We are destined.Let me pamper you

What amazing kids!

What amazing kids!

0Lu Xion walked past everyone to stand beside Xiu Mei, his eyes scanned her to make sure there is no added injury otherwise Kong Da's head would be rolling on the floor.     

After assuring she is fine, his attention diverted to the three unwanted people.     

Looking at Lu Xion's questionable gaze that was pointed at his father, Kong Wei felt uncomfortable for some reason. "Er… that… I…" Coherent words refused to form inside his brain no matter how much he tried.     

"We are here to apologize Miss. XM, Brother Xion" When Lu Xion didn't oppose her addressing him as brother during the first time; she took the liberty to address him with this endearment again. After all, it's good to have a friendly relationship with a man as influential as him.     

"It's President X for you! Don't step out your boundaries" Lu Xion said as he directed narrowed his at the annoying woman, forcing her to take a step back.     

"I-I apologize on behalf of my daughter, President X" Kong Da himself didn't know why he stammered but got up and placed a hand at Kong Liu's shoulder to support his daughter, who was about to fall back on the couch. "I came seeking an apology for yesterday's incident.  And it's so kind of Miss. XM, she understood that it was a misunderstanding. I hope you would also let go of everything and reconsider the investment plan"     

"I don't like to see strangers at my personal space. It annoys me" He carefully helped Xiu Mei to sit back on the couch. His action was gentle for her but words laced with coldness for someone else. Quite contradictory!     

"President X…."     

"Why am I still hearing your voice, Mr. Kong Da?" Lu Xion said as he straightened and looked at them, shoving his right hand into his pocket while holding a remote control in his left hand.     

Just as he pressed the button, twenty bodyguards marched inside the room, all dressed in plain black uniform, ready to take orders.      

"Either leave with your limbs intact or I've many other ways"     

"Alright, I'm leaving" Kong Wei ran out, leaving his father and sister alone.     

"Hold on, brother. I'm coming with you" Kong Liu yanked Kong Da's hand from her shoulder before following Kong Wei. They both were aware that being old and injured Kong Da won't be able to keep up with them, so they let him deal with it alone.     

"What amazing kids!" Xiu Mei smirked, looking straight into Kong Da's eyes as if showing him a bitter reality of karma.     

"I'll take my leave" Slowly, staggering on his steps, Kong Da walked out.     

The smug and proud expression that he showed for his daughter just a moment ago broke into a million pieces. Xiu Mei didn't have to do anything, his own kids face slapped him.     

As soon as they went out, Xiu Mie's posture relaxed as she rested her head on the back of the couch and massaged her temples in exhaustion.     

"What exactly happened here?" Lu Xion asked.     

"Free entertainment!"     

Lu Xion's lips curled into an amused smile. He sat on the other side of the couch, leaning his back and took the tab as passed by Robert.     

For some reason, the night Feng Jianyu kicked Kong Liu out of his hotel and called Xiu Mei as his woman, Kong Liu's emotions get the worse of her and she placed investigators after Xiu Mei to get as much information as possible and take pictures at every step.     

However, she was oblivious of the fact that no one is allowed to take Xiu Mei's pictures as long as Feng Jianyu and Lu Xion are around her.     

Kong Liu's men were easily spotted on the first day but Xiu Mei decided to let them continue taking her pictures, it would be fun misguiding Kong Liu. Moreover, she wanted to know the purpose of her action and her next plan.     

Xiu Mei already had a vague idea why Kong Liu must be doing all that. Upon seeing the fat fish like Feng Jianyu slipping away from her hands, she must be agitated. Taking pictures from wrong angles and presenting them with a different story is an old trick to break someone's relationship. Above that, the mystery behind Xiu Mei's mask is intriguing in its own.     

She got up from the couch and knocked the bathroom door twice.     

"Are you two willing to come out or shall I send mattress inside?" Xiu Mei's words acted as an alarm for the two who were busy making their own story inside the bathroom.     


Inside the bathroom     

The two were busy kissing each other like there's no tomorrow while Rong Xiang's hand made its way inside her shirt, making him feel a rush of goosebumps as he feels the softness of her skin.     

With her eyes still closed, Bai Xin felt electricity pass through her skin, unconsciously tugging at the hairs of the man and pulling him closer. She failed to understand why Rong Xiang's touch is making her react like this. It was as if her mind started acting on its own but she loved every bit of it. His intoxicating fragrance accompanied with a subtle fragrance of man's cologne felt refreshing and she felt herself being addicted to it.     

He greedily roamed his hand everywhere, only to stop them at the hooks of her bra. Rubbing his fingers over it for some time, he dropped the idea to undo it. This step is for the later part of the relationship.     

Resting his hand on her waist, he peppered kiss on her jaw trailing it down to her neck making her shiver and throw her head back to give him better access. He made sure not to leave any mark on her skin so that she does not feel embarrassed about it.     

"Mmmm!" She made a small mewling noise and wrapped her legs on his waist. "There" Pointing at the sink top she asked the man to take her there and Rong Xiang gladly followed the orders.     

Her lips touched the man's Adam's apple and she kissed, earning an unconscious squeeze on her waist. He was at the edge when she kissed him abruptly.     

Just when Bai Xin was ready to give him another kiss she heard Xiu Mei's voice that brought her back to reality and she pushed Rong Xiang off of her.     

Rong Xiang was caught off guard by the sudden attack and lost his balance, falling backward on hips. Bai Xin saw him winced in pain but gave a stern eye before jumping off from the sink top, closing the shirt buttons, tugging it inside the trousers.     


Xiu Mei's brows rose in surprise looking at Bai Xin's swollen lips and Rong Xiang's wrinkled clothes, "Wow! I was not aware that my words hold so much importance to you" Bai Xin's cheeks turned crimson red.     

'Damn! This naughty and happier version of XM is so savage but I love this change. At least she is not putting on a fake smile anymore and smile's from the heart. XM, I'm happy for you, seeing you change for good is refreshing. And I know CEO Feng would do anything to keep this smile on your lips. Only a few lucky ones get to feel true love…. Cherish it.' she smiled thinking inwardly but at the same time feel a tinge of pain in heart for her own fate.     

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