We are destined.Let me pamper you



0Lu Xion drove the car absentmindedly, he just wants to leave the orphanage and go somewhere where he could spend some alone time. After driving for hours he saw a lake and pulled over. Taking a bottle of wine from the car chiller and two wine glasses, he sat down at the bank of the lake.     

The surface of the lake was teeming with white stars, reflecting the twinkling stars and moon. He poured a glass of wine for himself and took a sip.     

Winter lurking in the sky, the wind blows in cold, a woman dressed in white gown stepped from the shadows and sat down beside the man.     

"Instead of drinking, go back home. You need rest" She said.     

"I don't have a home" Lu Xion didn't spare a glance at the woman and kept his gaze at the moon shining over the surface of the lake.     

She sighed looking at the man's face and changed the topic, "I've never seen Alice this happy. Her immense happiness reflected through her eyes. And the way Feng Jianyu was looking at her, his gaze screamed the depth of his true love. Undoubtedly, in their relationship, Jianyu's love would always be one point ahead than Alice's"     

"Hm! I know. Jianyu and I are same when it comes to love. That's why I'm relieved that Alice got Jianyu" He poured wine into the other glass and placed it near her.     

"Then why did you threaten him?" She asked.     

"It was necessary" He answered.     

"Necessary or your over possessiveness for Alice?"     

"Call it whatever. She is special to me" He shrugged and poured another glass of wine for him, emptying the bottle.     

"Xion…." She called.     

"Why can't all love stories be happily ever after? It hurts when you have someone in your heart but you can't have them in your arms" He asked taking a sip.     

"If someone has left you that's not the end of your story, it's the end of that person's part in your life. Move on Xion… Move on. Life is full of opportunities" Saying she lied down on the grass and looked at the sky.     

He gulped the entire glass in a single sip, tossed it on the floor before lying down beside her. He looked at her intensely; his hands went to touch her face but pulled back. "Why would I move on? I'm happy with you by my side….."     

"Excuse me, sir… Excuse me. Do you have a change of a hundred?"     

There were lost in each other's eyes when a woman came looking for a change. Lu Xion was so drunk that he did not pay any attention, his eyes started to droop.     

"There's a woman asking for something," The woman in white gown brought his attention.     

"Let her be. Your attention should be at me" He said and turned to lay down on left and the woman in white did the same and turned to lay down on right. She softly runs her hand on his face and whispered, "Sleep! I'm guarding your dreams"     

"mmmm…. Don't leave me alone….I love you M….." He whispered before drifting off to a deep slumber.     

The lady who came asking for change gave a weird look to Lu Xion before returning back to her friends who were waiting for her near the ice-cream truck.     

"What happened? Did you get the change?"     

"No! He was a weird man, seems like a psycho"     

"Psycho? Did he say something?"     

"No… But he was self-talking…."     


 At the venue, Bai Xin was taking care of everything that Feng Jianyu gave to Xiu Mei. She collected all the letters and placed them securely in a folder. She was just collecting the roses that she had placed on the swing in the garden when a man approached her from behind.     

But Bai Xin being Bain Xin before he could do something she turned at a lightning speed and threw a hard punch over the man's nose.     

"Ah!" He winced after being punched hard and staggered few steps back only to fall down on thorny cactus. "Ouch!"     


That's what he saw in front of his eyes….     

Both the attacks were so painful that he could not register anything around him; the pain was intense that it shatters his brain. He just lies so still, eyes watered, breathing shallow.     

"Rong Xiang…."     

Bai Xin looked at the man with shock as she rushed forward to help him who was wincing in pain. The sharp thorns of cactus pricked his bum; the plant still sticking inside.  She pressed her lips to suppress the laughter.     

Rong Xiang looked at her with utter disbelief; the preposterous attack was too much for him to bear. He glared at her seriously, he gritted his teeth, "Bai Xin, who do you take me for, a punching bag? I just wanted to give you the last blueberry pastry I managed to save from the kids. Ah! I think my nose is bleeding" He felt something wet at the entrance of his nose and rubbed the back of a hand to check. Indeed his nose was bleeding.     

"Not only your nose but I think your bum too" Bai Xin pointed at the cactus plant and unbuttoned her shirt shocking the man. "Wow there… What are you doing?" He averted his eyes when he saw her red lacy bra.     

"Shut Up and Lie down still" She rolled the shirt tightly and wrapped it around the plant to save her hands from getting pricked.     



With a single pull, the plant was out…     

Rong Xiang grunts and got up with Bai Xin's help but his bum and nose were burning with unbearable pain. While wiping the nose with hankerchief he saw her taking off the thorns from her shirt.     

Bai Xin frowned when the man offered his suit jacket to her. "That shirt is useless now. You'll end up in worse condition than mine if you put it on"     


"Apart from regular spines, this cactus contains glochids i.e. tiny hair-like spines. They are itchy and trickier to remove and stick on to everything with just a light touch. I'm sure they are all over this shirt" He answered truly.     

"So you???" Feeling guilty she took the jacket and wore it and the man replied, "yes, me… I need a doctor to get these itchy glochids removed completely" He replied sternly, feeling annoyed by this unnecessary punch and the embarrassing situation.     

"Alright, come with me" Bai Xin pulled the man towards the parking. "Stupid man! Who told you to get a pastry for me and then surprise me with it. Am I a little girl who will get surprised by it? Look what have you done, what if my punch had landed on your eyes? You should be careful"     

 "Lay down at the back seat on your stomach. I'm taking you to the hospital" She gently helped him inside the car and he smiled sheepishly in between the pain. 'She cares for me… She is worried about me..... One step closer'     


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