We are destined.Let me pamper you

Time to use liu Ning

Time to use liu Ning

0After unpacking, she settled down in the balcony of her small room and checked the signal on her watch. As expected a strong signal reflected from the Feng Manor. She set her laptop on an automatic mode to monitor the signal for the whole night and check if there's any time when it pauses, if yes then when and for how much duration.     

She frowned when someone knocked.     

"Come in!"     

It was Butler Chen and his wife.     

She alternated her gaze between them and noticed their worried expression. "Relax! I deliberately provoked that that…"     

"Tao Ai."     

"….. Yes…Thank You… Tao Ai... She herself claimed to be close to Madam Feng. So, tomorrow morning she'll be the one who'll take me there. Or should I say, because of her I'll be summoned in front of Madam Feng."     

"What if you'll be kicked out the first day?" Butler Chen said.     

Xiu Mei answered softly, "That won't happen."     

The couple sensed the confidence in her voice and nodded. "We don't know anything about you except the fact that you're here for Madam Feng. If it's really possible to treat madam's illness, this old man Chen, my wife and other servants of the house will support you unconditionally. Feel free to ask anything."     

"I know. Thank you!"     

She had been informed by Feng Junjie that servants of Feng Manor are working for the family for years and loyalty is engraved into their bones. With exceptional perks, better living conditions, kids' education, medical cover, and what not…. Feng Dingxiong made sure to retain the old staff at any cost considering his wife's condition.     

Except Tao Ai who happens to be appointed on Liu Ning's insistence as they returned from Country B. Tao Ai used to be one of the waitresses serving them in the hotel, but her habit of snooping around and passing the information for some extra bucks, caught Liu Ning/Yang Mi's attention and she brought her to the Feng Manor.     

Even Feng Dingxiong cannot kick her out of the manor; otherwise, it would be his wife who'll suffer at the hands of Yang Mi.     


 "WHAT? IN COMA?" Yang Mi received the shock of life when her plan against XM failed. She refused to believe it can be a coincidence that as soon as Shen Lina's video was posted the news of XM's comatose state and a new video popped out by Qiao guy. Moreover, how can all this be done within two hours unless she was prepared in advance? "Dang you XM! I miss judged you!" She hissed.     

"What about Shen Lina's body? She must be dead by now. Where is her body? What does the tracking device on the gun shows?" She asked the man standing in front.     

"Tracking device showed the location as the building in which R-Tech's office is situated but when police went there to investigate they found the gun in a dustbin near the back gate." He showed his phone, "In the CCTV footage a woman in Shen Lina's clothes was seen throwing the gun before leaving R-Tech's office."     

"How can the police believe in this shit? It's only her back that's visible. She is not Shen Lina." She seethed in anger.     

"I know. This must be XM's plan. But do we have any option? We can't go and tell police that the woman is not Shen Lina as by this time the poison must have kicked in her body." He said sincerely, "Yang Mi, confidence is good but overconfidence sinks the ship. Don't take XM lightly, underworld King Lu Xion is backing her. And you know it very well who the ex-underworld king was? Zeng Shihong! Do you think it's a coincidence that XM is acquainted with Lu Xion?"     

Yang Mi frowned, she clenched her jaw and looked at the computer screen where XM's masked picture was displayed. Using her most trusted source, she has got the background check on XM and nothing seems suspicious.     

XM lives alone, she joined Phoenix Enterprises as an employee but due to her salacious relationship with Lu Xion, he helped her to open her own company R-Tech as a subsidiary of PE.     

She narrowed her eyes... Is the information fabricated? Is the source she trusted for information double-crossed her?     

If she really was Alice, then why would the granddaughter of ex underworld king and a mistress of current Underworld king will live a life of secrecy? Who would let go of a golden chance to associate themselves with these powerful people and take revenge? Seven years had passed, real Alice doesn't have reason to wait that long!     

Two days later she had even sent her men to check the decomposed body of Alice. They reported a heart satisfying scene where vultures were feeding on a big lump of meat.     

She laughed..."No, No she can't be… Real Alice died in front of me…. She can't be Alice…. She's living under a mask, going by the weird name XM…. She must be an imposter, an over smart greedy imposter."     

The man shook his head in disappointment. In her confused state, Yang Mi herself doesn't know what to believe and what not. The mystery around XM's identity is so profound that she failed to reach a conclusion.     

"Time to use Liu Ning." Yang Mi sat down in front of the computer, her eyes glued to the screen as she typed something…     

In the Feng Manor, everyone was buried in the warmth of the blanket, drifting into the wonderland of dreams. The antique grandfather clock in the living room ticked four in the morning, swinging the pendulum, making soft music…     

Liu Ning abruptly got up like a walking zombie and climbed out of the bed towards the door. The next second she stopped feeling a pull on her ankle and lifted the blanket. Her lifeless gaze looked at the soft cuff tied to her ankle with a long metal chain, the other end of which connected with Feng Dingxiong's who jolted up from his sleep feeling a sudden pull.     

"Ning…. What happened? Do you need anything? Water?" He asked softly as ever, placing a hand at her shoulder and moved to the side to get water.     

"I want to see XM, now." Keeping her gaze glued to the metal chain she pulled it, "Dingxiong, open it."     

He made her look at her, his lips pressed into a thin line looking at her dark eyes. "Why do you want to meet XM? We've nothing to do with her. It's still early in the morning, sleep for a few more hours. Come…" His tone as soft as possible.     

She gave a hard push to Feng Dingxiong on the chest and gave an eerie laugh, "Haha… See how you're coaxing her like a child. Did you forget it's always Yang Mi ruling over her brain? Now be good and let me go. Otherwise, you know the consequences."     

Feng Dingxiong's mouth twitched, "Without me, you cannot leave the manor. And as for the fact, XM can't meet anyone. She…."     

"I know…. I know… She's is in a coma and lying in the hospital's bed like dead meat, yet I want to see her. Either take me there or….. haha… you don't have the second option. JUST TAKE ME THERE." She protrudes her eyes out viciously and started pulling the chains, making sure to hurt Liu Ning the maximum.     

"No stop, please."     

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