We are destined.Let me pamper you

Phoenix’s protection

Phoenix’s protection

0Wu Shen saw the fresh blood oozing out from her chest and the muddy tyre marks near her body that have not been washed out, he understood that she was dumped here not too long ago… Maybe just minutes before their convoy reached here.     

One of the bodyguards came there with a first-aid kit on the orders of Wu Shen. Being in the underworld, every man in Zeng Shihong's team is properly taught how to stop the bleeding and give first aid to each other in case of emergency. Without delaying he took the scissors to cut off the cloth around her wound, only to realize that it's a gunshot. Due to her frail frame, the bullet went through and through her body. After sterilizing the wound he clamped the bleeding source and covered it with gauze.     

Undoubtedly the procedure was painful, but the girl didn't even flinch for a second and remain still like a log. "Put her in the car and drop her to a good hospital. Small clinic won't be able to handle this severe case" He was about to return back to the car when he stopped to look at the girl one more time.     

He didn't know why but an uneasy gut-feeling was scaring him, it was as if something is wrong. An unknown thread was pulling him towards this girl… He brushed the thought thinking it might be because his own daughter who is of almost same age as of this girl. She must be someone's daughter too, his fatherly instincts kicked in and he took out a card from his wallet and passed it to one of the bodyguard. "This card has enough money to pay for her medical expenses"….. 'Although I don't think she will make through' He thought inwardly looking at her pale face before walking back to the car.     

The car carrying the girl separated from the convoy to drop her to the hospital.     

"Is the matter solved" Lu Xion asked.     

"Yes! It was not a man but a young girl, probably 15-17 years old….. Badly injured… I don't think she will make through the night" Wu Shen answered in a weak tone.     

"Hit and run?"     

"Nh huh! She's shot, badly beaten, and looking at the glass shards on her body I cannot make a guess. Don't know what hell she has gone through"     

Lu Xion merely nodded hearing this, he was completely unfazed hearing about the girl and so as Zeng Shihong.     

"Wu Shen pour me a glass of wine" Zeng Shihong ordered, keeping his gaze outside the window. The moment he took the glass of wine from his assistant's hand he heard something clinking against the wine glass. It attracted the attention of all the men in the car, but Zeng Shihong's gaze was staring at the thing with widened eyes.     

The wine glass dropped from his hands as he grabbed Wu Shen sleeves to detach the thing hanging from the cufflink. One brief look is more than enough for Mr. Zeng to recall what this is. It was the egg shaped translucent jade pendant with Phoenix Bird wrapped around it in gold. It was the symbol that depicts a Golden Phoenix Bird protecting its egg from all evil. The eyes of Phoenix bird was carved with pigeon blood diamond to show the fierceness with which she will protect her egg.     

It was rare centuries old jewellery, bought by Zeng Shihong in an auction when his wife was pregnant with his daughter. It was the symbol of protection for the unborn child in her stomach. Later it was passed on to his daughter on her first birthday….     

His daughter cherished it like a treasure, always wearing it close to her heart in the remembrance of her mother.     

"Where did you get this?" Zeng Shihong asked with trembling hands, sticking his gaze on to the pendant.     

"Er… Boss, I think it belongs to the injured girl to whom we helped a while ago. Might be while clamping the wound, it got entangled with my shirt sleeve"     

"Take me to her…. Take me to her now…. This is Zeng Ruo's pendant. This is my daughters' pendant. I finally found her… I found my daughter, Godson… I found her" Zeng Shihong's excitement was on cloud nine. "Hurry up! Order the convoy to take me to the girl"     

"But Grandpa, just now Wu Shen said she is a young girl in her teenage. How can she be Aunty Ruo? It might be this pendant is a copy of the original one" Hearing this Zeng Shihong yanked Lu Xion's hand away from him.     

"Shut up! You think I cannot differentiate between original and fake. This is the original 'Phoenix's protection' pendant and its other pair 'Dragon's protection' is still with me in my private collection…. follow the orders Wu Shen…. Take me to the hospital where you have sent that girl and arrange the team of best doctor's. Nothing should happen to her. At least not until she tells me about my daughter's whereabouts"     

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