We are destined.Let me pamper you

I've proof against you...

I've proof against you...

0Feng Jianyu stared at her as if she had just flicked the wrong button. His brain stuttered as he desperately tries to catch up with the past to understand her words.     

The term 'Hidden Agenda' pained him. This is true that his initial motive was to get her work for Feng Corporation, but his behaviour towards her was not because of any ulterior motives. He willingly did all that, because his helpless heart willed him to do all this for her. He wanted to make her feel special, to make her feel equal and never for once looked down on her.     

He was not only attracted to her intelligence, but her innocence, purity, and kindness pulled him towards her.     

If only he had a hidden agenda, instead of treating her adoringly he has many other ways to get her to his company. He was the heir of Feng Corporation, he doesn't have to stoop so low to fulfil his dreams.     

And diamond?? Even God knows, he never gives damn about that diamond. All these years, he was angry because he felt betrayed when she didn't wait for him in the resort. For the first time in his life, he willingly did something for a woman but she chose to trample over his feelings. He was hurt….     

But what stunned him was the last line. He was confused by it.     

Did someone pulled strings behind their separation? Did someone impersonate him that night? Why did she say that line so confidently? He never confronted her about the diamond, then why is she accusing him of that.     

"Mei…. I never cared about that diamond" His voice dropped in tone, as he gently holds the back of her hand to comfort her.     

Xiu Mei laughed self-deprecatingly, "Feng Jianyu, what a humbug you are! For that measly diamond, you sacrificed me like a scapegoat and here you're acting all high and mighty in front of me. How can someone be so shameless? I've never seen a despicable man like you before, and I'm sure you are one of a kind!"     

"What did you just said, 'I NEVER CARED ABOUT THAT DIAMOND!' Pfft….. Yes… true… obviously, you didn't care about that diamond that night, because you were too preoccupied to save your ass from that scary man. So in order to save your own life, you sacrificed mine…. Right?" Xiu Mei said mockingly with hoarse voice. One can see the pain of betrayal in her eyes.     

"You know what…. God has blessed you with everything extraordinary in life. Be it your surname 'Feng', your parents, brothers, lifestyle, body, face, health ….. I mean everything is top notch." She poked her finger on his chest, "But!! This. This little thing inside your chest, that's beating inside you…. Tsk… Tsk… Tsk… I pity you, it's rotten! It's black! It's dark! It's vicious! It's hateful!"     

Xiu Mei spread her hands wide in the air, her eyes full of hatred as she said, "It deserves the hatred of this whole world. Because it's the most despicable heart God has ever created." As she said this, an adamant tear rolled from her eye to her cheek.     

Feng Jianyu sat there helplessly, staring at her tear, surrounded by profound sadness. Her hatred towards him was like black soot that had settled upon her. No matter how bright the day was she would not bother to take a look. No matter how much effort he made towards her she would not give him another chance.     

To her, he was nothing but a despicable object…     

He understood the feeling of unrequited love… and it hurts more than anything.     

Without uttering a word he just stared at her helplessly… Letting her vent out her resentment, accepting that she needed the release.     

"You taught me a big lesson that day, and I will never forget it." She continued, "You see a person's true colours when you are no longer beneficial to their life. Right?     

"When you were done with your ulterior motives and I was no longer beneficial, you pushed me towards the death…. How haughtily you walked out from there! You must have felt very proud of yourself. Isn't it?"     

Feng Jianyu felt himself inexplicably crushed…. Her sufferings, pain, injustices…..     

Somehow, he was responsible for all that. After all, it was his decision to take her to the resort and convince her to sit for the exam.     

So what if he was not the one behind the entire incidence, it was he who started it…..     

"Mei… what do you mean by 'pushed you towards death'" Feng Jianyu appeared to be angry at the revelation of some points as he gradually grasped the implications of the situation. But he decided to keep her provoked for some more time to let her reveal something. He had obviously hit too close to home.     

"Why don't you go and ask that man. I'm sure he can explain to you better than me. After all, he was the one who tortured me…." She said robotically, devoid of any emotions.     

Xiu Mei stood up, wiped her face with her hands, and took a deep breath to calm her mind. She said, "Feng Jianyu… Thank you for the betrayal, thank you for breaking my trust and thank you for turning Alice into Xiu Mei."     

With a fierce determination and resoluteness, she warned him, "As you are aware that I don't keep favours, so be ready to payback for your sins. Soon I'm going to give you a big blow…."     

She turned to leave….     

He stared at her back intensely. His heart a pool of emotions…     

Feng Jianu bolted up from his seat to stride after her. Without giving any warning, he hugged her from behind!     

"Don't go! Listen to me! I didn't do anything wrong to you… What if I say it was not me that night?? Would you believe me?"     

She tried to wiggle out from the hug, but he held onto her tight and didn't give her any chance to break free herself.     

Xiu Mei retorted back, "Not possible… I've proof against you"     

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