We are destined.Let me pamper you

Mommy missed you (Edited)

Mommy missed you (Edited)


Looking towards him Xiu Mei said politely, "Hello Dr. Wang Shi, I am Xiu Mei. Nice meeting you."


"Hello, Miss. Xiu Mei…. Nice meeting you too." Dr. Wang Shi replied.

"Dr. Wang, if I am not wrong you are the same doctor that came with CEO Feng that night, Right?", Finding his face familiar Xiu Mei asked.

"You are right, I am the same doctor. That night I didn't get the chance to introduce myself", Dr. Wang cleared her doubt and she just nodded her head and poured a glass of juice of herself.

Dr. Wang turned to Feng Jianyu and started scolding him, "Jianyu you better take care of yourself. Although you are recovering, it's not up to my expectations. Why are you not taking your medicines? Why are you skipping your meals? Have you seen yourself? You are getting thinner and thinner. And why the hell you keep tearing your wounds? Can't you keep your ass at a single place?"

Hearing this both Feng Junjie and Xiu Mei were having a tough time to control their laughter.

Xiu Mei was surprised that someone was brave enough to scold the monster fearlessly. There was a smile plastered on her beautiful face.

Dr. Wang is the eldest cousin. Although he is only 2 years older than Feng Jianyu, he takes full liberty of being an elder.

Feng Jianyu saw her smiling and looked towards Feng Junjie who was also trying to control his smile.

Gritting his teeth he furiously ordered Feng Junjie, "Change my doctor! I don't want him anymore. Go get me the best doctor in the country."

"Really? Go change … hurry up… but you will only get second best because I am the number one here," Dr. Wang snapped back.

Feng Jianyu had no other option but to only sulk at this. He was piqued because of this so-called elder brother of his.

After breakfast, Dr. Wang was about to leave, but he turned towards Xiu Mei, "Miss Xiu Mei may I take the liberty to trouble you to please take care of him." He said while pointing towards Feng Jianyu.

"Dr. wang I….."

"Please, it's a request… Since you are with him at home, I can only ask you. You just have to make sure he eats three meals a day and takes medicine on time. That's it."

Before she could say anything Dr. Wang requested her further.

"Yes yes, Sister Mei Mei…. I heard brother listened to you yesterday. Only you can do this." Feng Junjie butted in taking a bite of an apple.

From the corner of her eyes, she looked towards Feng Jianyu and as expected, his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot. He was glaring at his brothers as if he will jump on them like a tiger and rip them into two pieces.

Feng Jianyu grunted, "How dare you…. Both of you just....."

"And if he does not listen to you, then here is my card. You are free to call me any time. I will come here and personally administer three injections; one for energy, second for medicine dose and third will keep him sedated for 2 days." Handing over his card to Xiu Mei, Dr. Wang looked towards Feng Jianyu and warned him with his eyes.

Feng Jianyu clenched his fists and warned Dr. Wang, "You dare." He was fuming red and blue.

Dr. Wang daringly replied, "Try me."

Then he turned towards Xiu Mei and said, "Don't be afraid of him, he won't do anything. I assure you that." Dr. Wang assured her before leaving the villa with a smug smile tugged on his face.

Feng Jianyu narrowed his eyes at Feng Junjie.

"Feng Junjie you....

"Ah… brother… I… I remember I have back to back meetings… and there's a lot of pending work also… so I will head out first…bye… ", Feng Junjie ran at the speed of the jet.

Feng Jianyu stomped back to his room still huffing angrily.

Finding this brother's fight cute, Xiu Mei can't stop herself from smiling and left the dining room with a smile plastered on her face.


Xiu Mei entered her lab and settled herself in front of the huge supercomputer and started working on some codes. After an hour of writing codes, she put a command on the computer to copy down the codes on a chip.

In the meantime, she went towards the huge oval table on which lots of machine parts were scattered. Holding an unfinished machine in her hand, she placed it under the LED light and using a screwdriver worked on it.

When the computer finished copying the codes on the chip it beeped. She had set the alarm in the system causing it to beep if the work is completed.

With the help of tweezers, she took out the chip and went to the work station where she was working before.

She wore an eye gear to zoom in the internal parts of the machine and carefully fixed the mini chip inside it.

Picking a mini tool she closed the machine properly and dressed it in blue color.

She took a deep sigh.....

'I am working on you for 2 months… At last, you are up to my expectations'

'Finally, it's done…. Now I have to test you'

She feeds a command into it and released the machine in the air to test it. After a series of tests, she was satisfied completely and command the mini machine to come back to her.

'Hey my cute 'JIESHU' welcome back… Mommy missed you', she talked to the mini machine and repeated the procedure to make four more.

'All right three down one more to go'


Before she could start doing her next work her phone rang…

"What happened?"



"3:00 p.m.?"

"Is it about our latest product?"

"No problem, I've already given details to Mr. X. But to be on the safe side I will monitor it"

"You please manage the rest, I won't be able to give much time"

"I have a huge monst…. Cough… I mean a huge workload on my head"

"Alright… I will hang up first"

After hanging up she got up and went towards another table where lots of papers were spread across the table.

She looked at the design carefully, then picked a pencil and started making some changes.

Unsatisfied with the design, she crumbled it into a ball and tossed it on the floor. Within no time a small mountain of crumbled papers was formed on the floor.


Unable to achieve the desired result she cursed loudly.

Looking at the time she realized that it's time for lunch.

'I have so much pending work and now this new work to babysit a Monster. As if, he's going to listen to me!'

'Relax Xiu Mei… Relax… Take a deep breath….'

'Now go and check on him… Remember you promised you will take care of him PERSONALLY!'

'Screw your blabbermouth… Stupid girl'

Xiu Mei talked to herself in an irritated tone.

"Orange! Clean up the mess and don't touch the documents on the table", she gave the order to someone and left the lab.

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