secondly through check and thirdly through stocks. End of the discussion!"     

Zian "…."     

They were just staring at each other when Feng Dingxiong pushed open the door to Xiu Mei's room only to be greeted with a weird staredown between the three humans.     

His gaze stopped at Xiu Mei who was standing facing the two men. "How are you feeling now? Any better?"     

Xiu Mei: "I'm fine. Thank you."     

Three lines appear on his forehead and he understood that Xiu Mei did not like Zian's presence around her.     

He looked at Feng Junjie who just shrugged and then shifted his gaze at Zian. "Dr. Zian, thank you for your precious time. Dr. Wang Shi will take over from here. If you don't mind I want some alone time with my KIDS." He deliberately used the words kids to announce Xiu Mei's importance in his family.     

"Sure!" with a fake smile Zian got up before walking towards Xiu Mei. He extended his hand to touch her arm but she avoided his touch, looking at him sharply. Just then he recalled her 'no touching' dialogue and understood she hates being touched by a stranger.     

"I'm going, but this is not the end. No matter how many efforts you put you'll never be able to get rid of me. I'm here to stay in your life forever and ever." Zian murmured, just loud enough for only Xiu Mei to hear.     


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