We are destined.Let me pamper you

Nothing much, Just jamming the entire network of this hospital

Nothing much, Just jamming the entire network of this hospital

0I'll never help you with this problem. Even if I could, I won't"     


"B… Because I'm shipping for you and Jianyu with all my heart."     


Wang Shi's cabin was engulfed in a long pause of silence. The two humans were staring at each other motionless. Xiu Mei's gaze was like a fire breathing dragon while Wang Shi was staring at her like a rabbit holding a white flag for peace. Xiu Mei's chest was undulating up and down with each rapid breath she took.     

Wang Shi, on the other hand, felt like he got stuck in between a rock and a hard place. Outside his cabin, a certain monster was sitting and inside, a fuming fire breathing dragon was looking at him as if very next moment she will eat him alive.     

If he dares to go against Jianyu, then his baby brother will never let him live in peace. And if he dares to go against Xiu Mei, then she will probably create havoc in the hospital like she did last time.     

He looked at her in trepidation waiting anxiously for her response.     

"Dr. Wang Shi…. You're so cute" Xiu Mei said after some time, bringing out her most charming smile. Her single line was more than enough to send chills run down Wang Shi's spine. Her smile was akin to Feng Jianyu's devilish smile that he gives when he is up to something dangerous.     

'She is literally an ideal match for Feng Jianyu, only he can control her. If someone else steps into her life, probably she will eat him raw on her first night.'     

"Mei… I have got an important surgery scheduled. Can I talk to you later?" Wang Shi tried to run away from the situation but will Xiu Mei let him go unscathed? She snapped at him, "No… Come back to your seat"     

He shook his head, "No, I'm fine here. Just tell me what you want to say, I'm listening" Wang Shi didn't budge from his position and stood against the wall supporting his back.     

Although Xiu Mei will not kill him, but when Feng Jianyu had told Wang Shi about her talent of creating inventions, he is a bit wary of her.     

Don't know what she might take out from her pocket, her shoes or her clothes to use it against her opponent.     

Xiu Mei sighed, "As you wish! But don't blame me for what I'm going to do next" Taking out her tab from her bag, she started tapping on the screen.     

Wang Shi's heartbeat was now in chaos. He was getting nervous thinking about what she is up to. Unable to hold his curiosity in he asked, "Mei, what are you doing in the tab?" his voice sounded soft so as not to anger her more.     

"Nothing much, Just jamming the entire network of this hospital" She answered as if informing him about what she had in dinner. "Mei, no…" Wang Shi strode towards her to snatch the tab from her hands.     

Surprisingly Xiu Mei didn't try to dodge it and offered it herself to let him check. To Wang Shi's amusement, she was solving Sudoku on it.     

"Mei… you think it's funny?" he asked sternly.     

She smirked, "Relax, Dr. Wang! I'll never jam the network of this hospital. Lots of patients are receiving treatment right now and I've no intention to put their life at risk. This was just a bluff to scare you so that you come back here."     

Giving a sigh of relief Wang Shi came back to his seat. But before he could settle his frantic heartbeat, Xiu Mei dropped the bomb, "So… tell me what did you said earlier?" she looked at him sharply.     

He sighed in defeat, "Mei… Jianyu will have my hide if I go against him. And I really like your and Jianyu's cou ...…"     

"Hey…. What's taking you so long, Big Brother?" Before Wang Shi could say the word 'Couple', Feng Jianyu interrupted them in between.     

"Hey, come inside Jianyu, Mei was talking about you only!" Wang Shi sighed in relief and gave a playful smile to Xiu Mei.     

Xiu Mei "….."     

'When was I talking about him? No… I was not… Dr. Wang you too?'     

"Really? How sweet of you!" he pinched her cheeks in adoration. "But tell me what were you talking about me?" Feng Jianyu stood beside her and winked at Wang Shi.     

Xiu Mei "….."     

Wang Shi winked back and mouthed 'Thank you'. Earlier when he realized that he won't be able to handle the situation, he secretly messaged 'SOS' to Jianyu to let him come inside ASAP.     

"Jianyu, you know Mei was talking about your chiselled body. She really admires your muscles. I've promised her that you'll work harder on your body to satisfy her." All of a sudden Wang Shi turned mischievous.     

Xiu Mei "….."     

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