We are destined.Let me pamper you

Orange-The droid

Orange-The droid

0Xiu Mei stepped down from the stage to speak. "As far as the demonstration is concerned, this product will self introduce himself to everyone. You are free to ask any questions. Mark my words, when I say any it means any." With wireless mic attached to her mouth, holding the product in her arms covered in white silk cloth, she took over the entire hall as if she owns the place.     

She looked at the expressions of people; with an affable smile plastered on her face, she placed the product on the floor carefully. "Here I present R-Tech's most advanced product…. ORANGE -The Droid" saying she pulled the white cloth in a swift motion and threw it on the floor.     

Feng Jianyu's body went numb. 'ORANGE', Xiu Mei's lab assistant?! Looking at the tiny thing his eyes widened in shock. 'Ahh! This naughty chipmunk dared to mess with me! Wifey you are gone now, looks like I have to teach you a good lesson this time'     

Now that he remembers, he has seen Xiu Mei hugging it many times. In fact in the library when he once threw it on the couch, she called its name. How foolish he didn't join the dots. Now he understood, how exactly there misunderstanding was cleared. Most probably Orange recorded their conversation when she left him in the library and went out to bring food.     

He sighed looking at the amazing invention, 'can't believe I should be thankful to a droid for bringing her back into my life. This chipmunk never ceases to amaze me'     

Regaining his composure he paid attention to his wife's so-called sleeping buddy.     

Many gasped in surprise, some held their breaths, eyes widened in shock, the big-shot product of R-Tech is a two feet Robot in orange color. If it was some other company they would have laughed at it but here they are talking about R-Tech.     

"Take over the presentation, orange" Xiu Mei left the order and went to sit at the edge of the stage like a regal queen watching over her empire. Legs crossed, straight back, chin slightly up, a small smile with eyes shining like starts entrapped in them, and unmatchable confidence.     

"Thank You XM" Just three words… Suddenly, time seemed to stop for every one. Some delegates even asked there secretary to video record everything. A droid taking over the presentation was unbelievable.     

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is ORANGE"     

"Weight-12 kilograms. Height- 61 cm. Walking speed- I don't walk. But buddy installed rubber tires beneath my feet to help me walk"     

"Battery- Rechargeable Lithium-ion with operating time of 24 hours"     

"Body- Titanium and steel"     

"Education- Ph.D. in all fields. Favorite subject- Psychology"     

"Hobbies- Reading books, playing music for my buddy and following my buddy's orders"     

"Stop staring. That's all with my introduction. Feel free to ask questions. Press buzzer to call me"     

The delegates were speechless by the introduction, Orange's robotic voice was clear and equal, unlike other robots. It took some time for everyone to come back to reality. However, nobody took the initiative to ask the question.     

At last, one of the delegates pressed the buzzer kept on his table to call Orange. Instantly he turned to the left and walked to the concerned table. "Question please"     

The delegate was a mathematics scholar. He instantly wrote three difficult mathematics questions and passed the folder to Orange.     

Within 20 seconds a detailed solution was presented in front of him. He was not only shocked by the answers but at his writing speed that was literally impossible for the naked eye to keep up.     

Another buzzer pressed….     

Every camera in the hall followed orange where ever he goes. The giant LED screen reflected clear video to the delegates and media representatives so that they don't miss even a single thing.     

"What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time?" The delegate tested his psychological skills.     

Orange- "A widow"     

Another buzzer pressed…..     

"I doubt there is an employee in my company who has allied with my rivals. Can you help me find out?" The delegate tested if Orange can be used practically for bigger problems.     

"Sure! Give me two minutes, Mr. Daniel" With a pin drop silence everyone looked at the numbers flashing on the monitor attached to Orange's body. "Scanning the employee data of Zexus moto corp…. checking employees' recent activities…. Scanning bank statements…. Checking for alternate accounts…. Found it! Not one but three employees. Mr. Stanley finance head, Miss. Lina secretary of VP and Mr. Morris, Lina's boyfriend and President Daniel's secretary" Orange gave a detailed answer.     

Daniel eyed his secretary who was sweating profusely. The mobile phone with which he was recording Orange dropped down to the table when he heard the names. "S-Sir he is lying. How can you trust a stupid robot?"     

"Mailed you a copy of everyone's bank statement, video recording of their recent activity, and other proofs. File case under section 23A according to Country Z's corporate law"     

Daniel checked everything and was shocked to see a detailed report of his three employees. Indeed they were cheating. "FIRED" He yelled.     

Everybody looked at Orange like they have seen a God. In that instant, buzzers buzzed from all the directions. Instead of asking questions the delegates started seeking solutions to their problems. Be it medical, business, or anything, Orange provided answers to everyone.     

If Xiu Mei was the queen of the summit, Orange becomes the King.     

Except for Kongs, everyone called Orange at their table for help and it obviously consumed time, irking Kong Liu to the core.     

She deliberately scheduled her presentation after Xiu Mei to take advantage of the situation when XM would issue the statement as discussed. This would not only clear Kong Da's name but put XM under the bad light, prompting everyone to think that she deliberately created the scene to frame Kong Da.     

And when Kong Liu would step up to present the product she would gain sympathy from the prestigious delegates, indicating Kong IT suffered huge losses all because of a misunderstanding.     

The investors who had backed off will reconsider investing and most probably Kong IT might attract new investments too.          

Moreover, she has even planned to reveal the photographs just after XM's presentation to not only humiliate her publically by showing her as a greedy and immoral woman but to break her relationship with R-Tech and its President.     

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