We are destined.Let me pamper you

Permission part 1 [Mature content]

Permission part 1 [Mature content]

0Warning- Contains mature content. If you are under 17 please ignore the chapter. Don't taint your virgin eyes by reading this content.     


She woke up and looked around her surroundings. As this room was built under the lake, the only source of natural light was the ceiling, through which small amount of sunlight entered into the room, as if they are entering after getting bathed up in the clear water of the lake.     

She felt it so beautiful and mesmerizing that it even makes her forget the presence of a certain monster sleeping beside him.     

Feng Jianyu had woken up the moment she stirred in his arms and waited long enough to get her usual attention, but unlike every morning today his attention was grabbed by the fishes. She completely forgot about him. "We are changing the bedroom" He grumbled near her ear.     


In one swift move, Feng Jianyu flipped over, positioning himself on top of Xiu Mei. He looked at her seriously, "Because I hate fishes. They are grabbing what's exclusively mine" Xiu Mei's brows perked up, "Really? And what is that?"     

He smirked before planting a kiss on her lips. "My dear lovely 'half wife'… Instead of thinking about fishes, should I remind you that you are naked under me?... Except for your 'little white thingy', you are not wearing anything"     

After hearing this, her eyes widened in shock and she slightly lifted the blanket up to peek inside. A gasp escapes her mouth as her face flushed in red. Instinctively she pulled the blanket over her head, hiding her face. "G-Get off me…."     

He pulls the blanket down from her face and gave a wide grin, "Peek-a-boo, chipmunk… " She looked at the shameless man feeling irritated. "Jianyu, shameless pervert…. Get lost… Let me… Umphhhhh"     

Feng Jianyu didn't let her speak anything and sealed her lips with a passionate kiss. Kissing her once was not enough, her taste was intoxicating to him. Letting her breathe for two seconds he went for another, then another and continued until they lost the counts. Xiu Mei realized his kisses were not innocent or like a tease as always but fiery, demanding, igniting a desire in their body.     

Feng Jianyu's body was on fire thinking she's naked under the blanket, which is the only wall of cloth hindering his vision to look at her beautiful body and feel the softness of her skin. Last night, although he took a look at her body, it was purely to check the scars and nothing else. But can a man control his desires in the morning? Especially when the love of his life is sleeping naked beside him!     

She felt his warm tongue touching the seam of her lips again and again, trying to taste the sweetness of her mouth. But adamantly she clenched her lips tightly, refusing to let him enter. Jianyu saw her opening her eyes only to give a smirk against his lips and wink.     

'Trying to be daring?' He equally smirked, lifts the blanket and entered inside to explore her naked body. She gasped at his shamelessness, giving the opportunity to the man to take her lips for another intense kiss and wipe her mouth clean with his tongue. Everything happened in less than 5 seconds, giving her no chance to retort.     

Holding the back of her head with one hand while the other hand supporting his body weight, he made sure to put a controlled amount of weight on her frail body.     

Her hands instinctively reached for his chest to push him, but to her dismay, her treacherous heart refused to let her push him.     

To tease her he didn't touch her naked skin at all but rubbed his body to hers, receiving a soft moan in response. She was surprised to realize that the moaning sound had come from her throat. Hearing the moan he abruptly stopped the kiss and lifted his head to look up at her with mischief and desire warring in his eyes.     

His eyes darkened as she pants heavily under him to get some oxygen and with each breath, her twin globes undulate against his chest. Through his thin silk nightshirt he could clearly feel her perked breasts; making things difficult for him with each passing second.     

She saw him placing his hands on either side of her shoulders in an intimidating posture and said looking into her eyes.     

"Mei, what you did last night was unfair. I'm hurt and wanted to punish you badly for that crime, but sadly I can't bring myself to do this without asking for your permission. What I'm going to do next is not a punishment but a man's way to tell his wife, how beautiful she is. How beautiful her body is. And no matter what, he will always worship the body of his woman with his own body" He took a deep breath and asked. "Do I have permission? I promise what I'm going to do next is something you'll love. But if you feel uncomfortable, feel free to stop me anytime"     

She gulped a mouthful of saliva at his question, saying she is not scared would be a lie. She is definitely scared but when she looked into his eyes, there she saw the ever so gentle and caring Feng Jianyu.     

All her fear flew out of the room looking in those clear eyes, she trusts him blindly without a tinge of doubt and if he wants to do something he is allowed, after all, he is the man she has set her heart on. But how can she shamelessly say yes to him…..?? But the very next sentence from Jianyu cleared this problem of hers.     

"Love, I'll count till three. If you don't stop me then I'll take your silence as default 'YES'"     




Xiu Mei bites her lips and turned deaf ear to the counting. She has no intention to stop him…. But with each counting she felt butterflies fluttering inside her stomach, her heart beats like a jungle drum, her toes curled in anticipation….     

Jianyu gently smiled, his gaze met hers for a split second as she shyly closed her eyes before covering her face with her palms.     

Without any delay, he pulled the blanket off of their bodies in one swift motion, tossing it on to the floor. When she felt the cold air on her bosoms, instinctively she covered her breasts with both hands. She felt self-conscious, but he eagerly bends forward and started showering kisses on her face, sliding it downwards to her chin followed by neck and shoulders.     

But what were those kisses? Starting from her neck his kisses turned sensual, wet, igniting an unfamiliar sensation within her. His tongue stroking over her pulse points, tasting her skin, nibbling, sucking and biting…. Leaving a bright red mark wherever he kissed.     

With his left hand, he started exploring the curves of her body while supported his body weight with the right hand, careful not to put his body weight on hers. She gasped when he playfully runs his hand on her stomach and pinched hard near the navel, bringing along the strange feeling she had never felt before.     

Feeling the obstruction of her hands with which she was hiding her breasts from his eyes, he got off of her. "Why are you hiding them?" he whispered seductively and opened her arms. Reflexively her body stiffed as she now clenched the sheets beneath her.     

Xiu Mei's mind stopped working as she waited for the next move of the man, who was taking his sweet time in torturing her body by running his fingers on her naked skin, starting from her breasts down to her navel. With her eyes tightly shut, these sensations were taking her to different level.     

For Feng Jianyu it was as though he was scanning every inch of her alluring body to save it in his memory. Without minding those scars, he can't believe in his luck that his wife is the owner of such a beautiful, silky soft and milky white body. He can't wait to paint this white canvas with his handiwork, starting from her twin globes.     

For a whole minute, he stopped doing anything, and only admired the beauty of his wife. Xiu Mei went into a panic mode, anticipating for his next move. Another gasp escapes her mouth when he suddenly puts his hand on her each breast.     

Her breasts swelled up by his touch, fitting perfectly in his large palms as he started massaging them. His technique was neither harsh nor gentle, she reveled up in his touch as he brushed his thumbs gently over the perked tip. She arched her back unconsciously, giving a naughty idea to the man.     

Holding the tip of her breasts between his thumb and index finger he squeezed it a little harshly and then stroked it softly, this harsh and soft combination took her to the height of euphoria and a loud moan escapes from her throat.     

He felt his manhood throb hearing her moan. Unable to control his desires, he bends down to take the perky tip of her left breast in his mouth while he kept on massaging the other breast with his hand.     

Keeping his gaze on her face, teasingly he stroked the damp tongue over it before pulling it outwards with his teeth, taking her by complete surprise. Her breathing hitched and she jumped, reaching for the biceps of the man by letting go of the sheets from her hands. "What happen love?" he asked playfully, "Do you want me to stop?"     

She moaned in protest when he let go of the tip of her breast, and pouted. Grinning at her response he bents down again and licked the tip to soothe out the sting that he had caused. She arched her back again when he gave the same treatment to her other breast. This time after taking a bite, he naughtily blew softly over the wet tip, watching it pucker at his naughtiness, he grinned when he heard another loud moan.     

She can't describe the feeling in words. Seven years back when Feng Dindxiong had saved her, those monsters groped her breast mercilessly, giving her a disgusting feeling and incomparable pain on her upper body.     

But today when Jianyu had touched her, never had she thought in her wildest dreams that a man's intimate touch could feel so good. She could not help but her body keeps on demanding for more and more. She folded her knees and was shocked by the weird feeling of wetness in between her legs. This is something that has never happened to her before, making her feel confused and wondering.     

After a satisfying lovemaking session with her breasts, he started trailing the kisses down to her stomach, leaving the traces of his handiwork wherever he kissed…. When he nuzzled his mouth on her navel, she giggles at the tingling sensation and kicked her legs in the air.     

"What happen chipmunk? Does it tickle when I do this?" He asked innocently before stroking his tongue and biting her at the navel.     

"Jianyu…" She called out his name and opened her eyes to look at the man, her toes curled up. Feng Jianyu saw her panting and licking her lips. Her open mouth, moist lips, and red face, it was too much for him to handle. His little member throbbed uncontrollably, begging for some attention.     

'So navel is her weak spot! This is going to be fun in the future' He smirked inwardly.     

He crawled back to her and looked into her eyes, "Are you liking it?" He nibbled her earlobe, biting it with his lips instead of teeth before stroking his tongue behind her ear down to her jaw "Or do you want me to stop it?"     

She closed her eyes once again and moved her head to the side, giving him better access of her jaw…     

How was she supposed to answer that? How can she shamelessly admit that whatever he did just know was something she had never felt before? How to tell him that her body is craving for more? And the biggest proof is the wetness in between her legs…. Gripping his biceps firmly in her hands she bits her lips, unable to provide him with an answer…..     

"Oh! As you are not answering me, then I've to find out myself" Before she could say something in response, he sealed her lips with a kiss. His left hand slowly reached for her little white undergarment, rubbing all over it before he gently teased the sensitive area. His eyes further darken with desire when he felt how wet her undergarment is. He felt so proud of himself that he can arouse her body like this.     

Instinctively she tightly clenched her legs in response, refusing him any further access. He grinned against her lips. "Sweetheart, I promise I'll be very gentle…" Tracing her lips with his tongue he tried to coax her. "Open your eyes. Look at me"     

She shook her head like a rattle drum, refusing….     

He brought his hand a little upwards and tried to take advantage of her weak spot by making random figures around her navel. He saw her open her mouth to inhale deeply, and like a naughty boy, he shoved his tongue inside her mouth and tried to coax her tongue to let her owner loosen up a bit.     

His efforts worked and her guards dropped, giving him the opportunity to slide his hand back to the 'Little white thing' and despair inside it to explore the forbidden dark cave....     

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