It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Is it possible for me to run away from here….now?

Is it possible for me to run away from here….now?

0A few minutes back…     

After sleeping like a log for the whole night, Suzy was finally awakened by the bright sunlight that entered through the window, disturbing her peaceful sleep. Getting up from the bed, she felt very dizzy for a moment but did not suffer from headache…thanks for Kim tan, If he had not prepared the hangover soup and fed it to her forcefully, Suzy would have been suffering from a splitting headache by now.     

Stretching herself up, she looked down only to be shocked to see herself lying half-naked on the bed. Though she was startled and shocked, there was a tinge of excitement and expectation in her eyes. But she felt nothing inside….doubtful, she removed the quilt and looked at the soft mattress but did not find any trace of blood.     

'Sigh….I must have thought too much' she thought and got up from her bed to freshen up. Thankfully, a set of the dress was prepared for her and Kim tan inside the room so Suzy was not worried about staying naked for the whole day. Suddenly realizing something, she went back to the bedroom to find Kim tan but could not find him anywhere. Only when she felt slight movements coming from the balcony, she walked towards the balcony only to find Kim tan sleeping on the couch. Worried, Suzy tried to wake him up but Kim tan was sleeping like a log.     

Sighing, she walked out of the room to check on the other people. When she walked down, she saw Kim lan sitting on the sofa and sipping the tea while watching the entertainment news.     

"You're awake?" Suzy asked as she walked towards the couch.     

Seeing Suzy's arrival, Kim lan was surprised "You're awake so early?" she asked while she scanned Suzy from head to toe     

"Huh? Do you expect me to sleep like a log for a whole day?" Suzy asked looking puzzled.     

"Sigh…so it did not happen?" a little disappointed to find that her plan had failed.     

"Hmm…what plan?" Suzy asked when she still did not understand Kim Lan.     

"Nothing…Just forget it" She said and continued to sip on her tea. Remembering something, She looked up and asked "Oh…by the way, where is your cousin…I didn't see her from morning?"     

"Hmm, …she is still not up? But my cousin is an early bird. She never wakes up late"     

"But I did not see any movements from the third room"     

"Maybe she had left early?"     

"I don't think so, without the key card, she won't be able to use the lift"     

"Hmm…I guess she's still inside the room"     

"Maybe…hmm? Why don't I find ting?"     

"Huh? Are you saying that…"     

"Are they fighting again?"     

"Maybe…not…" Suzy replied doubtfully as she thought 'Oh no…they cannot fight. If Kim ting fights with Naya, he will find her identity and then it will not be that hard for Kim ting and Kim tan to find that I'm Shadow…no, I can't blow my cover now'     

Placing her cup down, she stood up and started to walk upstairs as she said: "Let's check them…"     

Reaching the room, when Suzy was just about to knock on the door, Kim lan suddenly exclaimed in surprise "Oh, the door is open"     

When Kim lan was about to push the door open, Suzy held her hands back and asked: "What are you doing?"     

"hehe…catching them red hand…..What if they are doing something they should not? hehe "Kim lan joked and pushed the door but was held back by Suzy who was a little hesitant. But the small gap was enough to transmit the sound which was sealed within the room to pass on to Suzy and Kim lan. Hearing someone sobbing pitifully, Suzy and Kim lan were startled and they pushed the door open with a bang but after they saw the things inside, they were a little….no no, more than dumbfounded.     

Their eyes moved towards Kim ting who was wrapped in a quilt like a dumpling, who was looking very pitiful with his body trembling uncontrollably, and then towards Shanaya who's shoulders and neck was covered with hickeys and then their eyes fell on the soft mattress which looked a little messy and had a stain of red blood. Finally realizing the situation, both Suzy and Kim Lan were left dumbfounded.     

Suzy: "….."     

Kim Lan: "OH…MY…GWAD!!!!"     

But the next moment, the initial silent room turned upside down when Kim Lan suddenly Jumped on Kim ting to beat him up while cursing him loudly "Bastard….how dare you take advantage of a girl when she is drunk….don't you have any shame?….How could you do this to an innocent young girl?"     

Seeing the wild Kim lan who was about to pounce on him, Kim ting jumped off the bed while covering himself with quilt, he started to run around the room to escape Kim Lan's tiger claws.     

Chasing after Kim ting, Kim Lan did not stop even for a second. "Bastard….little devil….how dare you to taint my best friends baby sister?….do you want to die?….hey, you…come here or else….once I catch hold of you, I'm going to make you crippled"     

"Ah….hey Kim lan, stop throwing things on me….hey….it was me who was taken advantage off….I'm the victim here but you are blaming on innocent for something he did not do….hey hey…stop it"     

"bastard, not only did you take advantage of little Naya, you even dared to throw all the blame on her? Do you think I would believe you?…hey, you come here….I won't let you off until I turn you upside down…"     

"Ahh….little devil, stop right there…ahh, sister in law, save me…..I did not do anything to your sister, it was the other way around….please save me….Ahh, sister in law..believe me….your little brother is innocent"     

"You motherf****r… dare you to lie to us? Not only did you taint her, you even took her holy virginity? How dare you to do that….now who is going to marry her? How will she be able to face herself to others and herself? How could you do this to such a cute, innocent girl? Idiot, ra****, Bastard, A**h**e, I'm not going to let you off today….."     

"Ahh Little devil, stop chasing me and let's talk okay? Don't forget that I'm your cousin...your brother…hmm?" Kim ting tried to calm Kim Lan hurriedly but instead of calming down, Kim Lan's anger flared up.     

"Bastard….don't you even think of escaping now… this point of time, you still want me to talk with you patiently huh?…impossible….you wait there…..once I catch you, I'll not stop beating you even if you beg me…." From the corner of her eyes, Kim Lan suddenly saw a vase sitting on the table. Walking towards the table, she picked it up and was about to throw it on when Suzy who was in a daze all this while returned to her sense and hurriedly walked towards Kim Lan to stop her from throwing the vase. Keeping the vase away, she hugged her from behind to stop her from chasing Kim ting again.     

"Baby, leave me….I'm not going to spare him today….even if the great god ascends from the heaven, I'm not going to spare him….Suzy leave me…"     

"Okay fine…now calm down Lan...okay?" Suzy tried to console Kim lan but it was no use. Kim lan did not stop cursing at Kim ting and kept wriggling in her embrace.     

"A**h**e, F*****, @@@@,####,@#@@,*&*#, %@*&#….I'm not going to leave you.."     

"Ah, Sister in law, please hold this crazy women tightly….don't let her go…."     

"A******, who are you calling crazy women?….now wait, this crazy women will show you how crazy she can be…..grhhh"     

Just when Kim lan was about to pounce on Kim ting with all her might, when a dumbfounded voice suddenly heard inside the room "W-what is going on…here?"     

Turning their head towards the door, all the three people inside the room were dumbfounded and more than everyone, Shanaya felt so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole and hide...     

Shanaya "…."'Is it possible for me to run away from here….now?'     

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