It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

I will definitely make you suffer for stealing my limelight

I will definitely make you suffer for stealing my limelight

0With a sigh, Mu Jun shook his head helplessly and said "What's the use? I never even get the chance to be romantic, it's always Kim Lan who acts romantic and flirts with me. I never get a chance to do that…"     

Just as Suzy was about to say something, the door of the waiting room opened and a lady dressed in green walked inside the room.      

Raising her head, Suzy smirked and said "Your romantic partner here"     

Startled, Mu Jun looked up only to find Kim Lan standing in front of the door dressed in a beautiful green evening gown. Dumbfounded, Mu Jun stared at his beautiful girlfriend in a daze and was unable to speak for a moment.      

Looking at her wifey who was staring at her in a daze, Kim lan chuckled and walked towards Suzy to give her a girly hug.      

Holding Suzy's shoulder, Kim lan gazed at her from head to toe in awe and said "Wow baby, you look soo beautiful. If I were a man I would have definitely had a hard time to control myself from kidnapping you back home"     

"Sigh, but what's the use. The one I want to be kidnapped by is the least bit interested in such thing"     

"Don't worry. There will be a time when you will be kidnapped by my brother but for now, let me kidnap my wifey for a moment" Kim Lan said with a smirk.      

Glancing at Mu Jun who was still looking at Kim Lan in a daze, Suzy sneered disdainfully "What a fool. He looks just like an idiot" then turning to Kim Lan, Suzy continued to say "But he can't be blamed when my baby girl looks so gorgeous"     

Giggling at Suzy's complement, Kim Lan winked her and followed her outside and then returned back to the room and locked the door from inside.      

Walking toward Mu Jun, Kim Lan smiled wickedly and said "How long do you want to stare at me like that? What, are you fascinated by my beauty?"     

Just as Kim Lan finished speaking, Mu Jun got up from the sofa and pushed Kim Lan against the small and slammed his lips on hers. Shocked by Mu Jun's action, Kim Lan stared at him in a daze.     

Moving away from her lips, Mu Jun stared at her with his full of passion as he said "Will you believe me if I say I don't want to take you out of this room and do something shy right here right now?"     

"You--" Just as Kim Lan wanted to speak, Mu Jun slammed his lips on hers again and blocked the words she was just about to speak.      

Blinded by love and passion, Kim Lan slowly lost herself in his kisses and gave herself to him but unfortunately, Due to the special occasion, the pair had to restrain themself for time being.     

In the banquet, after leaving the resting lounge, Suzy lazily walked towards the garden where there was no one around.      

Because she and Mu Jun had to make a grand appearance later, they were initially not allowed to go inside. Only when the banquet starts were they allowed making their way inside.      

Looking up at the sky, Suzy sat on a nearby chair and lazily watched as the sky was gradually turning dark. Only when the time was right did Suzy finally head back inside. Only When Suzy disappeared did a figure finally walked out from the darkness and glared at Suzy ferociously and said "Little bitch, I'm not going to let you go so easily"     

In the open hall, all the celebrities made their way to their assigned seats and waited for the host to start to program officially. The press reporters who were permitted from the team were checked thoroughly before they were allowed to enter the venue.      

At half-past seven, the host made his way up the stage and welcomed the guest and the reporters before he welcomed the director and scriptwriter. After giving a heart touching speech, the director personally welcomed Kim tan on the stage and introduced him to the crowd as the investor of the movie. After a brief introduction, just as the director and Kim tan walked down to their designated seat, the host excitedly said     

"Now…it's time to welcome the stars of the movie who played the most important role in bringing success to the movies. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome the sever charming Mr. Mu Jun and the gorgeous angel Ms. Suzy"     

Followed by the host's words, a thunderous clap resounded in the open hall and two figures slowly walked to the stage from the backstage.      

As soon as Mu Jun and Suzy appeared, the hall gradually quietened and everyone could hear people gasp loudly and murmur "So Beautiful"     

Of course, all these compliments were directed towards Suzy. Looking at the gorgeous lady dressed in black ascend the stage, the crowd could not help but feel mesmerized by the beauty. One could hear whispers of praises and compliments thrown at Suzy.     

While the crown was stunned into silence by Suzy's beauty, there was certain someone who was almost on the verge of losing his heart.     

Earlier because his focus was somewhere else, Kim tan failed to notice Suzy's beautiful appearance in the live show but when he finally saw her beautiful appearance, Kim tan felt his heart skip several beats.      

That sweet smile, her dark twinkling eyes, her pink plump lips, her body, her elegance…everything looked so beautiful that Kim tan was unable to turn his eyes.      

To outsiders, Kim tan might look expressionless and appeared to be the least bit moved by Suzy's beauty but Kim ting as Kim tan's little brother knew very well what his brother was thinking at this moment just looking at his eyes.      

As the saying goes "Ones face could lie but not their eyes", the same thing was also happening with Kim tan.      

Feeling certain someone's passionate gaze, Suzy glanced at certain seats but blushed faintly when she saw that certain someone's look. Thankfully she was wearing blush or else she would have been definitely noticed by the host.      

Looking at Suzy who was looking beautiful and hearing the compliments, Xiao Ruya bit her lips in jealousy and thought "Suzy…It's you again. You wait, I will definitely make you suffer for stealing my limelight…Hmph"     

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