We are destined.Let me pamper you

Hugged him tightly.

Hugged him tightly.

0"I asked for a coffee"     

"B… but drinking coffee at night is bad for your sleep" Xiu Mei heart starts beating faster the moment she heard his cold voice. No matter what the situation is before, he always talked to her gently. But today tables have turned; now she is on the receiving end.     

Her face turned visibly worried as drops of sweat dripped from her neck.     

'Damn You Orange! I should not have listened to you, he is obviously pissed off. Let me get hold of your memory software, I'm gonna delete all that stupid psychology from it.' She cursed orange inwardly.     

"Get lost! Who the hell you think you can lecture me", Feng Jianyu yelled and threw the cup on the floor. It shattered into pieces.     

Xiu Mei thought he is about to throw it on her, so reflexively her hands reached to cover her face, "ouchhh…. No please. Don't"     

Earlier he had not paid much attention, but this familiar voice made him look up from the document towards the girl.     

Feng Jianyu's heart fluttered the moment he saw the familiar figure. Although her face was covered by her hands, he doesn't need eyes to recognize the girl of his dreams. His frozen demeanor instantly cracked, and the gas chamber like room turned into a spring garden with her mere presence.     

She was standing in front of him in a yellow dress, looking like sunshine to him. That straight long dark hair falling over her shoulder and her ever so beautiful face that he had not seen since last two weeks. He missed her so badly and now she is standing before him, it was as if God had decided to fulfill his wish today.     

It had been only two weeks from when he had last seen her, but for him, it feels like a lifetime.     

He so wished to take her in his arms but thinking about the night they fought he stopped his urge. A feeling of trepidation crossed his mind. What if she is here to ask him to leave her house, or what if she asks him something that he doesn't want to give.     

In these two weeks he called and messaged her daily. But she never answered his call and neither had she messaged him back. Now, when she is finally in front of him he is scared of losing her. He gulped a mouthful of saliva and took several deep breaths to calm his unsettled heart and got up from his chair slowly and approached her.     

He called her name as gently as ever, "Mei…"     

Xiu Mei peeked from the space between her fingers and saw him standing in front of her. Watching him close to her, she retraced her step back anxiously, "It's ok! We'll talk later. You seem to be angry… cough…. b… busy, I… I'll come back tomorrow, or might be the day after tomorrow. Bye"     

She turned around to leave but before her fingers could touch the doorknob, Feng Jianyu's hand clutched her wrist tightly and pulled her towards him. With the strong pull, she landed in his embrace, her hands touching his strong chest.     

Without giving her any warning, he bent down to pick her up in his arms. Reflexively her hands reached to wrap around his neck.     

Feng Jianyu gently placed her on the couch before adjusting the cushion to support her back. He went for the side drawer to grab the first aid box. Xiu Mei was looking at his face in daze biting her lips.     

'Why is he behaving so distant? Why is he not talking to me? Is he that angry, that he won't talk to me ever? Is he not interested in me anymore? Did I lost my chance of discovering love with him?' Her heart was panic-stricken, and at the same time, uneasiness and self-guilt started to eat her alive. She doesn't want to lose her love because of her stupidity.     

Dabbing the antiseptic liquid on the cotton ball he explained without looking at her face, "Mei, I'm sorry I hurt you once more. But trust me it was not my intention. Let me apply medicine on your wound, I promise I'll do it gently."     

Because of the shattered glass, a broken glass piece scratched her leg. And that didn't go unnoticed from Feng Jianyu's eyes.     

It just took him two minutes to apply medicine. But when he saw her badly bruised knees he frowned.     

"How did this happen?"     

*** No reply***     

"Mei, I asked you wha….." He looked up at her face but half of the sentence got stuck in his mouth.     

Xiu Mei was biting her lips as tears fall from her eyes. His every kind act towards her was making her feel more guilty. Her emotions have gone wild.     

Feng Jianyu cupped her face out of concern, "Hey, why are you crying? I'm sorry, but I tried to be as gentle as possible. I'm sorry I hurt you again. I'm really sorry."     

The more he apologize to her, the more she started crying like a child. Seeing her crying like this, it was Feng Jianyu's turn to panic. 'Oh no… oh no… what have I done now? Please don't cry.'     

"I want… to talk to… you…" she said with difficulty, sobbing in between.     

Feng Jianyu's heart sunk at this. He doesn't want to hear what she is going to say next. 'No… I'm not going to leave you and neither will I leave your villa. I can't imagine my life without you. No… Impossible, call me selfish or whatever you want me to call, but you are not allowed to walk out of my life. At least, not when I haven't done anything wrong to you' He clenched his fists determinedly.     

"Mei, I'm sor...."     

Before he could say one more sorry, Xiu Mei jumped on him and hugged him tightly.     

She was so ashamed of her behavior towards Feng Jianyu that she felt it impossible to talk to him by looking straight into his eyes.     

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