We are destined.Let me pamper you

I hereby return it to you with dignity

I hereby return it to you with dignity

0"Am I in trouble?" Xiu Mei fidgeted with her hands. "I know I've had promised you not to look for the diamond again. But…."     

Before she could complete the sentence Feng Jianyu lifted her chin up and gave a soft kiss.     

'Uh? He kissed me? This means he is not upset?'     

Xiu Mei felt warmth gushing her senses once more; she pushed the thought back of her mind and kissed him.     

"Good job." Feng Jianyu breaks the kiss, as he looked into her eyes. "This was the best decision you've made." Saying he buried his face in her shoulder. Xiu Mei's eyes widened when he kissed the small patch of her skin.     

"I-I don't understand? How come hiding the diamond in my hair becomes the best decision?"     

When Jianyu heard her words he instantly looked up and placed a hand at the back of her head, lightly pressing it.     


"Does that hurt?"     

"A little…."     

"What's the last thing you remember when you were on Sheng's yacht?" He asked. By now he had already guessed she doesn't know that she was shot in the head. If it was not for the diamond hidden in her hair, the bullet…. Just thought even make him shudder.     

"The last thing..." Xiu Mei tried to recall, her brows knitted together. "I was looking at mom…. Then…. Then I felt something hit my head….. after that…. I felt my chest heavy, unable to breathe, like…. Like something cold and murky stealing away the breath, suffocating me. I tasted it, like dirty cold water, salty, foul and unclean. I could feel a thousand needles poking my body before everything blacked out."     

She looked him confused. "But… why did you ask?"     

Feng Jianyu pulled her in his arms. "When you were looking at the other side, Sheng shot you in the back of your head. Because of the force, your body propelled forward, and you fell down in the freezing cold ocean."     

"I see…." Now she understood why Jianyu said it was a good decision to hide the diamond in her hair. Unknowingly it actually saved her life.     

She took the diamond from Jianyu's hand and inspected it. The impact of the bullet was so strong that the diamond got damaged. "Jianyu… it got damaged."….. doesn't this mean its market value declined? Who would prefer a damaged diamond?" She muttered under breath but he heard it.     

"No… It saved my chipmunk's life; for me, its value has increased thousands of times." Earlier he had decided that if he ever gets the diamond back, he would destroy it. The diamond was one of the reasons she was attacked that night. But now he would keep it safe, but away from him.     

Xiu Mei happily turned back to sit down facing Jianyu. She holds the diamond in between her palm. "Neither I'm a dishonest person nor a thief, I'm sorry for the long delay…. Sir, you trusted me with your family heirloom seven years back, I hereby return it to you with dignity." Her face shone as she happily returned the diamond to its rightful owner.     

Seeing her so happy, Feng Jianyu accepted the diamond. He knows how important this is for her. "I never doubted your honesty, love." He pecked on her lips and lay down on the bed. Don't know when the small peck turned into a hot passionate kiss.     

"Ahem…. Ahem…"     

Someone disrupted their lovey-dovey moment, she turned her head towards the door. It was as if a lightning bolt struck her.     

She saw it was Wang Shi and Zian looking at her awkwardly.     

Suddenly she realized her position in Jianyu's arms. As usual, she was clinging on to him like a koala bear, with most of her body over his. Her face flushed red, she instantly moved away from him, pulling the blanket over her chest coyly. The embarrassment of being caught like this was too much for her heart.     

Wang Shi pretended to look everywhere but the couple while Zian looked at Jianyu with his sharp predatory eyes, as if he would pounce on him any moment and rip him apart.     

"CEO Feng Jinyu, allow me to remind you that my sis….. cough… President XM's body is not in a condition to bear up against any physical activity. Can you please think of making kids after a month?" Zian said coldly. Being the protective brother, he didn't mind remind the important instruction to his brother-in-law once more.     

Xiu Mei looked at him with wide eyes.     

Feng Jianyu lifted up from the bed to sit down holding Xiu Mei's hand. He answered with the same coldness. "I know it better than you! I and my wife were just warming up for the future niece and nephew. With whom you.... cough…. my brothers will play with."     

Xiu Mei pinched him on the waist discreetly for being shameless. Jianyu pretended as if nothing happened and raised the blanket up to cover her legs peeking out from the gown.     

"Why only your brothers? I will also play…. with…. my…. niece… and nephew…." Words came broken as soon as Zian's eyes collided with Xiu Mei's sharp ones. Instantly he became like a cute puppy standing against a ferocious tigress.     

"BROTHER Wang Shi…. Are you here to examine me?" Wang Shi understood why she deliberately emphasized the word brother. He side-eyed Zian whose face was black as the bottom of the pot when she deliberately ignored him.     


"Good! But before that, please send this stranger outside. You know I don't feel comfortable in an unknown person's presence." Zian made a sour face at Xiu Mei when she again addressed him as a stranger.     

"Feng Jianyu, I did a big mistake by favoring you in front of the elders. You could have at least given me a warning before disclosing everything about me."     

Feng Jianyu "…."     

He himself was confused about how Xiu Mei knows about Zian. Who told her? Did she guess?     

"Stop blaming my husband!" She flared up and get off the bed.     

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