We are destined.Let me pamper you

Full right to exploit the natural resources

Full right to exploit the natural resources

0Mrs. Kong is aware of her daughters' love for Feng Jianyu since the day she met him in college reunion. She can't help but smile to herself, thinking of her daughter becoming future Mrs. Feng Jianyu. If Kong Liu can become the wife of a man like him, they won't have to worry about anything in the future.     

She sighed thinking how his husband was trying hard for years to set up his daughter with Feng Jianyu. He deliberately put Infinity software under the name of Kong Liu to show how capable his daughter is.     

But this became their biggest mistake when Kong Liu not only failed to decode the Infinity Software but also failed to provide technical help in solving the issues related to the software. Afraid they would be caught red-handed for their wrong deed seven years back, Kong Da restrained his daughter from talking about Infinity Software to anyone, until she decodes it completely.     

To their dismay, Infinity Software is still a mystery for everyone. Kong Da hired the best software engineers to decode it on Kong Liu's behalf but all in vain.     

"Liu, where are you going?" Mrs. Kong asked when she saw her daughter grabbing her purse.     

"Have to buy some dresses for the Business Summit. I'll be representing dad's company along with second brother Wen" Kong Liu's voice trailed.     


Mrs. Kong went to the study to talk to her husband…. Kong Wen was sulking in the corner after being reprimanded by his father, while kong Wei was looking into some papers.     

"This is wrong! Can you stop tormenting Liu over Infinity Software? How can you embarrass your own daughter like that? If infinity software was so dear to you than instead of letting that bitch killed you should have caged her" Mrs. Kong roared looking at her husband.     

"Shut up!" Kong Da eyed his wife.     

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me! Do you think I was aware that Infinity Software was such a complicated mess? Huh? Do you think I was foolish enough to kill her without getting Kong Zhi's property? Do you think it was my plan to kill her? But when 'he' started torturing her… That maniac enjoyed her SCREAMS so much that he crossed every limit on her body. AND SHE COULD NOT EVEN WITHSTAND AN HOUR OF TORTURE! HOW LAME!"     

Kong Da was livid right now. It seems as though problems are popping out of every direction, making things difficult for him.     

"Mom, please calm down. We need to think this through and through. If we'll keep shouting like this at each other, there won't be any solution. Look I've found something very useful" Kong Wei passed a copy of the document to his parents and younger brother. He was still calm and rational who thinks like a cunning politician rather a ruthless military officer. But that does not make him any less dangerous than Kong Da.     

The document contains the detailed report of Phoenix Enterprises, software SIRIUS, and the subsidiary company ROBOMIND –TECH.     

"As you can clearly see Phoenix Enterprises is no less if compared to Feng Corporation. In fact, their market value is almost the same. If we read the charts carefully, then SIRIUS has taken the market value of Phoenix Enterprises to a new height. Whereas due to Infinity Soft. Feng Corporation's market value is declined"     

Kong Wen scoffed, "That's only temporarily. Aren't you aware of Feng Jianyu's capabilities? And what do you know about Phoenix's owner"     

"That he is an excellent leader and holds a dangerous identity" Kong Wei replied nonchalantly. "Identity of King of the underworld"     

"How do you know this?" Kong Wen frowned and Kong Wei replied nonchalantly, "I've my own sources. But that's not the point. Read about the subsidiary company ROBOMIND –Tech, I'm more Interested in it"     

"Wei, stop talking in riddles. Come to the point" Kong Da snapped.     

Kong Wei raised his hand, "Fine! We cannot expect any help from Feng Corporations as our relations have turned sour. So isn't it better to concentrate on some alternate resources? That's why I was researching on Phoenix Enterprises and R'tech for the past one week. According to my insider news, R'tech is looking forward to setting up a new manufacturing plant. And the best part is they have not finalized the country where they will be spreading their wings"     

"And what makes you think they will consider Country B? We don't have anything here except good military power and abundant mines" Kong Wen asked interrupting Kong Wei.     

"That's exactly what I'm going to offer. It's obvious they are not going to manufacture snacks or toothpaste but machines. To make machines they need metals with high electrical conductivity like silver, copper, zinc, platinum. In this Business Summit, I'm going to approach them with my own offer …. Details are attached in the last paper"     

Everyone turned the paper to read the details… Kong Wei had cunningly made an offer to create a win-win situation for them. In exchange for the billion dollar investment and the full funding of the election campaign, he was ready to give R-tech full right to exploit the natural resources of the country without any government restrictions.     

For him, natural resources are for exploitation. In the end, people only care about employment opportunities, contribution in GDP, and investment.     

"And getting a backing of King of the Underworld will be an added bonus. It will be of great help in our illegal businesses too" said Kong Wen smiling and praised his brother "Not bad brother. They can never reject this offer; after all, you are the leading candidate in popularity charts for the race of President's position"     

"Make a change in the offer and ask for a share in profits. If this deal is successful then R-tech will be earning huge from our mines, so it's better they share a portion" Kong Da said, thinking about minting money along with the deal to solve the problem with Feng Corporation by killing two birds with a single stone.     

"Don't worry! I've already sent a personal invite to the respective Presidents of both the companies for the 67th Business Summit. I'm sure they will honor the invite, knowing my identity" Kong Wei said proudly.     

"Hold on! What about Feng Corporation? Don't you all know Liu loves Jianyu?" Mrs. Kong shouted thinking about her daughter's future.     

Holding the shoulder Kong Wei made his mother sits down on the couch, "Don't worry mom! I've thought about it too. If they can create something like SIRIUS, then I'm sure solving the issue of Infinity Software is nothing for them. Let me talk to the either Presidents to decode the software for us and….."     

"And as far as Feng Jianyu is concerned, Liu is well aware of the technique" Kong Wen butted in and winked at his brother.     



In the living room, Xiu Mei was sitting beside Feng Jianyu dressed in white turtle neck top and blue ruffled jeans, paired along with ankle-length brown boots. Her expression was asking 'DID- I-FORGOT- TO- WEAR- SOMETHING- THAT- THESE- MEN- ARE- STARING- AT- ME- LIKE- THIS?'     

Rong Xiong was standing on the side with a shocked expression, stealthily glancing at the beautiful woman sitting beside his boss from time to time.     

On the opposite couch, a middle-aged man dressed in a formal suit was sitting. Beside him a young man probably his assistant was standing, holding some documents. Both were equally shocked and stealing glances at Xiu Mei, making her feel conscious.     

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