It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Qin Lue's downfall-I

Qin Lue's downfall-I

0"Cookie get ready..we are going to watch a good show!" Suzy said with a cold smile.     

Hearing Suzy's creepy voice, Mu Jun shivered all over. Looking up, he inwardly prayed for the person who was about to face the devil's wrath.      

Suddenly remembering something, Mu Jun cleared his throat and coughed awkwardly. Hesitating whether to report to the devil or not, Mu Jun finally decided to tell her rather than letting the devil herself find it out. He said     

"Uhm...little devil, that--"     

"Spit it...what is it?" Suzy asked impatiently     

"Uhm...that, why don't you check your social media account first?"     

"huh...why?" Suzy asked looking confused     

"just check the trending post. You'll get to know" Mu Jun insisted     

"Oh, okay...hold on for a sec" with that said, Suzy logged into her social media account on her system and checked the recent trending posts.      

On the trending list, Kim tan's post had taken the first place.      

Curios, when Suzy clicked on the post, saw a note written by Kim tan below which was the picture of flowers which she had given to Kim tan.      

Reading the words on the post, Suzy smiled bashfully and she could not stop grinning. Her husband was very romantic.      

While checking the comments, Suzy picked up her cell phone and asked      

"Cookie, you're soo good. You knew that I would not check my social media accounts so you had asked me to check it to see how sweet my hubby is?"     

Feeling speechless, Mu Jun sighed and said "....idiot, I did not ask you to check your boyfriends post"     

"Oh? then?" Suzy asked still not getting what did Mu Jun mean     

Slapping his forehead, Mu Jun spoke through gritted teeth "the third trending post....check the third most trending post"     

"oh? what is so interesting about that?" Suzy asked while her hands moved the mouse and clicked on the third trending post.     

"See the post and you'll understand"     

Following Mu Jun's words, Suzy clicked on the third post and went through it.      

reading the contents of the post, Suzy could not help but raise her eyebrows.      

With a smirk on her face, she continued to gaze at the computer as she spoke "Cookie, seems like someone badly wants to latch my hubby's thigh"     

"This Xiao Ruya is really shameless. Not only did she approach brother Kim on the day of the banquet to create a misunderstanding, she had even asked the famous gossip account to post a cock and bull story. Hmph...these kinds of women are the one whom I hate the most. Now, what do you plan to do?"     

With a chuckle Suzy said "Cookie don't worry. We have still got a lot of time in our hand so just chill and....i curious to know how capable she is...haha"     

Hearing Suzy's laughter, Mu Jun shivered all over and said helplessly "Little devil, can you not laugh like a devil? that scares me"     

Rolling her eys, Suzy said "Get used to it..."     

"Sigh....fine, tell me what's the plan" Mu Jun asked     

"Check your inbox. I have just sent a mail which contains all the instructions and details"     

"Oh..okay" then suddenly thinking of something, Mu Jun suddenly asked "By the way, why are you asking me to do it? aren't you the one who is supposed to do the work?"     

Leaning back on her chair, Suzy replied nonchalantly "If I do the work then who will flirt with my hubby? Don't tell me you will"     

"what...f@** off, I'm not into gays" Mu Jun yelled     

" better not"     

Suddenly realizing something, Mu Jun asked "By the way, if I do the work then who will flirt with my baby?"     

"Don't worry cookie, since you are busy I will flirt with your can just take care of these things first"     

with that said, Suzy hung up not giving chance for Mu Jun to speak anymore.      

Staring at the phone dumply, Mu Jun's eyes widened and he cursed loudly     

"Fuck...I got played"     


An hour later, one of the famous gossip account released a post about a famous A list actress who was known for her good work and her youthful look.      

The post stated about all the good works that the actress has been doing from the time she debuted in the entertainment industry. Pictures of her goodworks was also uploaded to attract the audience.      

Because this gossip account was known for its gossips and also had large number of followers, it did not take much time for the first to become one of the trending post.      

In the FM entertainment, Qin Lui was sitting in her office checking the trending post.      

Checking the comment section, she laughed when she read all the praises the people were throwing at her.      

Swirling on the chair, she laughed and said "This gossip account is great. They really have a good eye"     

The manager who was Qin Lue's most favourite boot licker nodded her head hurriedly and said "Yes yes! they really have a good eye. They must be fortunate to receive praises from great sister Qin Lue"     

"Haha....that's right but ...this is not enough. Little beggar, get my fans to circulate this post as much as they can. I want them to praise me as much as they can" Qin Lue ordered arrangantly     

Nodding her head, the manager smiled widely and said "Yes yes....i will get them to do it right now..."     

With that said, the boot licking manager went out of the office leaving Qin Lue all alone in the room.      

Within a day, Qin Lue's name and deed was well known throughout the social media.      

Just when people were still speaking good on the previous post, the famous gossip account once again released another post which was full of praises and Qin Lue's good deed.      

on the third day, as the number of people paying attention to Qin Lue's matter increased, the famous gossip account once again released another post speaking of Qin Lue's contribution to the entertainment industry.      

The same process continued for almost a week until the Golden awards released the final list of nominees who were more likely going to be nominated for the prestigious best artist of the year award on their official account.      

As one of nomine, Qin Lue was in the moon after seeing the post. And because of the recent posts, publics opinion towards Qin Lue was also pretty good so Qin Lue almost belived that her dream award will soon belong to her but Qin Lue's happiness did not stay for long.      

Next day late morning, the same famous gossip account which was usually praising Qin Lue's good work suddenly posted a shocking news     

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