We are destined.Let me pamper you

What a heinous person you are

What a heinous person you are

0"Cough…. Did I?" Wang Shi asked making an innocent face, "Ahaa! I remember!! Don't take it seriously, it was just a way to address this… this… whatever this is between you two, I can't come up with the exact word to address it" Wang Shi tried to shrug it off by waving his hand dismissively.     

"Mei, please! Can we talk about the more important thing?" He said.     

Twisting her lips Xiu Mei glance at Wang Shi before dismissing the thought, "Whatever!" She pretended to drop the word dismissively, but in reality, she felt a quiver in the stomach thinking about her name along with Feng Jianyu.     

Wang Shi watched the series of emotions chasing one after another on her face. He waited patiently for her to utter the words that are struggling to jump out of her vocal cords. Xiu Mei harrumphed and declared badly, "Dr. Wang, please get your brother out of my house"     

"Why? What happen?" He asked with raised brows.     

"What do you mean, 'why'? Isn't it fair that Feng Jianyu should leave my house when he is perfectly fine now? Plus, he has gone crazy. Period" she said rolling her eyes.     

"CRAZY? Can you please elaborate this word."     

Xiu Mei exhaled loudly and put her elbow on the desk sideways as she held her head in frustration, "Can craziness be explained?"     

"Try doing it. You might find the solution to your problem", Wang Shi said.     

Xiu Mei looked at Wang Shi as if he is her last hope, "Dr. Wang"     

"Hmmm, tell me"     

She said, "Fine! This all started the night when we both returned from the castle after having dinner with you and Feng Junjie"     



(This flashback is from narrator's point of view)     

They both walked together to the garage and he helped her into the black, low slung BMW. Xiu Mei settled down in her seat and wore her seat belt as he gunned the engine.     

Feng Jianyu drove the car down the long pathway of the grand castle and stepped on the accelerator once they left the gates behind.     

Throughout their long drive, Xiu Mei was trying to call Xion to apologize for her morning behavior, but he was ignoring her phone calls. Getting irritated, she hit her phone on her palm and cursed under her breath, 'Damn you X, now you're being unreasonable'     

Feng Jianyu heard her clearly and asked with raised brows, "Is everything ok?"     


Feng Jianyu "…."     

'I clearly heard her cursing that so called 'X'. Is he the reason behind her sour mood?' he pondered.     

"I saw you trying someone's phone call. If it's a battery problem you can take mine" Feng Jianyu took out his phone from the pocket and offered it to her.     

"Not battery problem... He's not picking my call" she replied indifferently.     


"Ahhh! Nothing! Leave it…" she dismissed the topic and pressed the button to tilt the seat back to rest her strained back.     

Subconsciously Feng Jianyu tightens his grip on the steering wheel. There were so many emotions fizzing inside his mind, Jealousy, hatred, rage, anger, sorrow…. 'I know Mei, who the f*ck this 'he' is… Mr. X, how dare you hurt her?'     

'Because of you, she cried today. Even I wouldn't dare to make her cry and you have the audacity to hurt Feng Jianyu's woman. There is me around her, I'll make you pay ten times for her every tear shed.'     

'I know how you are taking advantage of her exceptional talent for your own personal gain. Without her, Phoenix Enterprises is nothing but an empty shell. Just because my Mei is innocent, she has no family, so you decided to use her at your own accord'     

'I can clearly see what you are trying to do with her. Every great product of Phoenix Enterprises is her invention, but you are not giving her any accreditations and identity for her hard work. She is living the life of an unknown person in that lonely Villa'     

'What a heinous person you are'     

'I know you're the king of the underworld 'Lu Xion'… But if you dare to bully her to keep her by your side, I swear I'll kill you with my bare hands.'     

'If it's not for Mei, I would have long destroyed you and that so-called company of yours in a blink of an eye. But this is my love's hard work…. I don't want to hurt her feelings… Despite your contemptible attitude, she loves her work and her company….'     

Taking deep and slow breaths, Feng Jianyu tried to calm down his anger but thinking about Xiu Mei's crying face he couldn't.     

'Damm it !! XION… You're safe until Mei is protecting you... Once you're out of her protection, I'll show you the true meaning of being ruthless'     

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