We are destined.Let me pamper you



0On the first day of the conference, Xiu Mei was sitting in the room allotted to R-Tech along with her team members. With a deep frown on her face, she was checking the working of the mini version of two products that her company was about to demonstrate.     

As Kong Wei had seen Bai Xin before she would be managing the work behind the curtains while Huo Feng would help her directly.     

"Everyone out" Lu Xion walked inside the room with a hand tucked in his pocket. He occupied the seat across Xiu Mei who was preoccupied to check the working of her product to pay attention to Xion.     


Xiu Mei's concentration broke when a gun was put in front of her by Lu Xion. She looked up with a frown, "I don't need this"     

"Little tomato, does it look like I offered you this gun?"His sarcastic comment deepened her frown as her lips twisted to the side. "You already messed up with lots of things, don't poke me anymore. This is a mini gun and you have to have to keep it with you" She opened her mouth to say something but was stopped by Lu Xion, "uh uh uh! I'm yet to finish. This is not my order but Mr. Zeng's. He got disturbed after hearing about your not so little adventure in North City"     

Upon seeing her accusing look he raised both his hands, "I didn't tell him anything. He was the ex-king of the underworld, don't take him lightly as he has his own resources. Obviously it's no big deal for him to get information about his granddaughter. So, if you don't want him to come here and shed Kong's blood you better keep yourself safe and stop being stubborn everytime"     

She took a deep breath, "Fine! I'm keeping this gun"     

"Good! Now let's talk about business" He moved closer and sat beside her. Xiu Mei saw him forwarding a file, "Sign on these documents"     

She took the file to take a look and was shocked after reading a few pages. It was the legal documents, after signing them R-Tech would officially be separated from Phoenix Enterprises. She no longer has to use Phoenix Enterprises name to launch her inventions but can do it under her own company name.     

She looked up at Xion with a guilty face, "That decision was just the spur of the moment and not my real intention. I was angry at you and Grandpa for hiding my identity, that's why I spout whatever nonsense came to my mind. I'm not ready to separate myself from Phoenix Enterprises yet, it was my first stepping stone on the path of success. It's my home"     

Lu Xion caressed her head gently and spoke with a tone that's reserved exclusively for her, "I'm proud of you that you took the decision for yourself. Trust me; being your mentor, nothing could have brought me so much happiness than seeing my only student deciding to go independent"     

"Mei, you have made me proud by your hard work. Teaching you was the best decision I ever made, and I'll always cherish these memories. Now be a good girl, show it to the world what a woman can achieve with her sheer determination and hard work. Free yourself from Phoenix Enterprises and take this world head-on. Show them who is the real President of R-Tech, how she does business and crush enemies. Go claim what rightfully belongs to you"     

Xiu Mei looked up at him with watery eyes. But were these tears of sadness? No. She was happy that her mentor praised her. "X… Thank you!" She opened her mouth to say something more but can't form the correct words to say at the moment. Whatever Xion has done for her, starting from the treatment to help her establish her own company, even the millions of thank you is not enough.     

"Silly one! Since when did you start thanking me? R-Tech rightfully belongs to you, you created it, and I barely guided you in this journey. Don't give me all the credits, otherwise, you know I'm a profiteer" He gave her a side hug as she rested her head on his shoulder, "I already own 22% of R-Tech's share, thanks to you. But if you'll start praising me so much I might eat up your whole company. After all who won't like to add a precious gem like R-Tech in their portfolio?"     

She chuckled at his logic and hit him lightly. "Just a request X…. Don't announce it. When the right time comes we'll held a combined conference to announce it officially. Let people assume that R-Tech is Phoenix Enterprises' subsidiary which markets its products under its name"     

"Alright! As you wish. So, today will you be joining us at Phoenix Enterprises table instead of seating at R-Tech's. Right?" He looked down at her face to see her expression. As expected, she remains calm and thinks with a cool head in a situation like this. "Of course I'll be joining you at the table. Officially our companies are still under the same brand, so how can I get my own table?"     

He patted her head and she moved away from him.     

"Great! How about you sign the documents so that I'll forward it to Huo Feng to finish the legal procedures" He frowned when she shook her head again.     

"Add a condition in this"     


"R-Tech's president won't get any shares of Phoenix Enterprises from this deal. Neither she is liable to get any shares in future"     

"No way. This is absurd" He said, anger apparent in his eyes and she gave a mischievous smile. "You think I don't know about your and Mr. Zeng's set up about those 51% shares of Phoenix Enterprises? I know you both are the anonymous owners of those shares and want to give me a certain percentage against all the profits that I've helped PE to earn all this while. But by doing so you are going against the contract and I won't tolerate it" She narrowed her eyes at the man sitting beside her, "Look you are the rightful owner of PE and I'm not taking a dime from it. If you dare to force down those shares then I'm giving up R-Tech"     

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