It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Locked her in a box naked and then dumped her into a Sea!!

Locked her in a box naked and then dumped her into a Sea!!

0Picking up a piece of meat, Suzy placed it on her table and said nonchalantly "Do you think it's easy to mess with my hubby?"     

After thinking for a moment, Mu Jun finally realized that it was really not easy to mess with the devil. Thinking of that, he said "Well you are right. It is indeed tough to deal with that certain someone but still…aren't you dissatisfied that someone is eyeing your boyfriend?"     

"She can look and plan all she wants because, in the end, she will be one who will pay for it"     

Hearing Suzy's nonchalant words, Mu Jun suddenly shivered. For a moment he had almost forgotten that the person next to him was no ordinary one. Messing up with her was equal to offending the demoness.      

Imagining Suzy's demoness character, Mu Jun trembled slightly. Recalling something, Mu Jun suddenly leaned over and asked in a low voice "by the way, I forgot to ask you. The girl who previously tried to seduce Kim tan in his office, What happened to her?"     

"I don��t know" Suzy replied nonchalantly while cutting the meat and eating it elegantly.      

Hearing Suzy's words, Mu Jun was shocked to the core "What!" he almost yelled loudly when he heard Suzy. Realizing that he was too loud, he smiled awkwardly and apologized to the people on the next table before turning his attention back to Suzy.      

Moving further closer, he asked in an extremely low voice "Are you serious? Since when did you become kind enough to forgive people who had messed up with you?"     

With a frown, Suzy turned to Mu Jun and said in annoyance "can you move back a bit? You're too close. If my hubby sees you sticking so close then I'm afraid you won't be able to see your baby girl tomorrow" Realizing that he was sticking to close, Mu Jun smiled awkwardly and apologized before moving back.      

Once there was a certain distance between them, Suzy continued to speak "And, when did I say that I forgave her and did not do anything to her?"     

"huh? Then where is that girl? What happened to her? What did you do to her?" Mu Jun asked hurriedly     

Ignoring the first two questions, Suzy directly answered the third question "nothing! I just investigated her background to find whether she was a good lady or not but too bad, she turned to be the worst one so I just helped her by revealing her true colors in public"     

Hearing Suzy's words, just as Mu Jun was about to sigh in relief, Suzy continued to speak "After that, I forced her and locked her inside a box naked and then dumped her into a Sea…after that I don't have any idea about what happened to here"      

".…" 'I should be an idiot to think that this demoness had a heart'. No longer in the mood to eat after hearing about the girls ending, Mu Jun decided to just drink the wine to ease his mood.      

Moving to a quiet corner, while Mu Jun was drinking the wine quietly, a woman appeared out of nowhere and forced a note to his hand. While Mu Jun was caught off guard, the woman moved closer to him and whispered "handsome, tonight at eleven, meet me at this place….something exciting is waiting for you there"     

Recognizing the voice, instead of being shocked Mu Jun was pleasantly surprised and he almost started to wag his tail excitedly. Who else other than Kim lan could make this young man wag his tail in happiness?      

Looking down at the note and then at Kim Lan's back, Mu Jun almost jumped in excitement. How could he not understand his baby girls' motive? Just imagining his baby girl's naked body under him was making him lose his sense cause of excitement. Folding the paper, he carefully kept it inside and looked around to make sure that none of the reporters noticed this exchange.      

Thankfully, Mu Jun was standing in a dark corner and hence no one saw the transaction, or else he would surely have a headache after this.     

When it was almost half-past ten, the director his last vote of thanks before concluding the banquet. To reporters, it was another sleepless night. With three exciting news in their hand, the reporters could not wait to rush back and prepare the three sets of news and release them the next day. The reporters could almost imagine their websites being bombarded by the fans the next day after releasing the video. Though they were not sure about the third news, they were confident about the other two videos. If it was someone else who was involved in the scandal, the reporters would not be afraid to create some stories to prove the relationship between Kim tan and Xiao Ruya but because the person who was involved was Kim tan himself, the devil king, the reporters did not dare to make assumptions and could only report on what happened in the banquet.     

Considering all these points, while the reporters were working overtime, Kim tan and Suzy were currently traveling to the hill which was not far away from the city.      

After reaching the highest point, Kim tan did not get out of the car but instead opened the sunroof. Opening the car door, he got down from the car and moved to the other side where Suzy was sitting. Opening the car door, he suddenly pulled Suzy into his arms and picked her up and brought her to the back seat. After making sure that Suzy was sitting comfortably on the back seat, Kim tan opened the dashboard a took out a hot box containing hangover soup and passed it to Suzy while saying "I asked Xi Rong to prepare it. You seemed to have drunk quite a lot today. Drink this hangover soup now…it can help you to relive your hangover" Kim tan said while smiling warmly.     

Taking the box from his hand, Suzy smiled brightly before scooping a spoonful of soup and drank it once. While having the soup, she noticed that Kim tan kept staring at her without moving his eyes away. Feeling a bit awkward, Suzy bit her lips before scooping a spoon full of soup and showing it in front of Kim tan's mouth.      

Surprised, Kim tan gazed at the spoon and then Suzy before opening his mouth to drink the mouth.      

"hmm, the soup seems to be very tasty after you tasted it can never be as tasty as your lips" Kim tan said with a flirtatious smile.     

Shocked, Suzy's face turned red after realizing what he was talking about.      

Hitting his arms with her other hand, she pouted "Pervert"     

Afraid that Kim tan might repeat the things he did in the resting room earlier, Suzy hurriedly moved back and continued to drink her soup obediently.     

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