It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Boss, can you please restrain yourself from revealing your name???

Boss, can you please restrain yourself from revealing your name???

0Not far away from the resort, near the beach…A middle-aged man along with his mistress was enjoying a pleasant moment on the beach but their beautiful moment was ruined when his cell phone rang on the table. Holding his mistress in one hand, he stretched his other hand out to pick his cell phone. Glancing at the caller Id, he smiled when he found it was his daughter and picked up the cell phone. As soon as he picked the call he heard a hoarse voice belonging to a woman from the other side.     

"Hello…Boss Sun"     

Shocked, the middle-aged man pushed his mistress away stood up from his chair abruptly. He was not shocked when he heard a stranger's voice instead of his daughter, but instead, he was shocked when he heard the other party call his name.     

After becoming the boss of the devil's eyes, he had hidden his real identity and no one knew his real name. Only a few people were aware of his real name.     

Gazing at the sea, he calmed his mind and asked in a cold voice "Who are you?"     

���Hmm…make a guess," Suzy said in a playful voice     

"Look, I'm not interested in these childish game," the middle-aged man said coldly     

"But I'm interested to play" 'So you have to obey me' though Suzy did not say these words, the other party could already guess the next sentence.      

Frustrated, he rubbed the space between his brows and yelled through the phone "Who the fucking are you? Where's my daughter?"     

"Who am I…that I'll let you guess and about your daughter…she is fine. She is enjoying her young age at the resort…Ah, I envy her" Suzy answered with a grin     

"What did you do to my daughter? Let me warn you, if you dare to land your hands on my daughter then I'm going to kill you"     

"haha…old man, forget about killing me, you won't even be able to touch me….you're too weak to even stand in front of me"     

"Hmph….presumptuous"the middle-age man snorted     

"Sigh…people nowadays are too foolish to even differentiate between the truth and a lie" Suzy sighed in another side     

"Stop bullshitting and come to the point…. What exactly do you want?" the middle-aged man yelled from the other side     

"Heard that the assassins under you had hijacked a plane where the general and officials were traveling in?"     

"You--how did you know?" the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and asked from the other side     

"Well, you don't have to know that. I just want you to order your men to release the hostage and get their ass out of the plane"     

"What if I don't want to release them?" the other side asked with a smug smile     

"Haha...old man, I hate it when the other side is disobedient and doesn't listen to my words" Suzy replied with a cold smile     

"So what if I'm disobedient? What, are you going to kill my daughter?" the other side asked smugly     

"Haha…old man, I'm not so low to use a family member to threaten the enemy"     

"Then Why are you holding my daughter as your hostage?"     

"When did I say I was holding your daughter as a hostage? I'm just using her mobile?"     

Feeling something amiss, the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and asked coldly "What do you mean?"     

"Tsk tsk….sure enough, your brain has also degraded because of your lust. Don't you know how dangerous technology can be?"     

"What do you mean?"     

"What do I mean…you'll know it in a few seconds" Then without giving the other party a chance to speak, Suzy started to count down "10….9….8….7….6….5….4…3…2…1…..Surprise" As soon as Suzy finished speaking, a helicopter flew above his head, and then a few men dressed in a black uniform with a white snake emblem on their left chest pocket and wearing a black mask that covered half of their face surrounded them from every direction.      

When the middle-aged man identified the snake emblem, he almost kneeled in fright. Any normal person who was connected to the underworld could easily identify these people's background just based on their snake emblem and the black mask. Even if one wanted to duplicate their uniform and their mask, it was highly impossible. The mask was specially designed by a cobra member and was hard to replicate and at the same time, the snake emblem also had its own special features.     

Looking at these assassins who belonged to the Cobra organization, the middle-aged man finally remembered about the woman with whom he had just spoken. Finally realizing the identity of the other side, he picked the cell phone and stuttered "You-you are Sh-shadow?"     

With a playful smile on her face, Suzy replied "Bingo…you finally found my identity but were too late"     

After waiting for a few seconds, when Suzy still did not hear any sound from the other side, she frowned and called "Hello? Old man…are you there? Are you ignoring me? How dare you ignore me, you old monk…You--"      

before Suzy could continue swearing the old man, she heard a familiar voice from the other side "hello.."     

Recognizing the voice from the other side, Suzy furrowed her brows and called "Uncle?"     

Rubbing the space between his brows, Uncle Rong stared down at the middle-aged who had passed out and sighed helplessly "Boss, can you please restrain yourself from revealing your name?"     

"Huh? What happened? Why are you answering? Where is that old man?"     

"Sigh…he fainted"     

Dumbfounded, Suzy asked again "Fainted? Why did he faint?"     

"Don't you know the reason why he fainted ?"     

Scratching the back of her head, Suzy smiled sheepishly and asked "Is My name that terrifying?"     

"More than that…Now what to do with him?"     

"Of course, wake him up and ask him to order his men to retreat"     

"Yes boss"     

"Okay then, I will leave this work to you"     

"yes boss"     

Hanging up the call, Suzy stood up and stretched her hands lazily. Walking towards the young girl who was staring at her with her mouth agape, Suzy passed her phone and said "Thank You for lending your phone, bye-bye"     

Then without turning back, Suzy walked out of the room and left the resort and returned back in the same way she had come.     

Initially, Suzy's fellow subordinates did not have any idea about what their boss was planning to do but they soon got to know that their boss just used the enemy's daughter's cell phone to call him and locate him. From the start, she did not have any plan of using the young girl to threaten the enemy. Their boss was really…cool!!     

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