It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

I, Suzy will never marry anyone other than my boyfriend!!

I, Suzy will never marry anyone other than my boyfriend!!

0Not long after Luo Shen walked back to the office. Behind him was the third young master of the Song family following him leisurely.      

Arriving in front of the CEO's office, Luo Shen knocked on the door twice. Only when Suzy humphed from inside did he push the door and walk-in.      

Inside the CEO's office, Suzy was holding a file and was looking through it when Luo Shen and Song Mo Chen walked inside.      

Bowing to Suzy respectfully, Luo Shen reported "Boss, third young master Song is here"     

Without looking up from the file, Suzy nodded her head and ordered "Ask the secretary to prepare snacks and tea for the guest"     

"Yes, Boss" Luo Shen nodded and turned around to inform the secretary. Unlike other times when Luo Shen left the office, he purposefully kept the door open so that the Song Mo Chen wouldn't have any dirty thoughts in his mind.     

Rushing out of the office hurriedly, Luo Shen asked the secretary to prepare snacks hurriedly.      

Inside the office.      

After Luo Shen left, Suzy closed the file in hand and kept it aside. Removing her spectacles, she stood up from her chair and gestured Song Mo Chen towards the sofa and said "Mr. Song, please have a seat"     

"Haha…Ms. Suzy, you're being too polite. We are going to get engaged soon so you don't have to be polite to me. You can just call me Mo Chen" Song Mo Chen said with a smile before sitting on the long white couch.      

Just as Song Mo Chen thought that Suzy would sit beside him, Suzy sat on the single couch and crossed her legs.      

Ignoring Song Mo Chen's earlier words, Suzy leaned back and asked expressionlessly "I wonder what brought Mr. Song here"     

Hearing Suzy's distant voice, Song Mo Chen frowned slightly. Just as he was about to speak, Luo Shen walked inside carrying two cups of hot black tea and a plate of cookies.      

Placing it on the table, he obediently stood behind Suzy like a tall pole with a straight face.      

When Suzy saw his speed and then the sweat drops on his forehead, she did not know whether to laugh or cry.      

Gesturing at Song Mo Chen to have the tea, Suzy reached for her own cup and took a sip. Seeing that Song Mo Chen's expression changed after having a sip, Suzy furrowed. Turning her head, she looked at Luo Shen only to faint a faint smile lingering at the corner of his lips.      

Shaking her head helplessly, Suzy sipped on her tea and placed it on the table before turning to Song Mo Chen "So Mr. Song, you were about to say something"     

"Well, it is about our marriage. I have some conditions that I want to put forth" Song Mo Chen said     

Raising her eyebrows, Suzy smiled faintly and said "Oh! Let me hear it"     

Glancing at Luo Shen who was standing behind Suzy like a bodyguard, Song Mo Chen hesitated for a while.      

Knowing what he was thinking about, Suzy leaned her head and on her hand and said leisurely "It's fine for him to hear. Anyway, he is my brother so he has every right to know what conditions….Mr. Song has"     

Displeased, Song Mo Chen frowned slightly but after thinking for a moment he decided to just ignore the latter.      

Raising his head high, Song Mo Chen smiled and said proudly "Ms. Suzy, I know you are very happy and are very eager to marry me but I still have to tell you something so that you will follow it after our marriage"     

Not replying, Suzy just smiled faintly and waited for Song Mo Chen to continue.     

"Actually to be frank Ms. Suzy you don't deserve me. Other than beauty you have nothing that can attract me but anyway since it's my mother's arrangement I forced myself to follow it unwillingly. Okay, now let's come get to the topic. First of all, I don't like to be confined to a single woman so after we get married I don't want you to ask me with whom I was. Even If I bring any woman back home I want you to serve them respectfully. Second, at what time I come back and when I come back…you can't ask me anything. Third, I don't like my woman to have any contact with other men"Glancing at Luo Shen, Song Mo Chen smiled and said "Even if he is a brother or an assistant, I don't like her to have any contact with men"     

At this moment, Song Mo Chen did not realize what kind of grave mistake he had done. Standing beside Suzy, Luo Shen's hands were trembling in anger. If not because Suzy had signaled him to not make a move, he would have long punched this bastard on his face and thought him a nice lesson.     

Not noticing the change in Luo Shen's face, Song Mo Chen continued to ramble on "Fourth, when we are having sex, I don't like any barriers in between us so I suggest you to take contraceptives. Fourth, after you take over the Song enterprise, I want you to allot me a sum of money without my parent's knowledge and at the same time, all the money that is earned by you has to be given to me, your husband since I'm the one who is going to support the family. Fifth, I want ten percent of Li corporation's share as my dowry. And the last thing is…..I want you to quit acting"     

Leaning against the couch, Song Mo Chen looked at Suzy with a smile and said "So if you agree with all my conditions then I'm ready to marry you at any moment"     

Not replying to his question, Suzy looked at Song Mo Chen with a faint smile and asked "Are you done? If so You can take your leave" Suzy said before standing up.      

Shocked, Song Mo Chen stood up and asked in rage "Suzy, what do you mean?"     

Turning around, Suzy looked at Song Mo Chen with a smile and said "Don't you understand? I asked you to get lost"     

Pointing his trembling finger, Song Mo Chen yelled "You…you will regret it"     

"Luo Shen, send Mr. Song away" with that said Suzy ignored Song Mo Chen and walked back to her table.     

Just as Song Mo Chen wanted to walk towards Suzy's table, Luo Shen blocked him swiftly and stretched his left hand, pointing at the door and said respectfully "Mr. Song, please"     

Seeing that Song Mo Chen wasn't budging, Luo Shen smiled and said "Mr. Song, please don't force me to use my hand"     

Clenching his fist and gritting his teeth, Song Mo Chen turned around and walked out of the office furiously.      

After sending off Song Mo Chen, Luo Shen returned back to the office and saw Suzy stuffing all the files in the locker. After making sure all the files were secured, Suzy turned to Luo Shen and ordered "Luo Shen, assemble all the reporters in front of the company in ten minutes"     

"Yes" Taking out his cell phone, Luo Shen made a few calls before walking back into the office. "Everything is arranged. The reporters are waiting downstairs for you"     

Reaching for her bag, Suzy grabbed her sunglass and put it on before she walked outside "Let's go, it's time to give a proper answer to the thirsty reporters and to those who are seeking death"     

Walking out of the office, Suzy walked towards the presidential elevator and got inside the elevator along with Lou Shen.      

When Suzy and walked out of the elevator, a few employees who were working downstairs looked at the two curiously.      

Walking towards the companies entrance, Suzy removed her sunglass and approached the reporters. Before reporters could ask her any question, Suzy grabbed one of the reporter's mic and spoke with a faint smile "Didn't you all wanted to hear my answer? Then hear me with your ears open. I, Suzy will never marry anyone other than my boyfriend. My love and my heart is reserved only for him"      

Then stuffing the mic back to the reporter's hand, Suzy turned around and put on her glass and walked towards her car, leaving behind the stunned reporters.     

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