We are destined.Let me pamper you

Epilogue- Last

Epilogue- Last

0"Last time you promised to take us on your yacht and show us aquatic animals." Yuyu reminded, her tone came as if she won't take no for an answer.     

"Yup, I remember that. We will go there tomorrow."     

Lan tugged his sleeves, "And what about letting us swim?"     

"Yeah, we'll do that. But promise me you won't be naughty in water and follow my instructions."     

Sitting on either side, the two nodded their head eagerly and snuggled into Xion's strong and wide arms.     

Soon the chopper landed onto the grounds of the sprawling estate. He helped the girls get down, and they dashed towards the bodyguards standing with two full-grown Siberian huskies and caressed their soft fur.     

"Woww… They have grown bigger."     

Xion caught the eyes of a stranger a few meters away. He looked over the shoulder and gestured the bodyguards to cover the girls and make sure no one sees their faces.     


At Xion's order, the long-haired Austin brings forth his laptop and looked for their information. Within a few seconds, it was on his laptop, "Marcus Chong and his daughter Denise Chong. An influential business tycoon in Madol country, acquainted with old madam when she went on a trip. And it looks like Miss. Denise….."     

It was not necessary for Austin to finish the sentence, as Denise's lusty eyes on Xion was more than enough.     

"Where is mom?"     

"Umm….. Madam Lu went to the temple to show your birth chart and had left the message to meet Chong's and….." Wu Zixin gulps.     


"…. and behave yourself." He stumbled back when Xion's sharp eyes landed on him, "Not my words!"     

"Throw them out." Xion scowled.     

"Cough… Lord, b-by the balcony,"     

From the corner of his eyes, Xion could see Elder Lu chatting with old man Zeng, who was scratching his chin where a long white beard once used to exist. If it was not for Yuyu and Lan's complaints that his beard itches, no power in this world could have had brought him to shave it.     

Argh! These old fogies were looking for entertainment at this age!     

Marcus Chong began walking with the desire to be acquainted with Xion and to introduce his daughter.     

"President Lu!" he spoke and offered his hand to which Xion responded to honor his mother's instructions. "Have heard a lot about you from Madam Lu, at last, we met."     

Xion was as expressionless as ever. He raised his chin up and waited to see where the conversation will go. However, his one glance made the opposite party sweat under the layers of clothes, though they pretended well.     

Marcus was the most powerful businessman of his country who literally ruled the country and had enough power to crush companies overnight. People fear his name. But seeing Lu Xion, he realized what the meaning of true power is. In front of him, he was just a small fly, easily squashable.     

Denise tried her best to not look at Xion's handsome face, but her eyes betrayed her as something tingled inside her, racing her heart. She tucked her father's suit, and it reminded Marcus his daughter was standing next to him. He drew her up to his side. "This is my daughter, Denise. Founder of D'diamonds Inc."     

"Hello," She offered her hands, expecting to get to touch him but Xion didn't even look at her and moved a step back.     

"Austin, show them the way out. I'm done being nice." Though his mother requested him to behave, he BEHAVED for exactly 3 minutes. That's his limit.     

Marcus "…"     

Denise "…."     

Marcus, "President Lu, may I know the meaning of this? It was Madam Lu—"     

Lu Xion's men didn't have to be told certain things and moved to throw the father-daughter out of the property.     

"— Don't touch me. How can you treat us like this? I've inquired about your past, looks like your ruthlessness was the reason your fiancée—"     

A heavy silence ensued as Xion's best assassin, Blake, knocked him out before he could say another word. Blake cast his cruel eyes at Denise, which was enough to shut her.     

Lu Xion continued walking to the two adorable girls as if nothing happened. He checked the two, satisfied by his men who were intelligent enough to cover Yuyu and Lan's ears with head-phones playing nursery rhymes, and busied them with animals.     

He took off their headphones, "How about we go for a Yacht ride today and spend the weekend on the water, eating delicious seafood and lots of water activities? Sounds good?"     

The two nodded and jumped in his arms. "YESSSS!"     

He ordered Wu Zixin to take them. "You may leave. I'll join in no time."     

However, before leaving, Yuyu and Lan paused, "We didn't get to meet GGs." they referred to Elder Lu and Elder Zeng.     

Xion looked over the balcony where the old fogies were no more there. "If you meet them now, they won't let you go with me. Are you sure—"     

"Nope, not interested."     

"Nope, they will squeeze us as always. Not interested."     


"Hhahaa…. Didn't I say Xion will get them thrown out within five minutes?" Zeng Shihong's usual gloomy face brightened up as he cackled with his friend Lu Gengxin, satisfied he won the bet. "C'mon you old miser, give me the money. Don't think I'll let you go."     

Lu Gengxin smiled, as he took out a note of hundred yuan, "Keep the change. It's your tip. By the way, I was already sure of the result, but took the losing side at your insistence."     

Zeng Shihong snorted, "As if I'll buy that. I know Xion better than anyone."     

"Yet you are bringing these annoying marriage proposals." Xion's cold voice silenced the two. The servant who was preparing the tea for the old masters excused getting the signal from him. "Don't you know there is only Meiying in my heart?"     

Lu Gengxin looked stern, "It was your mother who did this. Don't blame Shihong."     

"As if you both haven't done that before!" Xion spared an accusing glance at his grandfather. "And today…. instead of stopping mom, you took it as an opportunity for entertainment. Is my life a joke to you? Do you think I can love any other woman? Won't it be an injustice to her to get trapped with a man whose heart is already ruled by another woman?"     

Everyone in the family knows what Meiying is to him, yet his stubborn family had been forcing him to move on. Do they really think it's that easy? Is it possible to move on and forget the first love and find another?     

If yes, can it really be called love?     

How can it be called love if it can happen so easily?     

Zeng Shihong's head hung low, "I'm living in the same phase you are going through, and I know how terrible it is. How terrible it is to live into the memories of your beloved and wait for death. Thankfully, I've you, Mei, Zian, my granddaughters and a loving family, that's giving me a reason to live. WHAT DO YOU HAVE?"     

"I—" He stilled, feeling a presence near him. His heartfelt as if its blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. His eyes followed as the world's most beautiful woman came to stand next to him.     

"I agree with him, X. I want to see you move on and live a happy life, with lots of kids and a big happy family."     

He interlinked his hand with hers, seeing it pass through, "I have Meiying! Death took her body but left her soul to me. Our minds hold memories and creating new. Our heart keeps the love and getting stronger every minute. And it's our destiny to meet again... After death!     

After death!     


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