We are destined.Let me pamper you

Final flash back-3

Final flash back-3

0"Gave birth to three of us?" Feng Jianyu scoffed, "Does that mean she has the right to kill us, too?" He was no more a young boy but had grown up fast when he saw his mother throwing her kids into the deep and cold water.     

Feng Dingxiong narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean? They fell down into the lake while playing." His eyes shifted at Liu Ning who shook her head in denial and sobbed. "I don't know what he is trying to imply,"     

"Liar," Wang Shi growled and stepped ahead. "Aunty Ning threw them into the lake; we saw it with our own eyes." The fire building in his eyes didn't go unnoticed.     

"No, No… Why would I hurt my own kids? I heard them crying and came out to check if everything was alright. Perhaps when I was standing near the lake asking for help, you mistook me. Let me see them once," Liu Ning held onto Feng Dingxiong's suit to support herself. Tears didn't stop rolling out from her eyes.     

Wang Shi sneered, "We saw you throwing them into the lake. It was not a mistake but you tried to kill my brothers…."     

"WANG SHI, MIND YOUR TONGUE. Don't forget you're talking to your aunt. I know Ning better than you, she loves her kids more than her life," Liu Jielan interrupted Wang Shi.     

"If your so-called love causes your kids to end up there," Wang Shi pointed at the ICU, "It's better to not love them."     

Feng Jianyu was having a silent war with his father as both of them looked at each other with an unfathomable gaze.     

Liu Ning looked at the closed door of ICU, she tried to go there but was instantly stopped by Feng Jianyu and Wang Shi who stood in front of her.     

"WANG SHI…."     


Liu Jielan could feel the hair rise on her arms, this was the first time when his obedient son was not only standing against elders but talking back. She doubted her upbringing on seeing such an unruly son; her hands could not stop being raised at him.     

But Feng Jianyu's reflexes were faster, he instantly covered for his brother. The slap landed on Jianyu's face.     

Neither he flinched, nor his cold expression changed. He was as stiff as rock.     

"Jianyu…." Wang Shi turned Jianyu to see if he was fine. Upon noticing the forefingers printed accompanied by the bloody marks due to sharp nails, one side of his face was as red as blood. Wang Shi glared at his mother for being unreasonable.     

Feng Jianyu didn't buzz from his position; he glanced at the end of the corridor from where an old man witnessed everything. His eyes returned back to his father, "You can be blinded by her tears but I saw everything clearly. Moreover, doctors told me about the old and new injuries on their bodies…."     

"I-I don't..."     

Feng Jianyu raised his palm at Liu Ning who tried to interrupt.     

"….I know your wife is ready with another explanation but I don't trust her anymore. I'm afraid when I'll return back to the USA she might kill my innocent brothers behind my back. I've decided to take them with me as soon as their condition improves."     

In Feng Jianyu's eyes, Liu Ning lost her respect the moment she threw her kids into the lake and Jianyu saw bruises on Junjie's body. Although he doesn't have any proof against her, he has seen how much scared Junjie and Jin used to be around her.     

"Other than you, if someone else wants to meet them that'll be done in my presence until Junjie and Jin are mature enough to take their own decisions."     

By the word 'someone else' he was clearly referring to Liu Ning.     

"Don't forget you're still a teenager. Do you think you can take care of them?" Everyone turned to look at the source of the voice. They bowed in respect seeing it was the patriarch of the family, Feng Dingxiong's father, Feng Zedong, respectfully addressed as Elder Feng by everyone.     

In the Feng family, no one can dare to go against him. His order was considered as the supreme command that everyone has to follow.     

After arriving at the hospital, Feng Jianyu didn't delay a single minute and called his grandfather to the hospital. He knows his father would definitely stop him to take his brothers, and the only person who can handle him was Elder Feng.     

Elder Feng stood right in front of Feng Jianyu, his eyes studied the young boy's fierce determination to protect his brothers at any cost. He added, "Taking care of kids is not a kid's task, especially when you're already preoccupied with your studies and other activities."     

Being the firstborn of Feng Family, his schedule was jam-packed with various extra-curricular activities that were important for a future heir of a big empire to learn.     

 "Don't go by my age, there's nothing in this world that can't be learned. Moreover, it's good if they are allowed to live with me, not only they'll be safe but I'll train them personally." Feng Jianyu replied, his brows furrowed when Wang Shi interrupted him, "Grandfather, Jianyu is not alone in this. We'll take turns to take care of them and manage the time accordingly. Rest assured, neither our studies would be affected nor we'll let you disappoint."     

Feng Jianyu and Wang Shi nodded in agreement as the former added, "If you won't allow me to take them, I'm not going back to states"     

"Me too."     

"Wang shi…."     

"Sorry mom, you're taking your sister's side and I'm taking my brother's. Don't force me to do something that'll make you regret your decision. If you want I'll speak to dad about it. But my decision is firm." Wang Shi didn't let his mother speak.     

Elder Feng's eyes flickered at them. Undoubtedly the future of Feng and Wang Family was bright. He was proud of their clear thinking, selfless attitude and immense love for each other at such a young age.     

It was good if they are united like this forever. They will become each other's support in times of need.     

Despite Liu Ning's objections, two days later Feng Jianyu and Wang Shi left the country along with Junjie and Jin, accompanied by a team of doctors.     



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