It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Hello...Boss Sun!!

Hello...Boss Sun!!

0After checking on the data, Hacker no.6,7and 8 reported "Boss, we did not find anyone similar to the devils' eyes boss check in any hotel or resort"     

Just after the later finished, hacker no. 9 and 15 reported "Boss, here are the details of the devils' eye's boss"     

Looking at the large screen showing the complete details of devil's' eyes boss, Suzy thought for a moment and said "what about his family?"     

"One-second boss" After saying that the hacker no. 9 typed a series of words on the keyboard and the next moment details about his family was shown on the screen.      

Just like other perverted gangsters, devil's eyes boss was also a lusty man drooling on a beautiful woman. Other than having two wives, he has lots of mistress and girlfriends but the only two people whom he loves is his dearest daughter whom he has pampers a lot and then his son who is going to be the next head.      

Looking at the screen, Suzy's eyes shone brightly with an idea "Check those two people location"     

Startled, everyone turned around and looked at Suzy weirdly.      

Raising her eyebrows, Suzy looked at them and asked "What?"     

Afraid to offend their boss, none of them stepped forward to answer and remained sitting on their seat staring at Suzy.      

Seeing the situation, Uncle Rong sighed a little and he stepped forward to say "Boss, you know that we never include or use family to threaten the boss"     

"Who said I'm going to threaten him by using his daughter?" Suzy asked in an amused tone     


Without giving a chance to speak, Suzy continued to say "I have my own plan. Now stop wasting your time and get to work. Search the location where his children are residing"     

No longer delaying, the hacker nodded his head and said "Yes boss"     

After typing a few keywords, the screen showed the location where the two people were staying.     

With a smile on her face, Suzy thought 'It's time to take action' with that thought, she looked ordered "Team A and the others, get ready…uncle Rong, you're going to lead them. No.9 and 15, both of you are going to follow me"     

"Yes, boss!"      

Making her way to the equipment room, Suzy grabbed a few necessary tools for the mission before making her way towards the car. After giving a few more instructions to team A, she got into a black van and made her way to the location where the daughter was staying at.      

The reason why Suzy choose the daughter over the reason was first because no matter how excellent a son was, a daughter will always be the who will receive lots of love from her father and the second reason was the location where the daughter was staying was relatively near when compared to the son. Hence Suzy decided to meet this daughter.      

After traveling for an hour, Suzy and her team reached a resort which was heavily guarded. One could almost see many armed bodyguards guarding outside. Stopping their van a few meters away from the resort, Suzy looked at the people through her binoculars.      

"Hack the CCTV…search where is the girl currently staying at?" Suzy ordered     

"Yes, boss..." After looking through the CCTV cameras, when the hacker found the location the girl is staying at he reported "Boss…she is currently staying at the east wing"     

"How many bodyguards are there?"     

"Around thirty of them"     

"Check if there is any other way"     

"Yes, boss…." After taking a glimpse of the resort blueprint, he said "Boss, you have only one way but you might have to climb the house if you want to enter the room where the girl is staying at"     

"Hmm….okay. Keep in touch and keep updating me about the situation"     

"Yes, boss…"     

"No. 15, follow my back," Suzy said before getting down from the van     

"Yes boss" he replied and complied with the orders.     

Making their way towards the back of the resort, Suzy climbed up a tree and hid in the branches covered by the leaves. Taking out her binoculars, Suzy looked around thoroughly and made note of the bodyguards' position. When the time was right, Suzy jumped up from the branches and landed on the roof perfectly. Turning to her partner who was tagging along with her, Suzy nodded her head and signaled him to head in the other direction.     

Crawling on the roof, Suzy made her way towards the roof end and cautiously peeped her head down from there. Taking a clear look at her surroundings, she jumped down from the roof and rolled behind the pillar.      

Just as a bodyguard passed her, she slowly moved behind and hit his neck making him fall down unconscious. Kicking the guard behind the wall, Suzy loaded her gun and made her way to the room where the young girl was staying at.      

When Suzy was only a few meters away from the girl's room, she saw four guards guarding the door.      

Just then she happened to hacker no.15 in the opposite hall. Nodding her head, she signaled him to move into action.      

Understanding Suzy's signal, he nodded his head and fired his gun in the air.      

Hearing the gunshot, the guards were startled and were on their guards. Looking at each other they nodded their head in understanding and two of the guard drew their gun and made their way towards the place where the gunshot sound came from.      

While the guards were still frowning and looking at the direction where their two subordinates disappeared, Suzy took the chance to move closer to them.      

Just as the guards turned back, they were stunned to see a woman wearing a mask standing in front of them and before they could get back to their sense, Suzy smiled and said "Hi" after greeting them she hit the guard 1's forehead and kicked his knee then attacked the second guard and directly tossed him on the ground. Her action was soo fast and only took mere seconds that even after getting beaten up the guards were still out of their sense.      

As the guards were groaning in pain, the room door opened and a girl appeared in front of the door with a frown.      

After seeing the guards who were lying on the floor and groaning, she was startled and wanted to close the door but before she could, Suzy appeared in front of her and pulled her inside the room.      

Pushing her on the couch, Suzy picked the girl's cell phone and searched for a number.      

Looking at Suzy with wide eyes, the girl asked in a shaky voice "What are you doing?"     

Typing a series of numbers on her cell phone, Suzy called her uncle and hung up before the other party could answer the call. After that, she took her mobile out and sent a message to her uncle.      

Without answers to the young girl, Suzy passed her cell phone and said "Call your father"     

Scared out of her wits, the girl asked in a shaky voice "Why should I call my father? I won't "     

Looking at the young girl who was only three years younger than her, Suzy said with a smile "Little girl, don't worry I won't do anything to you. I just want you to call your father if not this sister won't go easy on you…Ah, to assure you I won't do anything to your father so you can relax"     

"I don't believe you," the girl said      

Shrugging her shoulder, Suzy replied lazily "It doesn't matter. You only have one choice, call your father"     

Staring at Suzy for a minute, the girl reached out her hand and dialed her father's personal number.      

As soon as the call was answered, Suzy snatched the cell phone from her hand and walked towards the couch and sat on it lazily. Crossing her legs on one another, Suzy lazily rested her head on her hand and put the cell phone next to her ear and spoke in a wicked voice     

"hello…Boss Sun!!"     

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