We are destined.Let me pamper you



0"What happened Mei?" After some time Feng Jianyu ruffled her hair which was still damp and asked softly as ever, "Why are you so restless? Share your problem with me"     

"Jianyu I-I'm hiding something from you"     

"If you want to share, feel free. But if you need time, don't bother. I will wait"     

"I want to share. It's suffocating me badly" Xiu Mei choked and he caressed her back to comfort her, "Then don't let it suffocate you. Tell me"     

Xiu Mei took a deep breath to clear her mind before narrating the entire story of four days spent in the North City while looking for Feng Jianyu. She wanted him to know that she is not an innocent little chipmunk but a deadly predator that can kill someone if required.     

"... after killing Zeus we ran away from military camp….. later I opened my eyes beside you….." As she ended her story Xiu Mei rested her head on Feng Jianyu's chest. She felt light after telling him everything but her heart trembled waiting for how he will take the reality.     

Feng Jianyu didn't take even a minute before he got up to sit on the bed and bring her to sit on his lap. He knows how much these things affect her, and right now she must be thinking that he is going to judge her.     

"Sweetheart if you are thinking that I'm going to judge you then please chuck this thought out of that pea-sized brain of yours" He chuckled and hit the side of her head lightly, "In fact, I'm happy that my wife knows how to protect herself and people around her when the need arises. The men you killed were not any saints but dirty scums who had no right to live. I'm so proud of you"     

She looked at him surprised, "Really?"     

He instantly nodded and pecked her on lips, "Of course! I'm glad you are not a typical damsel in distress but a complete surprise package for me. Intelligent, daring, adorable, brave, independent...."     

"Continue… Why did you stopped? It sounded so good to hear" She looked at him in anticipation for more praises. Who doesn't like being praised anyway?     

Feng Jianyu gave a fake smile and continued, "…..and sometimes silly, stupid, an idiot and stubborn!" He said in a stern tone.     

Xiu Mei "…"     

"Don't think that I don't know you messed up with Feng Communication satellite appointed for your safety"     

Xiu Mei "…"     

"You know about it too?" Her eyes widened in shock.     

"That satellite failed to track you when you were missing. But today all of a sudden it started tracking you back. What do you think about what had happened before? Is the word 'fool' written of my face?" He reprimanded her mercilessly and Xiu Mei's head lowered in guilt, ready to take up the punishment. Indeed she should have not messed up with the satellite.     

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again"     

"Exactly! It won't happen again as I've already appointed a security team. They will follow you everywhere" He pinched her cheeks and came closer to her face. His voice gruff and threatening, "Mei, this is my STRICT WARNING! You dare not harass or do anything naughty to avoid security. Otherwise, I won't be polite" saying Feng Jianyu get down from the bed to get the food tray, leaving Xiu Mei exasperated.     

Xiu Mei "…."     

"But I have Yeti as my bodyguard. He is more than enough"     


"Are you even listening to me?"     

"Please…. I won't mess with satellite again. Promise! I thought you already have a smartwatch to track me, so what's the need of extra satellite hovering over my head. That's why I removed it"     

"I don't want someone tailing me every time. It's annoying!"     


Her continuous whining fell on deaf ear….     

"Say one more word and I'll double your punishment" She heard him say and immediately covered her mouth.     


Next day as everybody woke up. They unconsciously went straight to the computer room to know about the latest findings. As expected Xiu Mei and Feng Jianyu were working on separate computers while coordinating with each other.     

"What's the update?" Feng Jin breaks the silence.     

Without looking back Xiu Mei waved her hand at everyone, "We retrieved all the data from hard disk. Be ready for the shock"     

A series of documents and pictures appeared on the screen. Everyone present in the room come near to look at these are.     

"What document is this?" Qingzhou pointed at one of the computer screens and Xiu Mei answered, "That's the personal details of people trapped inside the base"     

"Hold on! Earlier you said they were nearly ten thousand. But this number shows an astronomical figure of almost twenty thousand" Qingzhou frowned and read the data carefully, "And what's the other number?..... the one you have highlighted…. Around 4428!"     

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