We are destined.Let me pamper you




Suddenly the doors of the main hall were pushed open from outside…     

Everyone present in the hall widened their eyes at the uniformed police officers who strode inside the hall. Kong Da has an ominous feeling on at the turn of events and now the unexpected entry of police.     

"Police?" the media reporters whispered among themselves.     

Feng Jianyu stealed a glance at the woman sitting with a glint of mischief in her eyes, toying with the empty bottle.     

His brows furrowed when instead of being shocked by the new entrants she winked at him.     


'This woman!? When did she plan all this? Why I'm not included in her plan? What she's going to do next?' He sighed.     

Except for Xiu Mei and her team, no one was aware of this plan, not even Lu Xion and Feng Jianyu. She was aware of Kong Liu's wild and stubborn personality. After all, she was a famous spoilt heir, it was expected of her to be prodigal and never accept the truth.     

However, Xiu Mei knows what was supposed to be done to get the truth out of her mouth.     

The police officers walk passed all the delegates to reach the Kong family standing near the stage.     

Kong Da stepped ahead, "I'm General Kong Da, military head of Country B. Is there a problem, officer?"  Before asking question, he proudly announced his position in the country.     

"Officer, its good you are here" Kong Liu took few fast steps and stood beside her father. She pointed her finger at XM, "Please arrest this woman for trying to slander my name and misleading the business dignitaries against Kong IT and me by falsely claiming the rights over Infinity Software. My secretary will follow you to file the official case on my behalf"     

Kong Liu sneered looking at stage. Feng Jianyu was standing with a deep frown on the stage. Next to him, XM was the quiet and aloof, stealing glances at the handsome man who only belongs to her (Kong Liu).     

Kong Liu looked at the media who was clearly favouring XM, "Right now! I really doubt your capabilities. Is there something wrong with your brains? I don't know what ulterior motives she has to spread the rumor about me not being the developer of Infinity Software, but I know that all my media friends have allied with her"     

"Let me tell you, Infinity software is mine. I'm the creator. I and my dad have not done any of the stuff as claimed by her" She moved closer to the stage, "XM, if you can't control your mouth then these police officers will teach you how to do it"     

After hearing Kong Liu's blabbering, the media fumed with anger. However, nobody spoke anything, knowing XM's high IQ they were sure this cannot be the real ending. She will definitely strike back at Kong Liu. All they have to do is wait and watch.     

Just as they have expected….     

This was not the ending….     

"Miss. Kong, we have received a complaint against you from Miss. XM's attorney, Huo Feng. Please accompany us to the station" The police officer broke the news, surprising everyone.     


"What? Why? What have I done wrong? Didn't my father called you here to arrest XM?" She asked, her gaze looked for help from her father. But before Kong Da could say soomething he received a text message which made him gasp in fear.     

[Seven years back, Rosewood resort]     

Another text message arrived…     

[Who was that girl? Your foster niece?]     

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a deep breath… just then another message came…     

[Do not interfere with the police. If you dare, I have something more interesting]     

Soon after the message he received the video clip with the title, Kong's BDSM featuring General Kong Da and the potential Presidential candidate Kong Wei.     

His gaze went straight to the woman sitting on the stage, but XM's attitude doesn't seem suspicious to him. However, other then her, who else can do this? Who else can dare to challenge Kong's? But how she managed to dig their biggest secret? Is Infinity Software and money is all that she wants or she has some other ulterior motives too?     

He tried to call back at the number…. but blank…. His screen turned black all of a sudden. He understood someone has hacked his phone to delete everything.     


Kong Da looked at his daughter helplessly, his entire body was trembling.     

"Miss. Kong, you have been charged for committing a serious felony against my client. Blackmailing, threatening, mental harassment, character assassination and last but not the least theft against R-Tech for stealing Infinity software" Huo Feng got up to answer as he passed the file to the officer in charge.     

"This is wrong! I've not done anything. Go arrest her instead. You cannot take me" Looking at the smirk on XM's face she barged towards her but the sound of metal click and a strong pull on her wrist holds her back. Her body trembled when she saw the cuffs bracing her wrist while a female officer was holding the other end.     

"Miss. Kong, we request you to cooperate with us. Otherwise we have our own means, which I'm sure you won't like" The female police officer spoke the monotonous dialogue.     

"Dad?!..... Brother?!" She looked for help but Kong Da's mouth was sealed by the text message. And his brother Kong Wei was turned into a mute spectator a long time back. Don't know what was going on inside his brain? What politics he was thinking?     

"This is the final warning from our side, Miss. Kong. This is a standard protocol; you can call your lawyer after reaching the station. But as of now cooperate"     

"Shut up! I said, I'm not going anywhere" She tried to pull her hand back but that didn't affect the firm grip of the police officer. Her gaze scanned her coward father and brother, "Why are you not doing anything? We Kongs are the most powerful family in Country B, use your contacts. Get me out of this. How could these people arrest me?" She hissed and Kong Da tried to console her daughter, "Be good! I'm calling the lawyer. Just cooperate as of now"     

Kong Da loves his daughter dearly, but he was not a fool to let someone know about his past deeds. He was aware that the incident concerned involves some of the most powerful families.     

Kong Liu felt heartbroken hearing her father. She was aware that her father was a selfish human, yet his attitude surprised her.     

"No! I'm not going to the station"     


The slap from the female police officer was loud and it stung, throwing her face to the right. Kong Liu's eyes reddened as she clutched her cheeks.     

Her eyes stealthily looked at the high profile delegates. This was the first time she was humiliated like this.     

The pain from the slap didn't hurt but the embarrasement did.     

This was the feeling of humiliation!     

"I already warned you before to not force me to use harsh methods, yet you didn't listen to me. I'm warning once more, PLEASE COOPERATE. It will be easier for you" The police officer warned.     

 "Why are you taking me only when my father and brother were equally involved?" Kong Liu retorted.     

"Because we have received the complaint against you only"     

"This is wrong. I'm innocent. I was the least involved in my father's plan"     

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