We are destined.Let me pamper you

Quite interesting

Quite interesting

0 "Lady Boss, I-I'll take my leave" Rong Xiang gave Xiu Mei a bow and another to Lu Xion before he scurried away from there.     

"Is everything prepared for tomorrow?" Xiu Mei come straight to point and asked her secretary walking back to the sitting area.     

"Yes, President. I spoke to organizers about using R-tech's technicians and equipment for tomorrow's presentations. They instantly agreed"     

"What about the Non-disclosure agreement?"     

"It's signed as well and a copy is mailed to your inbox"     

"Make sure there are no glitches in tomorrow's event, monitor it personally. Appoint our best technicians near the stage" Xiu Mei instructed while messaging Feng Jianyu that she is leaving the venue in five minutes.     

"Everything will be done as per your instructions. I'm staying here for the night to get it done under my supervision" Bai Xin answered and Xiu Mei frowned, "Alone?"     

"Er…. that….." Bai Xin hesitated.     

"I'll arrange five bodyguards and ask Rong Xiang to accompany you. Your safety is my first priority"     

Bai Xin "…."     

"Yes, President" Bai Xin knows no one can argue with Xiu Mei when it comes to women safety.     

Xiu Mei didn't answer anything, her gaze stuck at the broken coffee cup of Kong Wei. A malicious smile escaped her lips, "Some things are meant to be destroyed" She uttered in a low voice attracting Lu Xion's attraction.     

Bai Xin felt shivers run down her spine. She's been working alongside Xiu Mei for five years and this deadly aura of hers has been taken in from Lu Xion's merciless training. These predatory eyes, hides her innocence and charm, turning her into a vicious and dangerous person. No one can predict Xiu Mei's plans, she changes it along with the situations. Her mind is unpredictable….     

"Goodbye X, bye Xin," Xiu Mei said as she grabbed her handbag and walked out of the room. Tomorrow's a big day, she should sleep well tonight.     



"Ummm…. This tangerine dessert was awesome. I can still taste the flavor on my lips" While walking back to the penthouse after eating dinner with Feng Jianyu, Xiu Mei said, licking her lips. "Finally I got to taste the tangerine dessert, it was yummmm. Why didn't you taste it?"     

"I like some other flavour"     

"What flavor? I'll order the chef to prepare dessert of that particular flavour"     

"It tastes best when savored raw. Direct from the source"     

Xiu Mei "…."     

"You and your weird taste" She rolled her eyes, "Mmmm…. Oh! I can't get over with this dessert; can you order the chef to make one more? It was so yummmmm….. Ummmphh….."     

To shut her mouth from the constant blabbering about a silly dessert Feng Jianyu lowered his head to seal her lips with his.     

She was caught by surprise, her eyes widened in shock. He was kissing her standing in the corridor which was easily accessible to the guests. No matter how much she protested but Jianyu seemed to be lost in his own world. She avoided his gaze and rotated her eyeballs left-right, afraid someone might spot them.     

"Concentrate on the kiss, love" She heard him whisper then she looked back into his eyes in an instant and he winked. In one swift motion he picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist. Holding her securely with right hand, he pressed the elevator's button with the left without breaking the kiss.     

"Hmm…. You are my favorite flavor, love. I can never have enough of you" His seductive voice ignited a fire in her heart as she bites her lips but he pulled them out with his lips. "No biting, you already enjoyed your favorite dessert, this is all mine"     

Xiu Mei stared at the man intently. The lust and desire in both of their eyes were enough to convey how much they are longing for each other. Kissing and staring into each other's eyes, she didn't know when Jianyu brought her to the doors of the penthouse.     

As he punches in the passcode, she bites his earlobe and licked it. "If I'm your favorite flavor then don't stop tonight" She whispered and kissed him hungrily.     

"Bad timing I guess" Just when Feng Jianyu stepped inside holding Xiu Mei in his arms, a familiar yet strange voice welcomed them.     

Breaking the kiss midway, their head simultaneously snapped at the direction of the sound.     

A tall handsome man was seated on the couch, turning the pages of the magazine without even reading the contents. Feng Jianyu's expression was neutral; he was neither happy nor sad by this man's presence. However, he was pissed off that their love moment was stopped abruptly as he gave an apologetic look to his wife before placing her gently on the floor.     

Xiu Mei, on the other hand, was feeling uncomfortable by his presence; her feet went numb and she clutched Jianyu's sleeve for the support. A lingering fear clouded her heart thinking about the worst outcome. How could she be dumb enough to forget about him? Was she so lost in Feng Jianyu's love that she never thought about this man?     

She comes out from her thoughts when she felt an arm snaked around her waist, pulling her closer for the much-needed support and warmth.     


Feng Dingxiong ignored his son, his brows arched at Feng Jianyu's hand that was wrapped around Xiu Mei's waist protectively. He raised his eyes up and narrowed at the petite woman, who was holding onto his son's shirt tightly in between her fingers like a kid protecting her most precious item.     

"Quite interesting" He muttered.     

Xiu Mei was in a deep shock seeing Feng Dingxiong in Country B, but she managed to calm herself down. She had never thought that her next meeting with her father in law would be in such weird circumstances, when she was climbed up on Jianyu, kissing.     

 Frankly speaking, she even forgot about the contract between her and Feng Dingxiong.     

Thankfully, Jianyu was with her at this crucial time.     

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