We are destined.Let me pamper you

Dining together (edited)

Dining together (edited)


Feng Jianyu "...."


He opened his mouth to say something but closed it, since she was correct. He could not find a logical reason to argue against her.

'What happened just now?'

'This is the first time that someone has scolded me.'

He continued looking incredulously at her departing figure.

After scolding Feng Jianyu, she exited the door and flew towards her room.

Closing the door behind her, she placed her palm on her chest to appease the thumping heart. 

'OMG… I scolded the Monster,'

'And he could do nothing,'

'That was easy Mei…. well performed!' She patted her shoulder and grinned sheepishly.

'Exactly… it's not difficult… just behave confidently in front of him….'

'It's not like he will eat you up.'

'Keep up the good work.'

She went to the dining table and waited patiently for the Monster Headache to come down.

'He will absolutely come,' She has a mischievous grin on her face.

Butler Tom was about to serve food when she stopped him by lifting her palm, "Let him come."

Exactly at 7:00, she noticed a tall figure descended from the stairs as he came towards the round dining table and seated down leaving two chairs between them.

Xiu Mei smiled inwardly.... 'I knew it'

Before they could start eating, Feng Jianyu's phone buzzed. He noticed it was Feng Junjie calling him.


"Brother can you please call Miss. Xiu Mei or if by any chance she is near you pass this phone to her… It's important."

Saying nothing Feng Jianyu passed his phone to her. He was too proud to mention anything. But she gave him a meaningless stare and did not accept his phone.

"Junjie wants to talk." He shortly answered.

She placed the phone on her ear to talk, "It's me."

"I am standing at the foot of the mountain, can you please deactivate the traps for some time. It skipped from my mind to apprise you that I will drive over my car."

"Hold on for a second," she beckoned Butler Tom to bring over her tab. "Done… you can safely enter now."

"Thank you, I will reach within 5 minutes."

Feng Junjie entered in a jovial mood holding a folder in his hands. He was finally able to obtain a valuable piece of information about Xiu Mei.

But upon entering, he saw an unbelievable; his brother was eating dinner with Xiu Mei and that too at the same table.

His mouth opened wide in shock.

'What the hell? What is this?'

'Did I enter the wrong house? Am I seeing it correctly?' he rubbed his eyes.

'Oh no, they are still here… then I am hallucinating!' He rattled his head several times.

'They both are indeed here!'

'What exactly happened after I left?'

'Damn…. I think I missed a wonderful show.'

'Will they tell me what happened between them after I left? '

'Just ask them….'

'Without knowing how will you sleep tonight?'

Feng Junjie walked towards the table and playfully said, "Hey guys dining TOGETHER without me," He stressed on the word together to get a reaction from them.

"Come, sit… we have started just a minute ago," Xiu Mei waved her hand towards a vacant chair and invited him to join them at the table.

Feng Junjie sat down beside his brother, "So how was your day, Miss Xiu Mei?" he asked while cleaning his hands with a warm towel.

"Wonderful, as usual." while saying this, she sneaked a glance at Feng Jianyu.

"And brother, yours?"

Feng Jianyu ignored Junjie and continued eating.

"hehehe…. I am sure it must be good too," feeling embarrassed he answered it himself.

'Come on, brother… can you give me some face?'

"Oh right! I almost forgot!" Xiu Mei exclaimed. "I gave the medicine to CEO Feng on time...and as per your instructions, I peeled an Apple for him," she added innocently.

Xiu Mei is a vengeful person.....o she evened out her score with Feng Junjie by setting him in a difficult situation.

cough.. cough... Feng Junjie choked on his food…Taking a sip of water he swallowed the food down. "When did I ask you to peel an Apple?" He panicked and covertly looked towards Feng Jianyu. "Brother I didn't."

"Shut up and eat," Feng Jianyu put down his chopsticks and admonished Junjie.

"Yes, brother." Feeling wronged he glanced towards Xiu Mei and then quietly ate dinner.

Xiu Mei gave a naughty smile.

Feng Jianyu was the first to finish dinner. He wiped his mouth and left, leaving behind the two wild humans to let them continue their fight.

"Apple? Seriously? When did I ask?" Feng Junjie asked gritting his teeth the moment Jianyu left.

"Didn't you ask me to take care of your brother? Peeling an Apple for a sick person is caring only!" She replied as a matter of fact.

"And what else you did?"


"OH! Come-on! How did you both end up together at the dinner table?"

"Oh, thattttt.....? I scolded him for not taking care of his health as he skipped lunch today." She replied calmly waving his hand at him.

"Scolded? And my brother didn't slaughter you? Do you think I will believe that?" He scoffed.

"Up to you," shrugging her shoulder she said. "I dare you to ask your brother about it."

Hearing this Feng Junjie gulped and dropped the matter. He can never ask this question.

After dinner both got up....

"Second Young Master wait!" when Feng Junjie was about to leave Xiu Mei called him.

Feng Junjie paused in his track and looked towards her.

Walking past him, she opened a cabinet and took out a bottle of ointment and a hot pack.

"This is for your back pain… Don't forget to apply it at night," Passing over those items to him she said and left for her room.

Feng Junjie was touched by her gesture, 'She cared about me? She is such a sweetheart… and I thought she is a monster… Awww, Sister Xiu Mei, you are an angel,' he thought inwardly.

He entered Feng Jianyu's room and kept the things given by Xiu Mei on the table.

"Did you do what I said," Feng Jianyu came straight to the business.

"Yes, brother…This is the information we were able to get," Feng Junjie took out a folder and sat down on the couch.

"Read it for me… "

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