We are destined.Let me pamper you



0Xiu Mei stood rooted on her decision, "Yang Sheng already knows about me. And I'm not alone in this fight…. Many people are supporting me. Please…. I want your support, too. I want my parents back. Today when I saw you crying for me, banging your fist against the wall, I can clearly see you're yearning for me. Please….dad…."     


"I'm not going to listen to you for this. I've already made up my mind to get you out of hell at any cost. Please…. I beg you, dad."     

"Shh… daughters don't beg." Xiu Mei chuckled when he used a stern tone on her. He took a deep and made a deliberate pause to think about it. Suddenly the spider in his hand caught his attention. "Did you make this spider?"     

"Y-Yes" The change of topic startled her.     

'A genius work of invention! Very delicate and precise machinery!' Mo Zhichan was proud of her daughter's thinking to come up with something like this. Does this mean she has inherited his quality of creating unique machines? Just how courageous is his daughter to make this machine enter the cage and talk to him?     

With the confidence in her voice, it seems she has prepared something more!     

 If he was at her place, with the use of his inventions and the strong support of Mo and Feng family, he could get anyone out of this place. It seems like she is no ordinary girl! She is his daughter! An inventor just like him! Moreover, Mo and Feng family are there for her. And the thought of reuniting with his family gave him a new hope!     

"Fine!" She heard him say, a smiled came on her lips. "But you've to make sure of your safety first. Thinking you're safe in this world I can live the rest of my life peacefully."     

"Don't worry about my safety." She secretly eyed both her sides…. A monster, a devil. "Whenever the door opens, let the spider out. You can keep the satellite device to talk to me but remember its battery will discharge after twenty-four hours without the Big Spidy. And don't believe in Yang Sheng's words, he is trying to play with you. Rest everything I'll handle. Okay?" She discussed few more things with her father about her plan.     

"Okay!" Mo Zhichan assured her. Before she hung up he asked the question he was dying to get an answer for, "How is your mom? Is she nearby? Does she know about me?"     

Xiu Mei was tongue-tied by his father's questions. Neither she could lie nor could she say the truth.     

Feng Jianyu patted her back and answered on her behalf. "Uncle, I'm Feng Jianyu. Sorry to answer on Xiu Mei's behalf, she got emotional after talking to you. Aunty Ruo is not in this country at the moment."     

It confused Mo Zhichan, he wanted to ask many more questions, but this was not the right time. "D-Don't tell Ru anything about me; I don't want her to be worried.... Give love to my baby, my little squirrel."     

After the call, Xiu Mei fell into Jianyu's arms and hugged him tightly. She was gloomy after the call  ended. Though the short talk to her father made her happy and was able to calm down both of their frantic hearts but the thought of her mother made her feel sad. To date, she doesn't have any information on her.     

She looked up at Feng Jianyu's face as if his presence could soothe her.     

"Are you okay?" He rubbed his thumb on her cheeks.     

"Yes… But I'm thinking about mother. How will I tell him that according to your mom she..." Her heart refused to say the bad word.     

"Don't think much. Just believe what your heart says. And I know….. somewhere you still believe that she's alive. Believe in your belief, love"     

 "I'll find her one day!" She nodded.     

"Hahah…. Qinyang, Little princess, baby…." Lu Xion tried to lighten the atmosphere. "Little tomato how many names do you have? Soon you'll hit the century…. And what was the last one…. Yes… Little squirrel….. Hahaha…. Looks like you were a proactive kid by birth." He looked at Jianyu. "Why did you name her little chipmunk?"     

"Because she has the habit of stuffing her cheek pockets with chocolates and sweets while trying to steal them from the fridge."     

Xiu Mei pouted her lips and hit on his arm. "Bad hubby…"     

Everyone started laughing.     

Xiu Mei murmured to herself while hugging Feng Jianyu. "Little squirrel? Funny name….. I've heard it before….!!" She wondered.     

Ring Ring Ring     

The happy atmosphere disrupted with the sound of Xiu Mei's phone. She showed the caller's name to Feng Jianyu who mouthed, 'Put on speaker.'     

Yang Sheng: "Good morning President XM, what a beautiful day it is. Isn't it?"     

Xiu Mei snorts. "What beautiful day, now that I hear your voice." She heard Yang Sheng chortling that feels fake to her ears.     

"Looks like my morning video has pissed you off?"     

"Your call is pissing me off. Just come to the point, what the hell on earth do you want?" Xiu Mei said with irritation in her voice.     

Her attitude surprised Yang Sheng. Is she faking or does she really doesn't care about her father? It must be the former! She is just acting hard in front of him. "Nice acting XM or should I say, Alice! Aren't you scared that I know of your identity as Mo Zhichan's daughter? Aren't you scared that your father is in my captivity and I can do anything to him?"     

"Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today?" Xiu Mei said sarcastically. "It's been months since I've declared my identity as Alice. It was your slow brain that finally reacted to the news. As far as my father is concerned, do you really think I don't know why you have kept him alive all these years? A greedy animal like you would never kill the dragon that leads to the treasure."     

Yang Sheng scowled, "You bloody b*tch. Do you think you're powerful enough to destroy a power like me? Yes, I won't kill Mo Zhichan, but do you believe I would never torture him?"     

Her fearless attitude towards him shocked Yang Sheng. She was behaving as if she has nothing to do with the person in his captivity. This made him a little confuse and uncomfortable.     

"Torture? Lay a hand on my father and you won't have a hand on your body. I know why you've called me. If you're expecting that, I'll come to you in the name of my father...…" She made a deliberate pause before adding. "Then you're absolutely right. Before you repeat those boring dumb villain's dialogues and blabber nonsense, I'm coming to your base."     

Once more Yang Sheng was caught off guard. Without giving him the opportunity to blackmail her she is ready to come on her own.     

He frowned.     

She is definitely planning!     

Her gadgets are as vicious as Mo Zhichan!     

Yang Sheng thought of something and added. "No, you won't come!"     

Xiu Mei: "scared?"     

"In your dreams...." Yang Sheng said. "My assistant will come to pick you. You'll be coming alone and wear the clothes and shoes sent by me. None of your gadgets and accessories should be on your body otherwise for every trick I'll cut off a finger of your father."     

"Whatever!" Xiu Mei replied indifferently.     

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