We are destined.Let me pamper you

Doesn't it sound familiar?

Doesn't it sound familiar?

0Xiu Mei's eyes shot opened instantly. Her mouth widened, her heart started beating like a jungle drum. Is this a dream? Am I hallucinating? Did I eat any wrong medicine? Wasn't he supposed to come in the morning?     

She jutted her lips outward and poked his naked chest. "I'm missing you so much that I can literally see, smell and touch you. Come fast, monster, I'm missing you." She still believed it was a beautiful dream.     

Feng Jianyu chuckled and pecked her on lips, "I wonder if you miss me the way that I miss you!" He placed her hand on his heart, "Can you feel this small organ that's about to burst out in excitement?"     

She blinked, blinked and blinked, "Can you pinch me because I can feel this small organ jumping in excitement…. I must be dreaming…. OUCHHH…. That hurts!"     

"You asked me to pinch."     

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Xiu Mei screamed and jumped in his arms forgetting that her little panty was half was through and tripped into the bathtub filled with water with a splash sound. Lying above him, she looked at Jianyu's impressive figure, his soulful eyes boring into hers, however, she sensed a danger by the way he was staring at her, ready to taste his favorite flavor.     


"Yes…" He pecked her lips.     


"Yes…" Another peck.     

"You're back…"     

"Yes yes yes" Three consecutive pecks.     

"In this ten days visit, did you forget how to kiss properly?" She pouted.     

The next moment, he pressed the back of her neck to stop her from moving away and give her Feng Jianyu style kiss, licking the seam of her lips before pushing his tongue inside her mouth, breathing in each other's mouth. Their tongues synchronized, dancing to the tune of love.     

She blossomed in his presence, the old glow returned, her smile returned….     

He kissed her without reservation, compensating for the thousand numbers of kisses they lost in ten days. She kissed him with equal passion, without bothering he was butt naked. Practically she was half-naked too!     

Besieged by her man, she melted into his arms like ice.     

They were away from each other for like ten days, yet it feels like ten years of separation. Every second was torturous for them.     

Outside the bathroom door.... Feng Junjie's face was beet red as he stood against the door. No! Not his fault that he heard everything!     

He jolted up from his sound sleep hearing Xiu Mei's scream and ran towards the bathroom wondering if there's anything wrong. Before he could knock, he got the best surprise upon hearing Feng Jianyu talking to Xiu Mei.     

With the red blushing face, he left the room to give them some privacy.     

After what seems like an eternity, Jianyu parted reluctantly on finding her struggling for breath. Panting heavily, they looked into each other's eyes; the silent communication was enough to let them know each other's condition when they were miles apart.     

"Wana bathe?" his voice was so magnetic that it echoed in her ears, making her heartbeat against her chest. Her cheeks turned beet red unconsciously weaving a net to trap Jianyu.     

'Does she have any idea what this charming color of her cheeks is doing to me?' He thought inwardly.     

He nibbled her earlobe before tearing her dress off of her body.     

No, they didn't do any lovemaking but just enjoyed each other's company, sitting in the bathtub.     

"Did you meet your mother?" She adjusted herself into a comfortable position by leaning her back against his chest as he poured some shower gel on the loofah to clean her.     

"Hm! Before coming here I went to her room." He paused for a second, "And saw her through the glass window."     

She turned her head, "This is not a meeting. She's your mom, you should have gone inside."     

"Raise your hands up." He rubbed the loofah under her armpits and answered, "Later! She was under the effects of medicine right now. Moreover, due to the intubation tube, we won't be able to talk." He answered seriously.     

She turned to face him, "Don't be stingy, she's your mother. Technically there's no difference between mine and her situation just scenarios are changed. For seven years I was under the impression that it was you who stole the software while from the last two decades you are under the impression that your mother is evil Cruella de vil." She moved on her knees to cup his face, "I don't know much about her, but one thing is sure….. She loves you all dearly, her sons are her life. And just like every other parent, the firstborn is closest to her heart."     

He held her waist to bring her down on his lap. "Why firstborn is special?"     

"Because with the birth of a first child a mother is also born. She as a woman existed, but a mother is something absolutely new. This is unique to only firstborn child, making him special."     

Feng Jianyu was taken aback by her deep thinking.     

"Hm! I'll meet her. Will you accompany me?"     

"I will, but not during this special meeting. The moment belongs to you and your mother. Exclusively"     

 "Okay! Let me talk to Wang Shi first. I don't want to give her any shock in this condition." He drew out, "Now let's get out of the tub before you catch cold."     


"Zian?" Feng Jinyu asked taking a seat across Wang Shi and Feng Junjie, just beside Xiu Mei. "He stepped in for mother's treatment and examined Mei too when she fainted?"     

"It was a surprise for me too when suddenly Dr. Qiao waved at Zian to step in and help. It barely took him thirty minutes to control the bleeding in Aunty's brain and repair the damage." Wang Shi said with shock apparent on his face. "Later I had my assistant to get information about Zian. Because as per Dr. Qiao Li's words Zian is a prodigy, world-renowned surgeon specializing in more than 20 specialties with innumerable awards and credits in his favor. At the age of fourteen, he was already holding a doctor's degree. I've heard and read about him numerous times but never got the chance to meet him personally. And since he avoids giving interviews and only talks about medicine and his work, there's not even a single published picture of him."     

"I don't care about him. You're no less talented him." Feng Jianyu said nonchalantly, "Don't forget you're famously called as the man with golden hands. And if he got the degree at the age of fourteen then you got it at sixteen. Above that your experience is much wider than him. I hope there's never a next time, but make sure it's always you treating Mei, she's much comfortable around you."     

Wang Shi's lips twitched. For a second he was happy that Feng Jianyu was praising him heartily, but his happiness was short-lived hearing the reason behind that praise.     

The one and only…. XIU MEI.     

"Mei, this monster only cares about you and nothing else." Wang Shi said.     

He gestured Feng Jianyu when Xiu Mei didn't give any response.     

Feng Jianyu looked at the side and saw her lost in thoughts. The freshly brewed Pu'er tea had turned cold, and all she was doing was rolling a small box in between her fingers.     

Other than Xiu Mei there was another person who was surprising quite. That's so unlike him! Feng Junjie.     

But no one bothered to pay attention to him.     

"Mei?" Feng Jianyu took the box from her hand and nudged her, "What happened, love? What's bothering you? And what this thing is? Hold on! Why is there a house fly inside it ?"     

"Don't open the box. It's a covering that's preventing Zian to hear our conversation." She answered. "It's not a house fly but a bug that I found here." saying she pointed where Wang Shi was seated.     

Wang Shi took the box, "You mean to say Zian left this here to hear our…. Scratch that… your conversation with everyone."     

"How do you know that it belongs to Zian? It might be someone else's" Feng Jianyu asked seriously.     

"It's my design. I matched the serial number with the company's database. It was exclusively made for Country T's military as per the deal signed by Phoenix Enterprises." Xiu Mei replied swiftly. "Country T!!?? Jianyu, what comes to your mind when you hear Country T's name?..... Doesn't it sound familiar?"     

"Of course it's familiar" Feng Jianyu shared a glance with Wang Shi who nodded in understanding.     

Feng Jianyu: "That's where the Mo family lives."     

Wang Shi: "Mo family is from country T."     

Xiu Mei: "Right."     

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