We are destined.Let me pamper you

Unfilial girl

Unfilial girl

0Kong Liu's impromptu statement was like a splash of cold water in chilly winters as Kong Da gave a horrified look while Kong Wei scrunched into a corner, looking for a place to either hide or ran away from there.     

The impending doom was approaching closer by every second….     

The media reporters got up from their seats to record everything on their camera. Just as Kong Liu mentioned something about Kong Da's plan, every camera turned to face him.     

Kong Da realized that everyone was recording him, but he has to shut the mouth of her idiot daughter before she utters any more nonsense.     

"LIU? SHUT UP!" Kong Da snarled forgetting his so-called image, "Don't create trouble. Just go"     

Kong Liu instantly pursed her lips…                                                                   

Sitting on the stage indifferently, only Xiu Mei knows the depth of emotions that were erupting inside her. She was not a cold person but turned into something like this. The slap that landed on Kong Liu's face was the first amongst many that Xiu Mei will give her.     

She is going to return every slap that she had received from the Kong family.     

Kong Liu panicked when the officer started to drag her, metal cuffs rubbed against her wrist bruising it but her struggle didn't stop. Knowing how drastically their power, wealth, and influence have reduced, it would be difficult for her father to get her out. Moreover, she was sure that with the backing of Feng Corporation and Feng Jianyu, R-Tech won't be easy on her.     

"NO! You bitch, I'll destroy you! I'll kill you….."     

Nobody understands to whom she called bitch, the police officer or XM.     

The image of a noble and elegant socialite of Country B was long gone, her perfect makeup smudged by tears, waterproof mascara rolled down to her cheeks.     


Another slap landed on Kong Liu's face….     

"Firstly, you committed another crime by threatening a police officer publically" The police officer looked back unfazed. She knows how to handle the tantrums of these so-called socialities "Secondly,  R-Tech's lawyer has submitted enough evidence to convict you. Everyone present in the hall saw it. Undoubtedly you are the one involved in all those crimes. Do you take us as fools to arrest an innocent woman? Stop behaving like a victim when you are not"     

"What crimes are you talking about? XM started everything. If I'm going with you then I'll make sure XM accompanies me" saying Kong Liu poked a hairpin on the hands of the police officer to break free herself. "Ahh," The officer instantly let go of her feeling a sharp pain.     

Kong Liu strides towards the stage as she snarled, "You bitch! I'll show you what it means to mess with Kong Liu. You really thought that I'll let you claim Infinity Software without giving a fight? NOT! We both are aware that all the evidence presented by you are fabricated as Infinity Software was neither developed by me nor R-Tech"     

Feng Junjie instantly reacted getting the tip from Feng Jianyu and activated the security to secure the stage. Before Kong Liu could even understand, she found the stage surrounded by bodyguards.     

Kong Liu stepped back, her eyes brush past Feng Jianyu's small action. His thoughtfulness and immense care for another woman enraged her. She loves this man from her graduation days, has sent letters and emails confessing her love, but the reply is yet to come.     

Her mind wanted to shout and ask the man what's so special about this masked woman that he can barely take his eyes off of her.     

Kong Liu's sudden words caused the commotion inside the hall. What does she mean by her last sentence? If neither Kong Liu nor R-tech invented the Software then who else invented it.     

"Wowww…. Just a moment ago you were shouting at the top of your lungs that Infinity Software was made by you. And now all of a sudden your statement changed?  I'm sure after some time you'll claim that Santa Claus gifted it to you as a Christmas gift" Xiu Mei mocked him, mirth apparent in her eyes, "Earlier I thought you were just a crazy, stubborn, spoilt, and delusional woman. But it seems there something more to your personality"     

"XM, you better shut your mouth….."     

Xiu Mei got up with a force, throwing the chair back, startling the woman down the stage. "Don't try to act innocent in front of me! I know this is your trick to escape from the situation"     

"I'm not escaping from the situation, but telling the truth. Infinity software was made by someone else and she gave it to me"     

"Hahaha…. Do you think we are a bunch of fools sitting here? Why someone would give a precious gem like Infinity Software to a fake computer engineer like you?"     

"You are fake! Your entire family is fake! The girl who created the software gave it to me, I didn't steal it" Kong Liu gritted her teeth.     

"Cut the crap, Kong Liu! If there's really a girl as such, then tell me why didn't she help you to decode the software in all these years? Why she let you enjoy the billions of dollars of profits? Is she a saint? If she is, then please call her here to let her verify your statement and honor us with a demo of her skills" Xiu Mei continued taking down Kong Liu's every argument and pointed at a table, "See, I already prepared laptops. Not one but two…. A small competition between the girl and R-Tech's computer engineer would be a treat. Isn't it?"     

"I-I…. She can't come here"      

"Of course she can't come here. Because there's no such person. Anyways, I don't care if she comes here or not. Police have their own ways to get the truth out of a stubborn mouth like yours" Xiu Mei nodded at the officers and Kong Liu took a step away, "Don't you dare come closer. That… that girl can't come because she is dead"     

"Another lie! From top to bottom you are nothing but a big lie! If she is dead then tell us who she was, what does she looked like, show us her death certificate, country of origin, call her family, anything…. And I'll believe you"     

"I-I…. I don't…."     

Kong Liu was tongue-tied….     

"Perhaps, in order to be with CEO Feng Jianyu you killed that woman and steal the Infinity Software. Later your father made a deal with Feng Corporation to pave way for you to reach CEO Feng. However, your incapability in decoding the Software failed your plans" Kong Liu looked at Xiu Mei in shock just as she heard her, "What? Looking at your shocked expression it looks like I made a correct analysis"     

"Kong Liu! I'll make sure you'll rot in jail. Forever" Xiu Mei stepped down, break the barrier of the bodyguards and stood in front of her. She whispered to provoke Kong Liu, "Take look at your father, he is already prepared to send you to jail. Look at your brother, all he is thinking right now is to save his pride and shrug the matter somehow. Your second brother is already on the run. Who else is left to bear the consequences? IT'S YOU!"     

"I know your family is being selfish, but a waste thing like you has to be put to some use. What else can be a better use of you than putting the blame of all the crime over your head" Xiu Mei continued provoking when she saw how red Kong Liu's face has become. Knowing her temper she is about to erupt anytime, "After all, CEO Feng Jianyu is way out of your league. He would never look at someone like you, a cheater, a thief, a schemer, and a lier. Remember, he said it loud and clear, I'm his woman" Xiu Mei made sure that the last few lines are heard by Kong Liu only.     

"SHUT UP! YOU BITCH!!" Kong Liu snapped at Xiu Mei as her blood boiled hearing her provoking words, "How dare you to mess with me?" Kong Liu said as she charged towards Xiu Mei to hold her neck. She wanted to strangle her right here, without taking in for consequences. If she is going to rot in jail forever than it's better to kill the person she hates and go for death sentence instead.     

How dare XM frame her for everything?     

However, unknown to Kong Liu, Xiu Mei was well versed in self-defense techniques. She turned to the side avoiding her attack, and gripped her left arm and twists it to pin it behind the back while Xiu Mei holds her nape tightly to avoid her from moving.     

"Don't ever repeat it" Saying Xiu Mei rolled her with a force, almost making her stagger and fall down.     

"Offivers please take her," Xiu Mei said.     

Kong Liu narrowed her eyes at Xiu Mei, then she looked at the police officers who were ready to take her to the station, finally she glanced at her father and brother who were the mute spectators of the show.     

XM's words echoed in her ear…' Who else is left to bear the consequences? IT'S YOU'     

She glared at all the people, fury coursed through her blood. Without any thought she picked the mic from the nearest table, "Infinity Software was not made by R-Tech, it was the invention of a sixteen-year-old girl named Alice. She was my uncle General Kong Zhi's adopted daughter who was later adopted by my father, after uncle Zhi's death"     

"LIU, STOP TALKING NONSENSE. I told you that lawyers are coming, just listen to….."     

Ignoring her father she continued, "Alice ran away to Country Y seven years bac..."     


"YOU, SHUT UP" Before Kong Da could stop his daughter to reveal anything else she chided him, forgetting the father-daughter relationship.     

"How dare you?" Kong Da snarled at his unfilial daughter. His chest heaved in anger as he clutched the head of the walking stick, trying his best to not hit her in front of everyone.     

"Don't make me say it again. JUST GO WITH THEM" He snarled, pointing finger at the police officers.     

Kong Liu felt indescribable pain, her father's behavior always disappoints her. For him, she was always an asset, only worthy enough to be used for later use. Today when he was stuck in a sticky situation, how ruthlessly he pushed her away.     

She shook her head adamantly.     

"I. AM. NOT. GOING. ANYWHERE. With your current condition, I know I'll be the best scapegoat to bear the consequences of your crimes. That's what you have always done" Kong Liu enunciated word by word. Her voice shook, tears rolled down her eyes, "And why should I go when I haven't done anything wrong. Instead of me this vicious woman and you should go to the station"     

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