We are destined.Let me pamper you

Please be safe.

Please be safe.

0"Did you receive any signal on the watch?"     

Fei Hong checked Xiu Mei's smartwatch on her wrist, "No! Nothing!"     


"I heard it!" Xiu Mei's voiced and bites her lips. Was it her mind that tricked her or did she really saw him move? She took a deep breath, "Alright! Let's try one more thing, step inside the lab. Maybe there are various pieces of equipment and the lab was specially designed to seal it from any kind of radiation that's why my gadgets are not working."     

"Dr. Millman we want to access the lab." Feng Junjie asked but got no response. Dr. Millman was busy staring at the toy in Fei Hong's hands, looking at the resembling color and design, he wondered if this toy was connected to the legendary droid Orange.     

If yes! He would request to get one for the lab.     

"DR. MILLMAN?!"     

"H-Huh?" He averted his gaze, complete baffled and embarrassed. "Cough… Yes… You can access the lab but don't touch anything."     

 "Hold on! Remember neither of you is allowed to utter a single word. COMPLETE SILENCE! If you receive any kind of signal raise the watch in front of Tangy so that I could see." Xiu Mei reminded them of a very important point. Nobody understood that reason behind it but anyways followed her instructions.     

"Copy that!"     

Wang Shi leaned closer to see what will happen they'll step inside the lab with Tangy. Although he didn't believe Xiu Mei's theory, somewhere in his heart he wanted to be proved wrong.     

The moment Fei Hong stepped inside the smartwatch gave a strong signal and she instantly showed the watch to Xiu Mei.     

"Yes…. I knew it, something was wrong!" Xiu Mei mouthed. As she was connected to Feng Junjie through phone, even she cannot make any noise. Wang Shi raised his hand in question and she pointed at the tab.     

He looked at the tab curiously. A man's body frame appeared and the words 'Scanning' was written in the center as a green bar rotated simultaneously. When the mini red light on Tangy's head turned to green, both Fei Hong and Feng Junjie retreated from the room.     

"Sister Mei Mei, is it done?"     

*No response*     

"Babydoll, what happened? Did you get the information?"     

*No response*     

Xiu Mei was blankly staring at the words on tab, 'NOTHING SUSPICIOUS FOUND'     

Wang Shi felt equally disappointed and patted her head. "It's okay! At least your doubt is cleared. Moreover, if there was really anything suspicious it would have reflected in the post-mortem report."     

"Hello? Sister Mei Mei…."     

"Both of you come back!" It was Wang Shi's voice that they heard but soon they were interrupted by Xiu Mei, "No! Stay put! Give me some time to think."     

The warning signal that the smartwatch caught could not be wrong.     

She had caught a similar signal outside Feng Dingxiong's presidential suite in Country B when she went there to talk about her and Jianyu's relationship.     

Suddenly her gaze fell on the various scans and medical reports kept on the table, neatly arranged in a stack. Out of Feng Jianyu's fear the doctors must have done all the scans to get to the root problem. She sighed thinking about Jianyu's condition when she was unconscious for three days.     

It was not that she was going to die, but he must be scared to death in the fear of losing her again.     

She frowned….     

Suddenly she thought of something….     

"Dr. Wang, if I'll swallow a big piece of carrot will it show in X-Ray?" Xiu Mei asked,     

Wang Shi was surprised by her weird question but anyways answered correctly, "No! Only dense objects reflect in the X-Ray machine."     

"Then how do you check the various organs and internal systems of the body? Is it through CT Scans Or MRI Scans?"     

"CT scans utilize X-Ray to produce images of the inside of the body. For the proper result, we use MRI scans that use magnetic fields and radiofrequency pulses to produce detailed pictures of organs and internal body structure."     

She nodded in understanding and instructed, "Junjie, ask Dr. Millman to do a full-body MRI scan on the dead body."     

"WHATTT? MRI scans on a dead man?"     

"Just do as I say."     

Dr. Millman fumed in anger at the absurd demand but he can't voice out his resentment. He reluctantly ordered his team to take the body to the MRI room and scan the body.     

According to Xiu Mei's instructions, everyone was ordered to carry on the task with sealed lips. During the entire process, nobody was instructed to utter a single word. Although a weird demand, they followed obediently when Wang Shi personally called Millman to dare not defy any instructions.     

Xiu Mie and Wang Shi carefully watched as the dead man was put into the machine. To prevent themselves from harmful radiation the doctors walked out of the room after securing him with the belt.     

Feng Junjie and Fei Hong watched the entire process through the glass window, facing the computers on which the results of the scan will appear.     

The sliding table moved, sending the body towards the round scanner…..     



'Sound of emergency evacuation echoed'     

'Fire alarm buzzed'     

Everyone started running out of the building.     

Xiu Mei and Wang Shi too jumped on their seats and the tablet dropped from her hand. At that moment the only thing that came in her mind was her brother in law and best friend's safety.     

"Junjie?!.... Junjie come in! Junjie….. Hello? Junjie..."     

She looked anxiously at Wang Shi. She wanted to conduct the investigation but not at the cost of two innocent lives. Never had she imagined that the result of placing the body in an MRI would be this drastic.     

Yes! She got all the answers, her suspicion was absolutely right. The man had indeed moved his jaw and breathed against her face. Finally, she was able to solve the biggest mystery but she would never be able to forgive herself if anything goes wrong with Junjie and Hong.     

"I-I'm going to the lab. N-Nothing can happen to them. Please be safe!" She prayed.     

Wang Shi stopped her, "Mei, please relax! I've already informed the emergency team." He picked the phone with which Xiu Mei was talking to Feng Junjie, it was still connected, "JUNJIE… JUNJIE…. ARE YOU THERE?.... Junjie if you're hurt or wounded, give a signal… any signal… or make a noise."     

*No response*     

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