We are destined.Let me pamper you

I said pull over

I said pull over

0'Damm it !! XION… You're safe until Mei is protecting you... Once you're out of her protection, I'll show you the true meaning of being ruthless'     

For the first time in his life, he is feeling helpless. He is unable to do anything against X and his company, and neither can he see Xiu Mei in pain. He was angered that his woman has chosen this life herself…. If he does anything to Phoenix Enterprises Xiu Mei will be sad.     

And he can't see her sad face…. He wants her to give all her problems to him and be carefree always. He wants her to slow down and cherish the life God has given her…. He wants her to move forward in her life…     

He turned his head to look at the beauty sleeping beside him. In her sleep also there were frown lines on her forehead. Feng Jianyu just about managed to stop himself from stroking her head to comfort her.     

His heart ached for her… Feng Jianyu's whole body shook in anger and he subconsciously hit his fist on the window pane to vent out his frustration. With a loud smashing sound, the whole window glass shattered into pieces.     

Hearing the loud voice Xiu Mei was bolted up from her sleep, thinking they are involved in an accident. Subconsciously her first reaction was to check on Feng Jianyu as if it comes to her naturally, "Jianyu…. Are you fine?" she touched his shoulder in concern.     

Her eyes widened in shock looking at the shattered window pane of Feng Jianyu's side. There was glass everywhere. Feng Jianyu acted quickly and hides his bleeding hand.     

Unable to understand how did this happened, Xiu Mei raised her head to see Feng Jianyu if he was hurt anywhere. She noticed he was trying to hide his left hand from her.     

"Pull over" she ordered firmly. Feng Jianyu looked at her assuringly, "Mei, everything is fine. A car speed away from the side just a moment ago, might be a stone or debri has hit the window pane." He gave an excuse.     

"I said pull over" she literally yelled.     

Without objecting any further, Feng Jianyu parked the car on the side of the road. Xiu Mei jumped out of the car and ran to the driver's side. As soon as she opened the car door, shattered glass pieces fell off on the road.     

Xiu Mei pulled up Feng Jianyu left hand to check for any wound, and saw a big cut below the little finger.     

She bites her lips to control her anger towards this careless man who keeps on hurting himself somehow. Feng Jianyu looked at her red face and was distracted by the fine tremors that ran through her body, 'Is she worried about me?' he thought.     

She immediately rummaged in Feng Jianyu's pocket for his handkerchief and tied it tightly on his wound to stop the blood flow. While tying the handkerchief her hands were shaking, Feng Jianyu softly assured her, "Mei… Don't worry; it's just a small cut"     

Without giving any reply, Xiu Mei pulled him out of the car holding the crook of his elbow, "Come out… I'll drive the car" Like an obedient child Feng Jianyu came out of the car.     

Xiu Mei extended her hand and was about to dust off the glass pieces from the seat when Feng Jianyu reached out and holds her wrist tightly. He turned her hand to check if her fingers are hurt when she tried to dust off the glass pieces.     

After assuring that she is not hurt, he scolded her, "Mei, what were you trying to do? Don't you know these sharp glass pieces can hurt you?" he took off his coat and dusted the shattered glass before spreading his expensive designer coat onto the seat to make sure no glass piece can hurt her.     

Fifteen minutes later they reached the Mountain Villa by late night. The silence was blissful. Parking the car Xiu Mei hissed, "Keep sitting here"     

Feng Jianyu nodded his head obediently. This was the first time someone has commanded him authoritatively. With an intention to enjoy the ride of her caring side, he started acting feeble.     

Xiu Mei gets out to walk to the passengers' side to open the door for Feng Jianyu. Holding his uninjured hand she pulled him out and walked with him inside the house.     

She made him sit on the couch before going to the kitchen to get a bowl of chilled water, fresh towels, and first aid box. After sanitizing her hands, she poured some antiseptic liquid into the bowl of chilled water and gently dipped Feng Jianyu's hand into it to clean the wound thoroughly.     

Taking fresh towels she wiped dry his hand. Her actions were so gentle that Feng Jianyu's heart warms up.     

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