We are destined.Let me pamper you

My hands hurt (Mature content)

My hands hurt (Mature content)

0No one under 18 allowed.     

Mature content.     

"Jianyu can you undo this hook for me please," Xiu Mei asked struggling with her bra to open it. But was Jianyu in a condition to pay attention?     


He gulped as the water from the shower slides down on her silky smooth skin. It looked as if her skin was glistening under the shower due to water droplets. The slight pout on her lips with which she was struggling to undo her bra, her red cheeks that can tempt anyone to take a bite, those clear and beautiful eyes…. He sighed, he sighed again, and again, she was cute and innocent as always but seductress at the same time.     

For him, she was the most beautiful creature God has ever created. Don't know what magic does she have, but he was bewitched by her. No matter how many women he met in the past, but only she managed to hit the chords of his heart.     

He looked at the goddess under the shower like a statue rooted to the ground. Xiu Mei looked at him standing in a daze, his eyes intensely looking at her body, heated with passion. It made her feel shy but she braced herself ready to take their relationship to another level.     

"Ouchh…. My hands hurt. Please help me hubby" She looked at him and pretended to be in pain.     

Feng Jianyu took several deep breaths to handle the frustration of his body, frustration of his aching member down there as he could feel his body burning with desire for his wife. He too wanted to take their relationship ahead but their timing was so damn incorrect. And this makes him feel irritated to the core. She was finally ready to accept him but her body was not.     

He walked to the girl pretending to struggle with the bra and undo the hook but looked away from her. "Bath carefully…. If you need any other help I'm standing outside, call me anytime"     

Xiu Mei face palmed herself. This man is impossible? How can he reject his own wife? How many more efforts does she have to make to seduce him?     

Clenching his fists, Feng Jianyu was about to turn away when Xiu Mei's wet arm reached out to his shirt sleeves and dragged him into the shower.     

She holds on to his shirt tightly and traps him in the depth of her beautiful eyes. Her character of naughty chipmunk was dropped and what remains was a sexy, tempting, alluring, and confident Xiu Mei as she spoke….     

"I love it when you pamper me like a child. But I would appreciate it more if you let me give the same treatment to you too. I know you are not exercising your husband's rights because of my injury. But that does not mean I don't understand anything about your needs" She lifted his hands and put it on her naked waist before pulling him closer. "I've seen you taking cold showers in the middle of the night, without a word of complaint. Can you please not be so selfless and be a little demanding towards your WIFE?"     

She sighed at her good fortune.      

Feng Jianyu was surprised that she knows about his cold showers. He gently pushed her back a little and cupped her face before nudging his nose with hers, "We both love each other, live together and are happily married. We have our whole life ahead to cross the ultimate stage of love where not only two bodies but two souls are merged into one. I'll definitely make love with you but never at the cost of hurting you. You heard what Wang Shi said, Right? I've waited for you for seven long years, a little more wait is nothing much"     

"Hm! I heard him say that you cannot make love to me. But he didn't said anything about bathing together or doing a little fun in the shower. Right?" Her eyes shine with mock impudence. "There are a lot many things that a man and woman can do together"     

Feng Jianyu gulped as he was at a loss of words at her counter attack. How can she be so stubborn and find a solution to even this problem? Indeed he was only abstained to make love to her, and there are many more things they can do together. His eyes went wide thinking about a certain possibility.     

Xiu Mei gave a victorious smirk when she saw Jianyu contemplating over the matter. 'Just a little more push Mei and he won't be able to back off'…..     

"Actually Jianyu, leave it. If you don't want to share a bath with your wife it's perfectly fine. I'll ask Orange to ACCOMPANY me. Although he is not here in Country B, he can accompany me through phone call or maybe video calling"     


Possessively, he pulled her closer into a tight hug, leaving no space for even air to pass in between them. "What do you mean Orange can accompany you? I'll gouge out his eyes if he dares to see you naked. It's only my right to see, touch and taste this body" He frowned thinking about something, "By the way, had this ORANGE ever accompanied you in the bath?" He asked gritting his teeth, his tone so unpleasant to hear.     

"Yes… Many times!" She answered honestly.     

"I'm going to chop him into tiny pieces and feed him to dogs"     

Xiu Mei "…."'Feed him to dogs? No one in this world can digest Orange. I pity those poor dogs'     

"You are again jumping onto conclusions" She coaxed the raging monster by acting all nonchalant, "What I mean is, he accompanied by waiting for me in the bedroom and entertaining me through music or by his sweet talks while I bath. He is such a sweetheart… I love Orange"     


"Dare say that again and I'll show you what ruthless Feng Jianyu is"     

Xiu Mei's heart trembled violently hearing his rough voice. It sounded so magnetic and irresistible that it echoed in her ears again and again. She so wanted this man right now.     

She tip-toed and licked his ear lobes before nipping it. "Jianyu…. Instead of Orange, I would any day prefer you over him"     

Her words and sexy voice tempered Feng Jianyu's desire to no return, his eyes grew dark as he hugged her tightly in his arms and asked in a sexy tone, "Mei, are you sure about it?"     


He smirked, "In that case my wifey, I know how to satisfy you without making love. Brace yourself!"     

Xiu Mei "…."     

'Without making love? How?'     

With Xiu Mei's final approval, all the thoughts flew out of the window as Feng Jianyu lifted her up to press her against the wall, and take her mouth for a hungry kiss. Their tongues intertwined as they both can't resist each other's seduction. It was not a gentle kiss but an intense, passionate and fiery.     

Xiu Mei arched her back when he started kissing her neck, leaving his marks wherever he kissed. Moving his hands on her naked upper body he caressed her curves. Xiu Mei wanted to do same but his night pajamas were blocking her view and touch.     

She tucked his shirt, trying to tear it but that seems impossible. Feng Jianyu grinned at her cuteness and pulled back for a second to take off his clothes. In a swift motion his clothes were out of his body, revealing his toned muscles, chiseled chest, eight pack abs, and broad shoulders.     

Xiu Mei's gaze couldn't help but run over the body of the man she always drools over. Wow… how good this man's body is! She glanced at him again and again, as though memorizing every detail. Her gaze stopped at the bulge in his pants. 'So big!'     

He smirked on finding her gaze locked at his manhood. He looked down at his briefs, why do I need this clothing? She is my wife? The very next moment his briefs were rolled down and out….     

His erection sprang free instantly….     

She gulped and covered her eyes right away- 'Omg! This is what a p*nis in real life looks like! He is so well endowed there, so big and long! Last time he barely inserted a finger and it hurts like hell. What will happen if if if... My hole is so tiny!' she cried.     

Feng Jianyu smiled when he saw her mortified expression and pulled her hands down from her face. "What happen? Scared? Don't want to continue?" He teased her, caressing her cheeks and she nodded her head, "S-Scared because your little brother is not little but big"     

He chuckled at her cuteness and shy red face, "Happy on getting the glimpse of your bright future?" Xiu Mei didn't reply anything but the rosy glow of her face narrated the story of her immense happiness.     

He smiled seeing his cute wife drooling over his body like a chubby kid who drools over candy. He felt proud of himself. All the efforts he put to maintain this physique seems worth it.     

Both stared into each other's eyes. All they could feel was a sense of belonging for each other. Jianyu took off her bra that was hanging unnecessarily despite he unhooked it earlier. He pulled her closer, her soft breast rubs against his strong chest making him feel her hardened buds.     

He began to kiss her passionately while fondling with her breasts at the same time.     

She let out a deep moan and arched her back to come closer to him and return the kiss with the same passion. Her hands moved all over his body, praising the body that always attracted her. 'Damn! My husband is so hot. I can literally eat him with my eyes.     

Xiu Mei felt something wet pooling in her nether region. She knows what this is. Every time he touches her intimately this happens.     

"Love there's still a barrier of clothing in between us," Feng Jianyu said huskily before sliding his hands under her panty and rubbed her bottom lips. "And you are so wet inside this clothing…"     

She let out a gasp at his amazing touch and hugged him tightly, breathing out his name, "Jianyu… I love you"     

Xiu Mei felt empty when he withdrew his hands from her lower region and pouted her face in complaint. But the very next moment she saw him licking his fingers that were soaked in her juices. "Mmmm… you taste lovely" She was shocked to see him tasting her fluids with such happiness. Her cheeks turned tomato red.     

Without waiting he bends down a little, tucked his fingers at the edge of her panties and pulled it down and out. Now Xiu Mei was completely naked. He could not stop admiring the seductress in his arms right now and kissed her again, while his one hand kept on rubbing her throbbing sex.     

She gasps out loud and closed her eyes in pleasure, throwing her head backward…     

Soon, Feng Jianyu's body grew hot and restless. His brother got so excited that it hardened even more and stood upright, poking Xiu Mei on the stomach. Breaking the kiss she looked down and gulped finding it bigger, pulsating a bit against her skin. Her face exploded in redness as she bites her lips and looked at the man.     

"Jianyu…. This… this… you…"     

 She had a strong urge to hold it and feel the touch of a man's p*nis.     

"Don't pay attention to it. I will take care of him later" He said and kissed her back. However, Xiu Mei has some different thoughts.     

'Why would you take care of it yourself? Why can't I help my husband? If Jianyu's touch can make me feel this good then I can make him feel good too'     

Lightly she grazed her hands down his body, feeling his curves and slide her hands in between the small space to access his rod and take him by surprise.     

Fireworks seemed to bloom in his head the moment Xiu Mei gripped his manhood in her small hands. His eyes went wide in shock as he groaned feeling her touch him down there. "I-I don't know how to do it. I have no experience, tell me if this hurts you" Without any warning, she stroked the velvet-like rod along its length with her wet hands.     

Feng Jianyu's eyes darkened seeing her bold side. His already hard erection hardened more with whatever she was doing with him. He gasped in pleasure-pain with her clumsy movement, "Love I'll teach you how it's done correctly" saying he directed her with his one hand while his other hand kneaded her breasts.     

Under his guidance, she learned it quickly and keeps on stroking him. Her every move took Jianyu to the edge of no return. He pulled her closer, hooked his finger under her chin and kissed her mouth intensely.     

The shower sprayed on the passionate couple, bathroom light shone over them and glistened their skin; it was a sight to behold for Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei.     

He growled and gasped several times. This was the first time she was touching him intimately, and no words are enough to describe the feeling. His heart swelled up by the initiative she took for their relationship.     

"Yes… Like this love…. A little faster… That's my baby…. I love you… Faster! Faster baby!" Xiu Mei got excited with Jianyu's hoarse voice and encouragement. It's the best feeling when you are able to satisfy the needs of your man and receive praise from him.     

"So good, my baby is best…." He moaned in pleasure and groped her butt, causing her to squeeze his manhood in return. "F*ck!" With her little action, he cursed as he almost reached on the point of getting his release.     

Xiu Mei realized that her impromptu action gave him more pleasure and she attempted it few more times to please him by occasionally rubbing her thumb over the sensitive tip. His apparent low growls echoed inside the bathroom.     

Finally, his body stiffened, he groaned out loud and holds Xiu Mei tightly before spraying all over her hand and stomach. This was the best orgasm of his life… And his wife gave it to him.     

"Mei, I love you," Panting heavily he moaned her name as his head rested on her shoulder blade. He did nothing but hugged the soft figure in his arms. Xiu Mei hugged him back in return.     

A content smile appeared on her lips….     

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