It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Can Kill people like Mosquito!!

Can Kill people like Mosquito!!

0After finishing the soup, Kim tan pulled Suzy into his arms and kissed her abruptly, catching Suzy off guard.      

Engulfed in the kiss, Kim tan suddenly felt restless and was unable to control his urge.      

While bullying her lips, he moved his hands around her body restlessly, trying to feel her soft and warm body.      

Pushing her down on the seat, he moved down to capture her lips once again. feeling unsatisfied, his restless hands moved to her back and pulled the zipper down until her tail bone before roaming his hands on her bare hand.      

feeling the warm hand on her skin, Suzy shivered under his arms but did not stop him but instead hugged him tightly and lifted herself so that he could have easy access.     

Squeezing her skin in his palm, Kim tan moved his lips from her lips and started to kiss her lips, nose, ears, and neck before stopping at her collar bone. Licking and sucking her skin, he didn't let go until he marked her skin.      

Satisfied at his work, just as Kim tan was about to move down to mark her upper chest, the cell phone in his pant pocket suddenly rang.      

With a frown, Kim tan initially wanted to ignore the call but when the cell phone kept ringing repeatedly, even Suzy could no longer tolerate the annoying ringtone. Pushing Kim tan away, she urged him to take the call first.      

With a sigh, Kim tan moved away from her body and sat next to Suzy and pulled his cell phone out before he connected the call and spoke in a cold voice "What is it?"     

"boss, sorry to disturb you but I had no other choice"     

"What is it?" Kim tan asked while rubbing the space between his eyebrows     

"boss, the target has fallen into the trap. If we don't take action now, we might lose the target but I did not dare to take action without your permission"     

"go according to the plan" Kim tan replied indifferently as he watched his baby girl put on her dress and zip it up.     

"yes up" hanging up the call, while the assistant went on with his duty, Kim tan threw his cell to the front seat and pulled Suzy into his arms. Pecking on her forehead, he hugged her tightly and sighed "Sorry, I could not hold back myself"     

"Indeed, you should be sorry…but for holding back" Suzy replied with a pout.     

"Sorry, though I want to marry you right now make you mine, I can't"      

Raising her head from his embrace, Suzy looked into Kim tan's eyes and asked curiously "Why? Why can't you marry me now?"     

"Sorry, I can't tell you the reason but I can only say that this is not yet the right time" Kim tan said with a sigh     

"Fine, you don't have to tell me. I'll wait for the time when you can tell me everything by yourself until then I'll wait for you patiently" Suzy said and buried her face in his embrace again.     

Caressing her back gently, Kim tan kissed her hair and said "Don't worry, I'll not make you wait for long" 'Let me take care of these little rats first, later I can marry you without any fear….just wait for a little while"     

Under the glittering sky, the couples cuddled in each other embrace until they fell asleep on each other's arms.     

The next day…     

As soon as Suzy walked inside the company, she heard the employees gossip about yesterday's events.     

"Did you see the news? The first young master of the Kim family actually has a girlfriend"     

"Yeah, I saw it too. I wonder who is his girlfriend"     

"of course it will be someone as outstanding as him with a good family background"     

"Ahhh….I'm soo envious. Who could be that lucky girl?" another employee said with a dreamy look     

Hearing the employees' discussion, Suzy shook her head and chuckled lightly before making her way towards the elevator.     

On the way towards the office, Suzy heard many amusing rumors but she was least bothered by it. Ignoring the commotions online and offline caused by the great young master Kim, Suzy focused her full attention on the company. After attending the companies major work until the afternoon, Suzy made her way to the bright star entertainment after having her launch.      

Just like in the morning, when passing by, Suzy heard the employees and artists speak about this rumored girlfriend. Feeling a bit annoyed, Suzy increased her phase and walked in large strides towards the elevator.      

Inside Kim Lan's office…     

Rubbing the space between her eyebrows, Suzy looked at her annoying best friend who kept insulting her while reading the comments on Weibo.     

"What the heck is wrong with these people? How could they even assume so many things without even meeting that person?"     

"Damn, I want to kill this one. How dare she call you innocent and mind? If you were innocent then there wouldn't be a sinful person in this world"     

"Angel? Bruh…she is not an angel but instead, she is a demon…. a bloody demon"     

"What nonsense? Can a demon ever be innocent? Rubbish"     

"Uhh…this guy, he definitely needs to get a beating. How dare he call you a Fairy? By calling you a fairy he is literally tarnishing the word indirectly. If you were a fairy then all the fairies in the world would definitely commit suicide?     

"Wow…what kind of nonsense is this guy spouting? He says that you are so kind and gentle that you are even scared to kill a mosquito? I wonder how will this guy react when he learns that you kill people like a mosquito?"     



Having heard enough, Suzy could no longer bear with his blabbering and hit his head hard with her fist.      

Feeling the piercing pain on his head, Mu Jun groaned in pain before he looked at Suzy with an accusingly and grumbled "hey, what did I do? Why the hell did you hit me just now?"     

"Hit you? Will you believe me if I say I can kill you in one strike?" Suzy said with twisting her fist in the air     

Rubbing his aching head, Mu Jun nodded his head repeatedly and said honestly "I wouldn't dare to doubt it"      

"Hmph…Good for you. If you don't want to taste my power then zip your mouth" Suzy warned in a low voice     

Scared out of his wits, Mu Jun zipped his mouth hurriedly and did not dare to speak anymore, afraid to enrage this devil.      

Without Mu Jun's blabbering, the atmosphere turned quite and calm which was exactly what Suzy needed at this moment. Just as Suzy was about to close her eyes and rest, the office door was pushed open and someone walked inside.      

Just as Suzy was about to open her eyes to see who entered the office, she felt a soft body pounce on her followed by a sweet and enthusiastic voice "Baby!!"      

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