We are destined.Let me pamper you

Kong's downfall 3

Kong's downfall 3

0Everything was crystal clear that nothing happened between Qiao Ting and XM. However, is it just a coincidence or true with other men too?     

Kong Liu looked at Xiu Mei shockingly. After getting Qiao Ting and XM's pictures, Kong Liu personally hacked into the surveillance system of the hotel to delete the video in order to erase the evidence. How did XM manage to recover it?     

"This video is edited" Kong Liu sneered.                                                        

Xiu Mei remained silent and presented her next evidence. On the screen, another photo appeared of six men who seemed to be inside the jail. "These are the men who endlessly stalked me for two days and take pictures wherever I went. Their confession statements are already recorded"     

"You might have planted them to get out of the situation…."     

 "I'm sorry, but may I ask why you are so desperate to reject all the evidence. Is it you who planned all this along with your father and brother?" Xiu Mei led the audience and Kong Liu stuttered, "What? N-no! We are respectable citizens of this country. Why would we do that?"     

"Of course I believe you that you are respectable citizens" She mocked, "Let's not waste any more time. I'm sure evidence is conclusive…. the picture is fake…. In fact, everything is fake. I'll move on to the photographs with Dr. Wang Shi and Rong Xiang" Xui Mei continued to lead the media and the delegates.     

Instead of presenting any video or image, a contract appeared on-screen whose contents were hidden from everyone as it was a classified contract signed between two companies. It showed only dates, few important points, and authorized signatures.     

As soon as the contract appeared on screen, everyone enlarged their eyes to make sure that they are reading correctly. Some even rubbed their eyes thinking it to be their hallucination.     

"Firstly, don't ask me anything about the contract as it's classified. Secondly, I won't talk about photographs, considering it's a waste of time as showed you the contract" Xiu Mei's words were charismatic as she hyped up the atmosphere, "Yes! I have collaborated with Dr. Wang Shi's company for the X-Ray machine and Robotic clamps and with Feng Corporation for rest of the inventions"     

"You have signed the deal with Feng Corporation?" Kong Wei got up from his seat and walked to the stage. His expression changed as he glared resentfully at Xiu Mei.     

Xiu Mei's move was like a fiery hot slap across their face…. No! Across their dreams.     

If she has signed the contract with Feng Corporation then it was obvious that R-Tech won't make any deal with Kongs. Forget about getting deal they might not even consider Country B for setting up the manufacturing unit. Now when Kong IT is almost bankrupt, elections are hanging over head, Kong Wei was in dire need of investments to show his potential to the people of Country B and for that, a big fish like R-Tech was most appropriate.     

"Mr. Kong Wei, Can't you read the words on the screen? Or do you have a comprehensibility problem? Xiu Mei cannot help but laugh.     

"If you are unable to read it why not ask your sister to read it for you" Xiu Mei made a deliberate pause and looked at Kong Liu's expression. She was flustered as her gaze glued to the screen. In fact, if one notices her slightly, they would realize that Kong Liu was trembling.     

Kong Liu had never thought that the woman she considered to be Feng Jianyu's one-night partner would turn out be his business partner instead. How can two rival companies collaborate? R-tech destroyed Infinity software yet Feng Jianyu joined hands with them.     

Kong Liu watched as Xiu Mei and Feng Jianyu share a glance; this was the woman she had racked her brains trying to shame her publically so that a nobleman like Feng Jianyu throws her out of his life. Her hands clenched into fists in anger.     

"Being a doctor, Dr. Wang Shi understands the needs of patients better than any of us. Instead of just signing the deal and leave everything on R-Tech, he made sure to be personally involved by providing his valuable suggestions. In fact, we're going to have another discussion over dinner tonight. Feel free to take as many pictures as possible" as Xiu Mei spoke these words she looked mockingly at Kong Liu and Kong Wei.     

 Without XM's explanation, everyone understood the reason behind her being snapped with Rong Xiang.     

It's a known fact that CEO Feng Jianyu is a busy person; one cannot expect him to follow up with the developments of every minute thing. Being his secretary obviously it was Rong Xiang's work to follow up with R-Tech.     

Just when everyone was busy thinking they heard XM issuing an order to Orange.     

"Orange, play the audio"     

It was the unedited version of yesterday's discussion that happened between Kongs and XM in Phoenix Enterprises' private room.     

In the audio, it was Kong Da who first offered money to XM to issue the statement and clear his name. Moreover, hearing XM's tone it feels like she was mocking them by demanding an exorbitant price….     

Including when Kong Liu blackmailed XM by showing pictures….     

Greedy? Demanded money? Immoral? What nonsense.     

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