We are destined.Let me pamper you

Flash Back 2

Flash Back 2

0Wang Shi adjusted his glasses at the bridge of his nose. Grounding his teeth, he yelled at his cousin, "Stop being mean, you know it very well that my ideas are really good. I just need someone who can understand my ideas and turn them into a reality." He pulled Feng Jianyu's hand to see if he's fine or not.     

Upon seeing that they are just minor bruises, without a care in the world he dragged Feng Jianyu towards the room where he has built a temporary science lab for his experiments.     

Feng Jianyu was annoyed being mauled over the grass like a dead animal.  "Hold on! Let me get up." He let out a frustrated growl and got up, his gaze landed on the two kids who were now playing WWF, rolling on the grass. "JUNJIE, JIN..."     

Seeing the kids busy in their game, he let them be and went with Wang Shi. He knows that the security of the mansion was high-tech and nobody can infiltrate it, neither the guards would allow them to leave the mansion.     

"So, what do you think about my idea? Is it good?" both the boys returned back to the garden after a short trip ti Wang Shi's lab, chatting harmoniously.     

It was only Wang Shi blabbering about the project while Feng Jianyu hardly nodded his head.     



Their head spun simultaneously towards the lake when they heard the familiar voice.     

Feng Jianyu's eyes flew open, his heart sunk….     



He was horror-stricken, his heart hammered against his chest, without delaying even a microsecond he and Wang Shi jumped into the lake to save the two.     

Wang Shi brought Feng Jin out who was unconscious. At that time he didn't pay attention to Junjie, knowing Feng Jianyu's exceptional swimming skills he was sure that Junjie would be saved.     

Just a few seconds apart Feng Jianyu brought Feng Junjie to the bank. Junjie was not only unconscious but seems to be bleeding from somewhere.     

Instantly he lay down his baby brother on the grass, gave mouth to mouth oxygen. The moment he tore off his t-shirt to give CPR, he saw some purple marks on his fleshy soft pink skin that only appears on one's body if they are beaten badly.     


They lifted the kids in their arms and flew off at the speed of light.     


Flashback continues….     

In the hospital     

Outside the ICU two young boys were pacing, they were wet from head to toe, shaking to the core but didn't care about themselves. At this moment, what concerned them most was the two unconscious kids lying in the hospital bed.     

Wang Shi looked at Feng Jinayu who anxiously peeked through the glass after every minute, his face emotionless; he was petrified beyond imagination.     

When something bad happens, our mind tests us by imagining worst-case scenarios, and every time we shake our head to stop thinking about it.     

"Jianyu…." Wang Shi placed a comforting hand on his shoulder but failed to get any reaction. All he could feel was Jianyu's heavy breathing.     

They scrambled towards the doctor as soon as he stepped out of the room, "How are they? Are they out of danger? Junjie… I-I mean the one with Pokémon tattoo on the cheek was bleeding from the neck. I'm Feng Jianyu, get the best doctors for my brothers…. Nothing should happen to them. Otherwise, I'll kill each one of you for failing in your duties." He seethed; veins protrude out on his neck. He was angrier at himself for leaving them alone, he should have taken them with him. How can he be so irresponsible?     

The doctor knew it very well who was the young boy standing in front of him. One should not go by his age, he's the heir of the Feng Corporation and the two kids under his treatment were none other than the little prince of the empire.     

"Answer me dammit!" Feng Jianyu commanded him.     

The doctor explained about the condition of the kids, they both had old and new injuries on their bodies. The eldest one has a cut near the neck, received by a brush of sharp object but thankfully it didn't hurt any of his veins.     

However, they had drained out all the water from their lungs and stomach, but as the kids were small there was a possibility of pneumonia and infection. Their body had already started to heat up at an alarming rate and it would get worse as the night darkens.     

Feng Jianyu ran inside the ICU after hearing the doctor's words. His eyes glued to the two young kids who were lying lifeless under the layers of the blanket with contraption attached to their frail body. Unknowingly a tear rolled down to his cheeks when he held Junjie's chubby hand, his heart ached on seeing the sharp needle pierced through the skin….     

He delicately placed his hand down, tucked the blanket securely and ran a gentle hand on their forehead. A frown appeared when he felt the temperature and looked at the doctor who was standing with crossed hands.     

Feng Jianyu didn't say anything to the man instead he took out his phone and arranged for the world's best pediatrician for his brothers. The young master of the Feng family holds the power to get anything done with just a raise of his finger.     

Just then a commotion was heard outside the room, Feng Jianyu and Wang Shi glanced at each other and immediately went out in order to not disturb the kids.     

When their mother tried to come near the ICU, Feng Jianyu and Wang Shi stood guard at the door.     

Jianyu held his mother's hand and dragged her to the end of the VVIP corridor and pushed her towards Feng Dingxiong who was talking with the chairman of the hospital.     

"STAY.AWAY. FROM. MY. BROTHERS," He gritted his teeth, his eyes turned frosty.     

Although a teenager, he was taller and stronger than any of the kids of his age and had his own strong opinion.     

"JIANYU…." Feng Dingxiong seethed in a ferocious voice at his elder son who was eyeing his mother as if ready to swallow her alive. He knows Feng Jianyu was always cold and aloof, perhaps it's related to the accident when he was nine. But during this holiday season, his behavior was outrageous, especially when it comes to his mother.     

Feng Jianyu didn't move a muscle hearing his father's stern voice, he glued his piercing gaze at his mother who was standing in his father's arms, crying her eyes out like a caring lady.     

But all he saw was crocodile tears.     

"Is this the way to treat your mother? APOLOGIZE!" Feng Dingxiong's voice rose a few octaves; people two floors below must have heard his roar. "Looks like I'm too lenient, how dare you to push your mother? How dare you to order her to stay away from Junjie and Jin? Don't forget she has given birth to all three of you."     

 Liu Jielan followed and saw his son standing beside Feng Jianyu, eyeing his aunt Liu Ning with hostility that clearly stated that he was standing in Feng Jianyu's support.     

Wang Shi noticed his mother walking in from the edge of the corridor, he squared his shoulders and looked back straight into her eyes when she gestured him to walk over to her.     

The action clearly stated defiance.     

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