It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Dare to show up wearing my shirt?

Dare to show up wearing my shirt?

0Glaring at the drooling reporters, Kim tan warned coldly "Don't come inside until I say"     

with that said he closed the door with a bang and walked inside the room.      

Pulling Suzy into his embrace, he looked down at his sexy baby girl with a dangerous light and said "You little seductress. You dared to show up wearing my shirt. Don't you know how dangerous it is?"     

Hugging Kim tan's waist, Suzy looked up at Kim tan and pouted "I did not want to but the bathrobe was too big so I could only wear your shirt"     

"Sigh...forget it. I'll take care of you later but for now, let's deal with these reporters"     

with that said he grabbed the bathrobe that Suzy had thrown on the bed and covered her from head to and pecked on her lips. Hugging her waist and pinning her head against his chest making sure that she could not be seen from any angle, he cleared his throat and called out "Come in"     

As soon as Kim tan's voice fell, the reporters hurriedly rushed inside but were dumbfounded when they saw a certain CEO embracing his woman and standing at a corner. Those reporters who initially thought they could get a glimpse of this mysterious girlfriend were dumbfounded after seeing Kim tan's protective behavior.      

Sulking, the reporters forcefully suppressed their desire and searched every corner of the room but still could not find any sign of Mu Jun or a little girl.      

A few reporters who had long lost interest on Mu Jun, pretend to search and purposefully moved around Kim tan, trying to get a glimpse of this mysterious girlfriend but no matter how they tried, they could not see her face.      

Speechless, many scolded Kim tan inwardly for being so secretive and overprotective. At last one of the reporters with a keen eye happened to see a black mole on the woman's right leg. Taking the chance when people were busy searching, the reporter secretly captured the picture of the fair leg with the small black mole and hid his cell phone inside.      

While the reporters were still rummaging the room, Suzy who was leaning against Kim tan's chest had no idea what was happening outside.      

Looking at the fair sexy chest and at those pink nipples, Suzy started to have weird ideas. Opening her small mouth, she stuck out her tongue and licked his skin before grazing his skin with her teeth.      

Kim tan who was busy observing the reporters stiffened all of a sudden when he felt Suzy lick and bite his skin. tightening his hold on her waist, he took in a long deep breath and tried not to shiver with all his might. if not because there were reporters around them, he would have long back pushed Suzy against the wall and savored her ferociously.     

Looking at the reporters impatiently, Kim tan had this urge to throw them out as soon as possible.      

the more the reporters looked around, the more he suffered under his mischievous girlfriend.     

Finally after half an hour, even after searching every corner, when the reporters did not find any trace of Mu Jun or a little girl, they forced themself to walk out unwillingly.     

Once the reporters left, Kim tan walked towards the door and closed it before locking it from inside.      

With a grim face, he walked inside and saw his little seductress sitting on the bed with her legs crossed while smiling mischievously.     

Gritting his teeth, Kim tan pushed his baby girl against the bed violently and climbed up on her.      

Looking down at Suzy with his dark eyes, he spoke through his gritted teeth "Seems like I have been too easy-going on you. It's time to teach you a good lesson"     

Suzy's eyes widened in surprise when she looked at his dark eyes. Just as Suzy wanted to ask what was he going to do, Kim tan gripped the shirt and ripped it open. As soon as he saw her naked half, his dark eyes further darkened and his breathing turned heavy.     

Stunned speechless, it took a while for Suzy to return back to her sense. Covering her bare chest, she looked at the big bad wolf and stuttered "Y-you...wh-what are you do-doing?"     

"Me?'ll know that soon"      

With that said, giving no chance for Suzy to speak, he slammed his lips against her and kissed her ferociously.      

Taking the chance when Suzy was off guard, he grabbed her two hands which were covering her chest and pinned it above her head.      

Shocked, Suzy opened her eyes abruptly and saw Kim tan's dark cunning eyes.      

Embarrassed, just as Suzy wanted to struggle against his hold, Kim tan suddenly moved his hand and grabbed her breast and squeezed it, making Suzy moan against his lips.      

Moving his lips away from her mouth to her neck to her throat then to her collar bone, he bit on her shoulder before he moved his mouth towards her breast.      

After tormenting Suzy's breast for a while, Kim tan finally released her and rolled on his back.      

Pulling Suzy's waist, he hugged her in his arms and kissed her forehead before he asked "Why did you show up? Wasn't I enough to deal with them? now that you have shown up, the reporters will definitely not give up and might start trailing you."     

"That's exactly what I want" Suzy replied in a low voice     

"hmm? why?"     

Mu Jun is injured so we will have to send him to the hospital. As per my understanding of the reporters, after getting the news, they will definitely not give up and might start searching for other rooms. If that happens, Mu Jun might get caught and his treatment might get delayed. To avoid such accidents, the only way I had was to pull the reporter's attention and the only person who could make the reporters forget about Mu Jun is me, your rumored girlfriend. of course, it wouldn't be possible without your help" Suzy said with a smile     

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