We are destined.Let me pamper you



0Wang Shi and Feng Jin entered inside the room and found Feng Jianyu sitting on the floor with a darkened face, rubbing his back while Xiu Mei was sleeping soundly. She was covered in a blanket up to chin, her back was facing towards the two men.     



"Jianyu what are you doing on the floor?" Wang Shi frowned.     

"Looking for a machete" He growled looking at his two intolerable brothers.     



Wang Shi looked at Feng Jin whose gaze was stuck to the girl sleeping on the bed.     

'Who sleeps like a log? She is definitely faking. But why?' Pondering over this, he turned to look at his brother carefully and the realization of wrong timing struck him upon seeing Feng Jianyu's red lips with faint bite marks.     

They were obviously fresh teeth bites to be visible so clearly. Moreover, Feng Jianyu's dark eyes were more than enough to tell how pissed he was right now.     

"Cough…. It was Senior Cousin who brought me here. I have some urgent work to do. Talk to you later brother" Feng Jin scurried away from there before the imaginable machete appears in reality.     

On seeing Feng Jin running away from there, Wang Shi has a feeling of ominous premonition. He gulped a mouthful of saliva and started taking steps backward, "I-I just came to check on both of you as you didn't come for breakfast and lunch. It's okay… Everything seems fine here… wrong timing… my bad… but please don't think of making little Mei and little Jianyu as of now. Mei's body condition is not good. Her stitches will reopen with your humongous strengthhhhhh….. Ahhh…."     

Instead of a machete, a flying slipper came towards Wang Shi, only for him to easily dodge it before scurrying away from monster's den ajust like Feng Jin.     

Xiu Mei got up instantly fuming red and blue and chucked a pillow at Feng Jianyu, which was easily caught by the later. He gulped and gave a sheepish smile before climbing up on the bed. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Are you blaming me for my obnoxious brothers' intrusion?" He tried to touch her cheeks but she slapped his hands away.     

"Don't touch me, you monster" He saw her adorably puffed cheeks like a cute chipmunk and cannot help but wanted to kiss them. "Look there's a cute chipmunk with puffed cheeks" He pointed towards the mirror and stole a kiss of her pink cheeks as she turned to look at the mirror.     

Without any warning she pushed him down on bed before positioning herself above him. "Honey… I know it was not you who disturbed our lovey-dovey moment. But it was definitely you who forgot to lock the doors. Right?"     

She smirked on seeing him nodding his head. "Good! Now be ready for the punishment… PLEASURE PUNISHMENT…. REMEMBER?"     

Feng Jianyu gulped remembering his pleasure punishment.     

"STATUE! If you dare to say or move without my further instructions I will not allow you to kiss me for the entire month" He heard her warning and the hand that was raised to hold her waist reflexively dropped down.     

She took him by complete surprise when her lips brushed against his neck, licking, sucking and biting, leaving a bright red mark everywhere she kissed. Teasingly she rubbed her lips on his, nipping and licking before asking for entrance. He acted like a real statue and did not give it to her.     

Angry at this, she squinted her eyes, "Men should not mess with women, especially when God has hung their precious nuts outside their body"     

Without giving him any chance to reflect on his action, his heart almost stopped beating when her hand brushed against his intimate area before she pressed her fingers on the mermaid line all the way up, drawing doodles everywhere.     

Feng Jianyu could only bite his lips to stop the sounds he desperately wanted to make. His whole body stiffened at the sensations she was evoking in him. He wanted to hold her, kiss her, feel her curves too but this feisty wife is merciless when it comes to giving punishment. He could only secretly curl his toes and shudder at the amazing yet torturous sensation of his body.     

'Damn Mei! You are such a tease. Why me always? Have mercy on your dear husband' He tried to plead with eyes but she gave a smug smirk and continued with her action.     

Xiu Mei could feel his body tightened beneath her hands, stiffening more and more as she slides her hand inside the nightshirt to feel his abs. 'Um! So good'     

She continued to explore his body with both hands as if admiring the body of a newly purchased car before taking it for a ride.     

'This car is definitely worth riding for a lifetime. And the most amazing part is that it's exclusively available to me. ONLY ME'     

She thought of an idea and got down from him. Feng Jianyu's gaze curiously followed her, trying to understand her naughty thoughts.     

He saw her covering her wounds with waterproof gauze before moving closer to him holding a packet. She ignored his questionable gaze and unbuttoned his shirt to cover his wounds too.     

"Don't forget you are still 'statue.' Just follow my instructions. Blink if you understood" He heard her say and blinked several times. "That's like my submissive hubby. I love you, sweetie-pie. Now just walk with me"     


Feng Jianyu's mind could not register what was she up to when she left him standing outside the bathroom like a doorkeeper and went inside without a word.     

He snapped out from his thoughts when he heard her painful scream from the bathroom, "Jianyu help"     

"Mei?" He panicked and immediately rushed inside forgetting the game of 'statue' his wife was playing with him. But the moment he stepped inside, he let out a gasp. Xiu Mei was standing under the shower…. Hold on! That's not the main point. She was standing only in her undergarments, showing her alluring body to the man who was staring at her with mouth wide agape.     

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