It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Will you be my Husband/Wife?

Will you be my Husband/Wife?

0Inside the office, when Kim tan was busy sorting out important files, someone knocked on his office doors.      

With his head lowered, still looking at the files Kim tan ordered in an indifferent voice "Enter"     

Opening the door slightly, assistant John walked inside and bowed to Kim tan respectfully before he reported "President, there is a delivery for you"     

Without looking up, Kim tan hummed "Hmm…"     

After getting permission, Assistant John walked out and came back after a few seconds along with another man.      

Noticing something colorful from the corner of his eyes, when he raised his head, the first thing Kim tan noticed was a bunch of Purple Lilac flowers. Looking up from the flowers, he looked at the sturdy man and raised his eyebrows questioningly.     

Bowing his head, the man looked at Kim tan respectfully and said "Mr. Kim, Ms. Suzy ordered me to deliver these flowers personally"     

After hearing the word 'personally', Kim tan noticed that the man was wearing white gloves, and the way he held the floors were also unlike his profession.      

Looking at the bunch of flowers, Kim tan suddenly smiled before he stood up from his desk and walked towards the Bodyguard to receive the flowers.      

Receiving the floors carefully, he looked gazed the floors with a warm smiled and said "You can leave now"     

Unlike earlier, Kim tan's voice was not as cold as before and was rather filled with warmth.      

Without speaking anymore, the bodyguard bowed respectfully and left the office.      

Just when Assistant John was about to leave the office, Kim tan suddenly called him from behind "John"     

Stopping on his track, assistant John turned around and asked politely "Yes Sir"     

"Get me a vase" after a pause, he continued "Wash it clean before you bring. I don't want anyone's fingerprint on it that can taint these flowers"     

Stupefied, the Assistant could only nod and leave the office to get a clean and untouched vase. To make sure that it was clean without any fingerprint, assistant John personally washed it and even wore gloves in order not to leave his fingerprint and brought it into the Kim tan's office.      

Meanwhile, inside the office, Kim tan looked at the bunch of flowers in his hand and smiled helplessly.      

After assistant John left delivering the vase, Kim tan walked to the sofa while carrying the flowers carefully and started to arrange the flowers inside the vase carefully. After arranging the flowers gracefully, he picked up the vase and walked to his office desk. Removing the unimportant files from his desk, he placed the flower on his desk and picked up the envelope that he had kept aside after receiving the flower.     

Inside the envelope, there was a note written by Suzy in beautiful writing.     

"Just like these gorgeous flowers, the first emotion of my love was as beautiful as them when I saw you for the first time"     

Grazing the letters gently with his fingers, Kim tan slowly drifted back to the beautiful memory of his first meeting with his baby girl.      

It was Sunday morning and the sun was dazzling brightly. In the Kim mansion, inside Kim tan's room, Mrs. Kim tan was dressing up the little Kim tan while speaking gently "Baby, after a long time, your mother is finally going to meet her long time best friend and mother wants to introduce you to this beautiful aunt so be good and don't misbehave"     

Looking aggrieved, Kim tan pouted and said "No, I don't want to. I want to play a new video game. I don't want to see any aunt!!" he said puffing his cheeks out cutely     

Rubbing Kim tan's head, Mrs. Kim said gently "Baby, you shouldn't speak like that. How about this, your aunt has a beautiful daughter who belongs to the same age as you. Why don't I ask to her bring her along?"     

Rolling his eyes, Kim tan spoke in disdain "Girls are too irritating and no fun to play with. They cry even for little things and are very annoying. Then playing with them I'd rather play with my toys"     

"Baby, you shouldn't speak like that. Your aunt is different and I'm sure her daughter is also different from those little girls. Listen to mommy and be good" Seeing that Kim tan was still unwilling to come along, Mrs. Kim sighed and said "Baby, at least for my sake, can you please be good? If not mommy will feel bad!"     

Looking at his mother's sad face, Kim tan finally gave in.     

Since it was Sunday and the Kids were also coming along, Mrs. Kim and Zhen Lan decided to meet in the amusement park, near the kids' paradise.     

Holding his mother's hand, with a poker face, Kim tan walked along with his mother towards the kid's paradise.      

As they were drawing near, Kim tan suddenly noticed a cute and adorable girl wearing a pink short frock and a bunny hair bend looking at an older woman with a sweet smile.      

Mesmerized by the girl's pretty face, her glittering eyes, and her dazzling smile, Kim tan felt his face flush red.      

At the same moment, little Suzy also noticed the little guy and a gorgeous lady walking towards them. When she saw little tan whose face was flushed, her eyes widened in wonder. Even though she had met and seen many cute and good looking boys, she had never seen a guy who was as beautiful as Kim tan. At this moment, she remembered the words her second uncle said not long ago 'Beautiful girls should only marry good looking boys and my most beautiful little Roulan can only marry the most good looking man'. Seeing the good looking boy walking towards her, Suzy then decided to marry him.      

As soon as the two guys met each other, before their mothers good even speak, they pointed at each other and asked at the same time     

"Will you be my wife?"     

"Will you be my husband?"     

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