We are destined.Let me pamper you

A*shole Xiang

A*shole Xiang

0Bai Xin's heart raced when she saw Rong Xiang closing the distance between them. It raced further when his fragrance enveloped her. The distance between them closed to mere a few centimeters when she felt his cold fingers slide under her chin and lifts it up to look into his eyes.     

There faces just a few inches apart, the darkness in his eyes reflected his foul mood. She felt him take a deep breath. "Yes, and No!" Her brows furrowed.  "Yes, I've decided to stop everything here. But….. No, I'm not moving on! I've told you in the beginning that my feelings are genuine, it's the first time I've felt something for a woman…. I'll never be able to move on!"     

"S-so… all this…."     

"Sometimes, separation is necessary to understand true feelings."... maybe you'll start seeing me differently after I'll move out'. He kept the other part of the sentence to himself.     

His answer made Bai Xin realize that he was actually giving her space to think of their relationship. But what's the use? He had already broken down the defenses of her heart, conquering over it completely. Must he make her so anxious? Is this what he had learned from his cruel monster boss who uses brutal methods to teach lessons to his wife?     

Or maybe his EQ runs in negative that he failed to see through her feelings despite winning over her heart!     

Rong Xiang's heart fluttered seeing her face up so close, he wanted to kiss her once more, take her in his embrace but what right does he have? He is not the type of man who kisses women randomly just for fun or maybe to toy with their emotions.     

He ignored the prick he felt in the heart and moved away, turning his back towards her. "Just half an hour more, I'm almost done with my packing."     

It hurt Bai Xin, he looked at her so closely but failed to see the feelings that are written over her face in bold letters. If he is dumb, can't he pay attention to her clothes, she is dressed in his favorite color.     

"You are cruel!" She stomped out of the room, hiding her tears.     




Rong Xiang heard some noises soon after and ran outside to check on Bai Xin. The voices become louder as he walked towards the balcony!     

It stupefied him seeing her pick the porcelain food bowls from the table and then crashing it on the floor in anger. "Stupid, idiot, dumb, asshole, brute…." She heard her mumble.     

"What are you doing?"     

"To hell with you. Can't you see I'm breaking the crockery?" *CRASH* with that said, the flower vase crashed against the floor.     

He took two fast strides and caught hold of the wine bottle she was about to throw. "Stop it, Xin." He looked around, the prying eyes of neighbors are directed towards their direction.     

Dammit! How annoying!     

Not wanting to create a scene in front of them, he grabbed her wrist, dragging her into the living room and shut the door panel, drawing the curtains to keep things between them.     

"For God's sake, stop creating a scene. At least think of your reputation, this is your own apartment." He snarled, angry over her rash behavior.     

Bai Xin rolled her eyes, the annoyance visible through her actions. "I can't believe all you see there was me breaking the crockery, creating a scene! You, for God's sake, use that thing stuffed inside your head and look at the things carefully; maybe you'll notice something different."     

"Stop talking in riddles, I'm already pissed..." His words were shoved down his throat when she slammed her lips against his. It left him full of confusion and curiosity, Bai Xin's full of love and passion.     

No words were spoken yet they communicated something, something worthy.     

His saucer eyes only relaxed after a few seconds!     

Unexpectedly his hands drifted to her plump hips, he squeezed, he pulled her closer earning a sharp gasp from the lady when she collided against his chest. Gosh! Is it a chest or rock? He took over the charge instantly.     

She tip-toed, her hands traveled to his neck, clutching his hair in her fist, and she angled her head, deepening the passionate kiss. It was not like one of those close-mouthed kiss like you do when in school. It was the adult's kiss, the open-mouthed, that ignites the fire in the core which says passion. A kiss where two mouths fit into each other's like two puzzle pieces.     

Imaginary hearts flew around them; the world slowly disappeared, along with worries, insecurity, problems, and whatever that stopped them to come closer.     

She pulled herself away forcefully when he knocked all wind from her lungs, leaving her struggling for breath. She hardly had a moment to breathe before he slammed his lips to her, pushing past his tongue through the barriers of her teeth, delving inside her mouth that tasted a little minty. It looks like she was chewing gum before.     

After what seems like an eternity, they finally pulled apart. Rong Xiang had to fight the urge to lick the saliva around Bai Xin's mouth, or maybe continue it further by traveling the kisses around her body, giving her small mosquito bites that will remain for the next two days.     

Bai Xin held his arms, still trying to catch her breath, faintly licking the inside of her mouth where his taste still lingers.     

"You are just like your boss when it comes to understanding a woman's feelings. Even he failed to notice XM's love and so as you. Can't believe you are that much influenced by him! But at least you could have taken a little notice that my attitude towards you has changed. Why would I let a random man stay in my apartment for over three months for no reason, why would I prepare a candlelight dinner, why would I create a romantic atmosphere, and why the hell I'll dress up like this?"     

She pointed at her dress that had a long slit over thighs running all the way down to the ankle, and then she turned back, revealing her silky smooth backless back.     

He gulped!     

He looked around; he recalled the set-up in the balcony… Indeed he didn't notice any of this. Oh, no! Forget about this, he didn't even notice the alluring woman in front who dressed especially for him.     

She pounded her fist over his chest, "You ruined everything, I was about to confess my feelings for you. Must you chose this time to ruin my mood?"     


Everything darkened in front of Rong Xiang's eyes and he dropped on the floor.     


"RONG XIANG…." Bai Xin caught him on time, slowly lowering him on the floor. She placed his head on her lap, patted his cheeks repeatedly. "Hey, wake up… Rong Xiang….."     

Bai Xin "…."     

'Did he just faint hearing my confession?'     

'At least give me an answer first!'     


What a timing man!     

'Asshole Xiang!'     


The next day morning Rong Xiang wake up on a soft bed, tucked in the blanket. He felt weird, something different.     

'What happened? How did I come here?'     

*Light bulb moment*     

'Light night Xin confessed to me? Or I dreamed about that? No! Yes! Hold on! This is not my room…. It's Xin's bedroom….. It's her bed! It's her blanket! It's her pillow!' It bewildered him.     

"So finally you're awake!" His head snapped to the right where a woman was sitting in an elegant posture, still dressed in the long slit red dress. Her panda eyes showed a lack of sleep.     

"D-Did you confessed your feelings to me last night? Have I managed to win your heart? You've finally fallen for me?" he has to clear things about last night first. He blinked, his heart pounded wildly, he stared at her nervously.     

"What do you think? Rong Xiang, you actually dared to faint on me, forcing me to stay awake  whole night for the reply. And the first thing you did after waking up is to question me about last night? Are you for real?" Though she scolded him, the blush on her cheeks that had traveled to her ear was saying otherwise.     

Rong Xiang wanted to faint once more, but if he dared, she might kick his balls to wake him up this time.     

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